There are still a few issues when I want to use the XBOX 360 controller for ARMA 3 (mainly for chopper flying). Here goes:
- It is impossible (as far as I know) to put free look on the right analog stick. I have tried "look up", "look up" (the 2nd one), "aim up" and "look up (analog)". All of these options don't work inside of a chopper. Basicly what I want is to have the free look that you get if you press ALT + move the mouse, on my right analog stick. It does not seem possible.
- You can set various actions to the right trigger (RT) but apparently not "Fire" (weapon). Also, aim down the sights cannot be mapped to left trigger (LT). Almost every shooter on the XBOX 360 uses this button layout: LT = aim down the sights ("Optics"), RT = fire. It just... doesn't work.
As a final notice, I would advice you to at least make a default keymapping for some of the most used controllers, because it's really hard for the average user to set all the controls themselves...