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- User Since
- Aug 12 2013, 10:17 PM (600 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
eXploader1024 added a comment to T71056: XBOX 360 Controller not working correctly..
"Menu -> Configure -> Game -> General -> Vehicle Freelook" should fix your problem.
edit - For the looking around with the right stick that is.
eXploader1024 added a comment to T71055: Add extra aspect ratio options to the dropdown in the video configuration..
Adding an automatic option would pretty much fix this (especial when playing in a window). +1
eXploader1024 added a comment to T71053: Stance adjustments as separate keystrokes instead of only [Ctrl].
Both could be solved the same way but, that one is more focused toward ways to use the scroll wheel while mine is specifically stance control. I appreciate your feedback though. The more ways to customize the input of controlling the game, the better in my opinion.
eXploader1024 edited Steps To Reproduce on T71053: Stance adjustments as separate keystrokes instead of only [Ctrl].
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
eXploader1024 added a comment to T61210: Voice commands for the AI.
Would be a great feature in Arma 3. Perhaps they could use the speech recognition already imbedded in Windows so they wouldn't need to make any custom speech recognition.