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Armoured Vehicles USELESS on Inclines
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It's long been an issue in Arma in my opinion that vehicles like the Marshall seem
completely incapable of driving up any incline even on the Road without losing all speed and momentum.

IRL these vehicles are far more Capable than there counterparts reproduce in Arma. And frankly its frustrating and painstaking to drive one any sort of distance across even Stratis - even if its more accurate than i realise, from a playability point of view I think some more up hill power would make it far less painful and would appeal to those a little less Hardcore than us Arma fanboys.


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Won't Fix
Steps To Reproduce

Drive a Marshall or a Madrid up any Hills, on Road, Off road.

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AmTheAgent edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
AmTheAgent set Category to Movement.
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AmTheAgent set Resolution to Won't Fix.
AmTheAgent set Legacy ID to 1533956222.May 7 2016, 3:36 PM

Arma is a game for hardcore players though, but armored vehicles are still WIP. They do have a better climbing ability in real life, but stating you want it changed because you don't like that this is one of the few popular and acual hardcore games left on the market. You will just be downvoted for saying you want things made less realistic and more arcade like. What you should do is: find out what the vehicles in Arma are based off of then research there climbing ability and stae it realistically if you want to have a chance of the devs and community changing this ingame!

I understand its a hardcore game, and for the most part its what I enjoy about the game, but simply down voting because I used the words less hardcore is a bit rough. This process is about giving them info on aspects of the game that are still WIP so they can improve it for the full release. All your down vote achieves is that the possibility of this issue being addressed is reduced.

I'm pretty sure a vehicle with a Diesel engine putting out somewhere around 2000NM of Torque at 1300RPM can get up an incline on a road without too much trouble.

I'm also pretty sure they know as much about the vehicles specs as I do.

I downvoted because you did not accurately say which vehicles in real life can go "x" amount of speed on "x" degrees of inclination.

For the devs to change things like this they want accurate information and sources to back it it up.

The vehicle I'd say the Marshall is based on; Though it doesnt specify exactly the speed at which it climbs each incline, look at its specs and each can decide for themselves if they think it performs adequately in Game.

The manufacture would know this, and it would have to been somewhere on the Internet. If not mabey ask the creator?

The manufacturer doesn't specify it's actual speed at inclines, only it's maximum capabilities probably because it does depend on what configuration it's running.

But as you can See, She's pretty agile off road. And ingame, at an incline of about 30% on a Road she almost comes to a complete stop.

The MOWAG Piranha 5 8x8 (probably the closest analogue to the Marshall) has a hp to tonne rating of 22 hp/tonne, putting it in the realm of most MBT's and APC's. It has 1850 Nm of torque, and is capable of a top speed of 100 km/h []. Yet, in Arma, it slows to a crawl on slopes of 30 degrees, when in reality that same speed would be achievable on 60 degree slopes (1 min 15 secs in the above video). This is why the ingame Marshall has to have its hill-climbing ability improved.

@TROPtastic The link above ( of the Piranha -

And I agree with you whole heartedly.

Ah, ok, my apologies. Edited.

Grinya added a subscriber: Grinya.May 7 2016, 3:36 PM

Wheeled vehicles too ultimate in Arma, especially when offroad. Real life wheeled vehs disigned for light offroad like plains and dirty flat surfaces, it's totally incapable to fast move on rought surfaces like hills and mountains. In Arma wheeled too excellent. This happen due to specific Arma terrain engine (all surfaces very smooth) and heven't any natural irregularities such as cracks, gaps. Wheeled vehicles in Arma equals to tracked in offroad abilities. Arma developers not planning to change surface(terrain) engine, so need to reduce wheeled on offroad and rise on road.

@Grinya If you make these vehicles any less capable you may as well remove them from the game.

Your post refers more to their off road capability - which is extremely hard I would imagine from a developers point of view to govern. However, when On a road a 30% incline should not present any problems for the Marshall or Madrid.

Physics of wheeled vehicles is most unrealistic part of Arma series. If it was good on OFP, but it not suitable for Arma 3. I never like when Hummers in Arma 2 rides across mountains of Takistan at speed near road speed, climbing any slopes with out slipping. Such things we can see in Arma 3 too. It too frustrating when vehicle without specific offroad capabilities appears where i can't be or need much time for it. It's crush tactical expextation when playing. Loog Google for pictures of wheeled army vehs. Most of them stand on road, because it most effective on road. And used to deliver personal to frontline with cannon support. Read military documentation at
quote, page 23:
Tactical Wheeled Vehicle (TWV) – Multipurpose or special purpose military wheeled platforms which transport personnel and all classes of supply, to include equipment and dry or liquid cargo. They perform general or specific missions, and support all warfighting functions (Movement and Maneuver, Intelligence, Fires, Sustainment, Command and Control, and Protection). They are specially designed vehicles, or commercial vehicles modified to meet certain military requirements, and are capable of safely operating on primary and secondary roads at highway speeds. They are capable of operating off-road; the degree of off-road mobility varies.
"...and are capable of safely operating on primary and secondary roads at highway speeds. They are capable of operating off-road; the degree of off-road mobility varies"!!!!!! is it ultimate off-road ability???

It's good feelings when I'm right against whole crowd... ))

I'm glad you think you're right. But I'll say it one last time - my Gripe is more directed at how they operate on ROADS (Inc Dirt Roads) not how they perform mountain Climbing. I don't expect my vehicles of any type to Climb off road Mountains covered in rocks. However I don't expects a very low inclined Grass hill would give them much trouble either.

Wheeled should be more effective on roads, sure!