9800x3d + 4080 super and im expericing this issue, is there a fix or a planned patch?
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Jan 8 2025
Hello Geez,
I play with Dragonlotion quite often on Arma, I can vouch for him, he is a good-quality player, been around for a long time.
It is common for people to votekick (so possibly also report?) , if for example you dismantle arsenals at the beginning of matches in order to relocate supplies to progress the match.. maybe this is a cause?
This error is driving me crazy... Nothing helps, not even the reportedly reliable fix with renaming the character in the main menu and then renaming it back (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T185617).
I don't understand why this is still there after so much time. Not blaming anyone here, it's just frustrating.
I played DayZ for over a week and everything was fine. Now, when logging on to the server, it either crashes immediately and issues an error or in the first 5 minutes. Lags, crashes, impossible to play. I have archived the error report, I am also attaching a screenshot of the error, tell me what to do and how to be. I don't want to forget about this game.
Jan 7 2025
Yes, we need this fixed.
Example of taking magazines from an Arsenal (.gif):
Taking multiple magazines fills load-bearing system to 8 magazines, fills the pants, then the t-shirt, then proceeds to fill the rest of the load-bearing system.
In T185617#2728787, @andro_dawton wrote:1.26 is rough with this bug. Have it every day.
pressed Apply and tried to connect againHe said change the name and change it back. Did you?
Probably needs its own ticket but considering it relates to FPS dropping ill add it here as a comment. Driving through more than 3 or so sandbags in quick succession in a truck massively reduces fps aswell. For some reason the destruction of sandbags really takes a toll on the system.
Hi Geez,
It seems fixed, I got right into the first two servers that I tried 5179 & 5095. Thanks
Another match same hacker
The log files won't help. To figure out which item(s) have the problem, pack the following code into a small servermod. It should then print the type of the item to crash.log:
@Geez - can you take another glance at the log files there for us?
In T188027#2733336, @everelizalde wrote:In T188027#2733312, @byNautiic wrote:Which TV/display are you using?
I do not have any issues on my Series X.
Could be an issue only on Series S also. But would probably need more people to confirm.I wouldn't really know how to describe my TV, but it's a normal plasma TV. The issue has been experimented on two different TVs. Do you have a smooth gameplay experience on performance mode on series X? if that's the case I'm jealous. I hope more people can confirm that it's horrible on Series S so that BI can do something about it.
In T188027#2733312, @byNautiic wrote:Which TV/display are you using?
I do not have any issues on my Series X.
Could be an issue only on Series S also. But would probably need more people to confirm.
Also btw the old script join method that pressed buttons in the server browser no longer works
based <3
Clearly a Hacker. We shouldn't have to deal with this, especially since they work with Anti-Cheat on the bootup.
Also occurs in the playstation version btw.
Which TV/display are you using?
I do not have any issues on my Series X.
Could be an issue only on Series S also. But would probably need more people to confirm.
In T187490#2733286, @everelizalde wrote:I can confirm this issue on XBOX as well. Game feels smooth on Fidelity, but Performance makes it very unstable, and it stutters when I move the camera to look around. Very distracting.
T187586 ?
I can confirm this issue on XBOX as well. Game feels smooth on Fidelity, but Performance makes it very unstable, and it stutters when I move the camera to look around. Very distracting.
Profiling branch v18 and 2.20
Confirmed. The performance is just horrible no matter what mode. Hardcore screen tearing and low fps and dips.
Confirmed. Way too small. Needs options to adjust.
Confirmed. There is definitely something wrong.
HDR and SDR on LCD 4k TV absolutely unplayable. No sliders to adjust anything.
My guess is that HDR is not implemented properly on the PS5.
I've noticed that there was a -validate parameter added to the ScriptEditor module but it does not seem to work.
In such case any information in regards to the glitch would be useful so we can produce said glitch on our end so we can patch it and it can be no longer used.
If server has no config file (like player hosted server) many config dependent entries will be missing.
The account was definitely exploiting a glitch not sure how I can prove it all I know is I ran with the player for 20 minutes and he was bragging about his abilities just to ultimately glitch me and my duo to death lol
In ArmA 2 this problem was because of the markers on the map.
Can you please provide repro steps and/or more detailed information as how to produce this issue?
Hello DLAnas8850.
Please describe your problem in English language.
If you experience any crashes, please click on "Show details and prepare report" and upload the generated archive to this ticket. Do not forget to include detailed information under which circumstances did you experience this issue.
Hello byNautiic.
I cannot answer any questions regarding to our internal processes.
we appreciate your patience. We identified the issue. The fix will be shipped in a future update. Right now we can not yet tell with certainty which version will include it. It will be mentioned in the changelogs.
Hello javallone.
This seems to be caused by HDR.
Potential fix would be disabling HDR in your console setting.
This has nothing to do with Expansion. The failure in this case happens in vanilla Liquid::GetBoilThreshold, and the reason is that another mod's item has an invalid varLiquidTypeInit value (i.e. a value with no matching entry in CfgLiquidDefinitions). There's no NULL check in the vanilla Liquid methods, which then leads to the failure.
You don't need a helipad to put out a helicopter fire.
Perhaps the role of the side commander will help with this problem.
You can also make a condition that if the helipad is located on a regular base, then it can only be used as a supply depot and you can't order a helicopter from it.
You can tie the construction of the helipad to the main bases that need to be captured to win.