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Freezing and occasional crashing
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Version 1.2.1
Yes modded
The modded servers I played on were the North American WCS servers and the North American Vietnam'67 conflict server. I mention it because I don't remember all the individual mods and the problem persisted between different servers leaving me to believe it isn't caused by the mods themselves.

At random intervals the player begins to stutter before fully freezing, at which point the player model will appear frozen in place to other players. Thus making the frozen player a very easy kill if they happen to freeze out of cover or in an enemy's sight line. The freeze itself will take different amounts of time depending on the severity, occasionally resulting in a full crash of the game and forcing the player out to the Xbox home screen. On the user's end the freeze appears as though your game is crashing, although in my experience, most of the time the audio will start to resume, then the game catches up and you're able to play normally again.


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

Log into preferred server. Play the game however you wish.
*I have been playing in completely full or almost full 128 pop. servers

Additional Information

The operating system should be some form of XboxOS, I'm playing on an Xbox Series X. Also the freezing problem was not nearly as persistent before update 1.2.1

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jan 7 2025, 2:38 PM