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Naval vehicles damaged by water on dedicated server
Assigned, NormalPublic


Hi guys,

we currently have a problem on a dedicated server.

We have a boat that is relevant to the mission. When we test the mission in the Workbench and peerTool, everything works without problems. I have already created a debug on the vehicle's DamageManager and there is no incoming damage for 30 minutes.
However, when we play the mission on a dedicated server, it seems as if the boat (WITHOUT PLAYERS) is taking damage on its own. It often happens that it is suddenly damaged after 10 - 20 minutes. (Engine damage).

I have now set the helth of the engines significantly higher and also reduced the collision damage on this colliders. But the problem is still not solved.

Thanks to the adjustments, you can now even drive the boat at full speed against a rock without it being damaged. However, if you don't use the boat, it destroys itself after a few minutes.
I think it has something to do with the physics and the collision in the water. Unfortunately, I have no other options for narrowing down the problem.

Settings on DamageManager of the Vehicle:

SCR_WheeledDamageManagerComponent "{61D667C0CFCA2829}" {
 "Additional hit zones" {
  SCR_FlammableHitZone Base_HitZone {
   ColliderNames {
   HZDefault 1
   MaxHealth 400
   DamageReduction 1
   "Collision multiplier" 2
   "Melee multiplier" 1
   "DamageState threshold" {
    0.7 0.4 0.3
   m_fFireMultiplier 0.5
   m_sDestructionSoundEvent "SOUND_RHIB_AIRLEAK"
   m_vParticleOffset 0 0.3 -4.2
   m_eHitZoneGroup HULL
   m_fLightSmokeStopTime 0.2
   m_fHeavySmokeStopTime 0.3
   m_fIgnitingSmokeStokeTime 0.1
   m_fMinFireBurningTime 0.1
   m_fMaxFireBurningTime 0.2
   m_fBurningTime 0.2
   m_fLightSmokeThreshold 0.03
   m_fHeavySmokeThreshold 0.03
   m_fIgnitingSmokeThreshold 0.1
  SCR_VehicleHitZone Rubber_body {
   ColliderNames {
   MaxHealth 250
   DamageReduction 1
   "Collision multiplier" 2
   "Melee multiplier" 1.5
   "Fragmentation multiplier" 1.5
   "Explosive multiplier" 1.5
   "DamageState threshold" {
    0.7 0.4 0.2
   m_aDamagePassRules {
    SCR_DamagePassRule "{61E469EC4CC236AC}" {
     m_aDamageStates {
      2 5
     m_aSourceDamageTypes {
      1 3
     m_eOutputDamageType INCENDIARY
     m_fMultiplier 1
     m_bPassToRoot 1
   m_eHitZoneGroup HULL
  SCR_EngineHitZone Engine_01 {
   ColliderNames {
   MaxHealth 300
   DamageReduction 1
   "Collision multiplier" 1
   "Melee multiplier" 0.5
   "Kinetic multiplier" 1.5
   "Fragmentation multiplier" 1.5
   "Explosive multiplier" 1.5
   "Incendiary multiplier" 0
   "DamageState threshold" {
    0.7 0.4 0.2
   m_sDestructionParticle "{1098011ED1108E39}Particles/Vehicle/Vehicle_smoke_UAZ_damaged_black_01.ptc"
   m_vParticleOffset -0.4 0.6 -4.2
   m_eHitZoneGroup ENGINE
  SCR_EngineHitZone Engine_02 {
   ColliderNames {
   MaxHealth 300
   DamageReduction 1
   "Collision multiplier" 1
   "Melee multiplier" 0.5
   "Kinetic multiplier" 1.5
   "Fragmentation multiplier" 1.5
   "Explosive multiplier" 1.5
   "Incendiary multiplier" 0
   "DamageState threshold" {
    0.7 0.4 0.2
   m_sDestructionParticle "{8986B887CCF7BFA9}Particles/Vehicle/Vehicle_smoke_UAZ_damaged_black_02.ptc"
   m_vParticleOffset 0.4 0.6 -4.2
   m_eHitZoneGroup ENGINE
  SCR_FuelHitZone FuelTank {
   ColliderNames {
   MaxHealth 300
   DamageReduction 0
   "Collision multiplier" 0.5
   "Melee multiplier" 0
   "Kinetic multiplier" 0.7
   "Fragmentation multiplier" 0.05
   "Incendiary multiplier" 0
   "DamageState threshold" {
    0.7 0.4 0.2
   m_aDamagePassRules {
    SCR_DamagePassRule "{61D667C0CFCAC6E6}" {
     m_aDamageStates {
     m_aSourceDamageTypes {
      1 3
     m_eOutputDamageType INCENDIARY
     m_fMultiplier 0.12
     m_bPassToRoot 1
    SCR_DamagePassRule "{61D667C0CFCAC6ED}" {
     m_aSourceDamageTypes {
     m_eOutputDamageType INCENDIARY
     m_fMultiplier 1
     m_bPassToRoot 1
   m_SecondaryExplosionPoint PointInfo "{61D667C0CFCAC6F2}" {
    PivotID "v_body"
    Offset 0 0.6593 -3.3734
   m_vParticleOffset 0 0.3 -1
  SCR_BatteryHitZone Battery {
   ColliderNames {
   IgnoreExplosions 1
   MaxHealth 100
   DamageReduction 3
   "Collision multiplier" 0.2
   "Fragmentation multiplier" 0.05
   "Explosive multiplier" 0.2
   "DamageState threshold" {
    0.7 0.4 0.2
   m_eHitZoneGroup DRIVE_TRAIN
 CollisionVelocityThreshold 50000
 "Heavy damage threshold" 200000
 m_SecondaryExplosions SCR_SecondaryExplosions "{61D667C0CFCA751A}" {
 m_SecondaryFires SCR_SecondaryExplosions "{61D667C0CFCA29C9}" {
 m_RepairConfig SCR_RepairConfig "{61D667C0CFCA29FF}" {
  m_aSmokeRemovalHealthPercentage {
   SCR_HealthAndBurn "{61D667C0CFCA29C5}" {
    m_fSmokeThreshold 0.95
    m_eTargetBurnState NONE
   SCR_HealthAndBurn "{61D667C0CFCA29F8}" {
    m_fSmokeThreshold 0.75
    m_eTargetBurnState SMOKING_LIGHT
 m_fMaxSharedDamageDistance 1
 m_fFrontMultiplier 0.7
 m_fBottomMultiplier 1.5
 m_fRearMultiplier 1.5
 m_fLeftMultiplier 0.8
 m_fRightMultiplier 0.8
 m_fTopMultiplier 0.8
 m_fOccupantsSpeedDeath 90
 m_vFrontalImpact 0 0.575 4.252
 m_iMinExplosionEjectionDamageThreshold 50
 m_bPrintRelativeForce 0
 m_fVehicleDestroyDamage 900
 m_fVehicleDamageSpeedThreshold 25
 m_fVehicleSpeedDestroy 80
 m_fEngineMalfunctioningThreshold 0.7

Maybe you guys can help. Thanks


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Naval vehicle destoyed by itself on dedicated server.

Event Timeline

R34P3R created this task.Jan 5 2025, 9:57 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jan 7 2025, 4:12 PM