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Workbench - CLI Packing does not change exit code if it failed to pack or there are critical script errors
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Game Version number: Current stable / Experimental
Modded?: Yes
If modded, please list the mods: N/A

Issue Description:

While trying to use Workbench in Continous Integration in ACE we've found out that the tools do not return error exit codes (always 0) while packing addons with errors that prevent the game from compiling ((E): Can't compile "Game" script module!).

This makes them not really that useful in for example detecting errors in Pull Requests or preventing auto-upload of broken build to Workshop.

Would be nice to have some insights from BI how the CI/CD is handled internally.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Below branch of a repo has intentionally made invalid class AFM_Test that breaks the game:

  1. clone
  2. adjust paths in build.bat
  3. run build.bat
  4. see that it happily packs invalid code
  5. return code 0

I don't have a repro of this one but we had packing completely fail in below GitHub action:

yet despite the failure still a return code 0.

Event Timeline

veteran29 created this task.Jun 7 2024, 4:59 PM
ookexoo added a subscriber: ookexoo.Jun 8 2024, 7:25 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jun 10 2024, 11:43 AM

Any news about this?

I've noticed that there was a -validate parameter added to the ScriptEditor module but it does not seem to work.


SCRIPT       : Validating script for configuration PC...
SCRIPT    (E): scripts/Game/AFM_Test.c(4): error: Function 'AFM_Test' is marked as override, but there is no function with this name in the base class
SCRIPT       : Script validation failed.

yet it still returned 0 exit code.

Arkensor closed this task as Resolved.Jan 7 2025, 2:34 PM
Arkensor claimed this task.
Arkensor added a subscriber: Arkensor.

Hello @veteran29,

we appreciate your patience. We identified the issue. The fix will be shipped in a future update. Right now we can not yet tell with certainty which version will include it. It will be mentioned in the changelogs.

I've noticed that there was a -validate parameter added to the ScriptEditor module but it does not seem to work.

Yeah this parameter will not work with others because its result is overwritten by -packAddon or -exitAfterInit.
So it has to be used like this: -wbSilent -wbmodule=ScriptEditor -validate