In T186950#2717474, @Geez wrote:I can provide you with my project folder if it'll help you guys any to trouble shoot what I'm experiencing.
yes please
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Dec 12 2024
Dec 12 2024
Dec 11 2024
Dec 11 2024 Video of the problem
I can provide you with my project folder if it'll help you guys any to trouble shoot what I'm experiencing.
I sincerely apologize for the wrong information. The problem happens whenever I go to duplicate the file as long I don't touch the actionsmanagercomponent it works okay'ish but it uses the uaz_469 bones instead of mine. I also have the change the animation in vehicleanimationcomponent the animation instance to something else to make my wheels line up but the collision wheels don't line up they get scrambled. I can provide you with my project folder if it'll help you guys any to trouble shoot what I'm experiencing.
Geez changed the status of T186950: Auto Transform Bug from Awaiting internal Testing to Need More Info.
Hello Tactical_Force.
This issue is related to your mod. Why did you list "Modded: No"?
Also without providing said mod there is nothing we can do on our end.
Has any testing occurred? Any update on this ticket?
Dec 10 2024
Dec 10 2024
The issue also applies to the other vehicle_wheeled .et files. There is another bug with the .et files whenever the anim injection is set in vehicleanimationcomponent the wheels get all jacked up.
Dec 8 2024
Dec 8 2024
Puncherschance added a comment to T186697: Kick cause code: group=1 'REPLICATION', reason=3 'CONNECTION_FAILURE'.
Have same issue, cannot join Reforger servers. Connection worked correctly about two weeks ago, then problem suddenly appeared. Then it was fixed by itself but today I noticed that doesnot work again. Nothing helps, tried to reinststall mods, reinstall the game, change ISP. It doesnot work on my PC and Xbox. I am from Russia. I know that it is not content blocker because all my friends play normally. Also sometimes i am able to connect too. Please investigate and fix this issue:( will subscribe on this topic
• kawalec added a comment to T184807: GPU Hangs Crashing every 10 minutes and sometimes right off the rip when I join a server..
I am trying to help you.
Try solving your hardware mess first and then complain.
If rolling back to a legit, official, older display driver made things worse for you, you should ask some adult for help with your computer.
In T186260#2714151, @TracerDuck wrote:I'm familiar with this bug, but it doesn't happen in MP, so it might be related to vehicle authority.
Dec 7 2024
Dec 7 2024
4080 RTX, confirmed by another user with 4090 RTX.
Dec 6 2024
Dec 6 2024
KingCurls added a comment to T184807: GPU Hangs Crashing every 10 minutes and sometimes right off the rip when I join a server..
In T184807#2704123, @kawalec wrote:@Gomo
Looks like rolling back to older Nvidia driver - 555.85 fixes "GPU hangs" error.
priglmeier added a comment to T186386: Dedicated Arma Reforger server - Publicly available but still receive ping = 999 or kick error.
Any updates?
Resolved for 1.3
Geez changed the status of T186913: IP29 PIP scope has visual "glare" problem. from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.
Hello TracerDuck.
We have tested this based on your report but we were unable to reproduce the issue on our end.
Geez changed the status of T187001: request for improved visibility at distance from New to Feedback.
Geez changed the status of T187011: materials in vehicles, bodies, cannot be balanced realistically due to irregular distribution of similar materials for different kinetic resistance from New to Feedback.
Dec 5 2024
Dec 5 2024
While binoculars increase the view distance they do not at all proportionately to their zoom level and so vehicles and players which take up a lot of screen space remain completely invisible.
Geez changed the status of T186996: Floating rear light in soviet ambulance uaz 452a from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T186992: Wrong name string in UAZ 469 vehicle position from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T186986: Soviet explosive charge timer takes twice as long to detonate as opposed to what it is set as in experimental from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T186984: Deploy button doesn't allow you to deploy anywhere from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T186983: Getting stuck in animation when exiting a vehicle from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
I'm familiar with this bug, but it doesn't happen in MP, so it might be related to vehicle authority.
Technicolourmatador renamed T186986: Soviet explosive charge timer takes twice as long to detonate as opposed to what it is set as in experimental from Soviet explosive charge timer takes twice as long to detonate as opposed to what it is set as to Soviet explosive charge timer takes twice as long to detonate as opposed to what it is set as in experimental .
Dec 4 2024
Dec 4 2024
This problem absolutely can be fixed by making the increment/decrement changes happen inside a transaction.
I understand that it's almost impossible to fix lagging in online gaming
Even if it will be impossible to place supplies on the ground, you could still duplicate them, simply by using vehicles as a point of transfer.
Supplies can be duplicated only when game lags.
I understand that it's almost impossible to fix lagging in online gaming. So BI could just by-pass the problem by introducing cool down time while supplies are being transferred.
Is there any situation in the game that actually requires supplies to be placed on the ground? What use does it serve?
Generally the players are taking supply from 1 location to another, placing them in storage areas.
Can it just be disabled, or at least a server variable to enable, or disable this?
I do not understand the need for supplies to be placed on the floor, what purpose does it serve?
Supply duping is the bane of our lives, hosting 2 very popular vanilla servers and need to be addressed urgently as it's an exploit which provides imbalance within the game.
This and supply lag from server uptime, really need to be addressed to this amazing game.
Geez changed the status of T182511: Players getting stuck in vehicles from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Geez closed T182417: Falling through map and swimming below terrain after vehicle crash as Resolved.
Resolved for 1.3
Geez closed T183434: Adjusting stance when interaction options are nearby does not work as Resolved.
Hello purechaos.
According to the dev team this is not a bug and works as intended. We are however aware it could be improved in the future.
Dec 3 2024
Dec 3 2024
Geez closed T182944: [] Gadget animation glitches (FullbodyGadget in the AnimationGraph) as Resolved.
Fixed for
Geez changed the status of T186938: AI Walk Into Open Area Under Fire To Heal... from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T183381: US jeep & soviet ambulance undercarriage has no collision detection with character from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Thats not a bug, that is the preset zero for weapons, if you want to go higher or lower than that you can generally zero the weapon in the opposite direction. Keep in mind some weapons cannot be zeroed down to 100m and there is an upper limit aswell. Look up caracals video on youtube about zeroing for further information.
This "feature" spoils the game completely. If one player who sneaks into the base can deplete 7000-8000 supplies to zero in 15-20 seconds, the whole supply system doesn't make sense.
Nowadays more "players" know about this, let call a spade a spade, glitch, it breaks tactics of Conflict completely. That glitch causes that it doesn't matter how big and well supplied the base is, because any base can be now devoid of supplies faster that anyone can spawn there.
If it's as designed, design is wrong.
Change it on Official servers, please.
Game Version number: experimental/
Modded?: no
Dec 2 2024
Dec 2 2024
It's the cause of your crashes. Generally it's a part of graphic driver. Lately there was a new update of Nvidia drivers (you have RTX 4070 Super) The last known driver that runs without any problems is 555.85.
Try rolling back to 555.85 version of drivers using this official Nvidia page:
Could you try to delete mods from your add-ons directory?
And again:
logs_2024-12-02_16-32-13.zip357 KBDownload
Just crashed on an official server with mods turned off:
logs_2024-12-02_15-53-30.zip585 KBDownload
Geez changed the status of T186831: [] Arland Military Base prefab error from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T186829: [] Dedicated Server Plugin SCR_SaveManagerCore Error from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T186828: [] PilotCompartment_Base.conf unknown keywords/data from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Geez changed the status of T186837: [Feature Request] Mouse sensitivty for controlling helicopters from New to Feedback.
In T186895#2712227, @kawalec wrote:Start the game, go to Mod Manager and disable all mods. Try joining any official server. If the game won't crash, one of mods may be the problem.
Hello x171225.
Please provide the following:
Geez changed the status of T186913: IP29 PIP scope has visual "glare" problem. from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
This has been fixed in current exp.
Geez changed the status of T185474: Vehicles with supplies despawning around radios from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
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