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Auto Transform Bug
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Arma Reforger Tools:
Game Version:
Modded?: No

There is a bug with auto transform of it not setting the object where it should be or matching the bone's location. This bug can be reproduce by adding a component under SlotManagerComponent. I'm not sure if this is normal operation or not but when I try with auto transform off the wheels stay put where they are at and don't move with the vehicle.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Add a component in SlotManagerComponent and then under slots > make a wheelslotinfo > add a wheel > link the bone through Pivot ID > Enable auto transform and it doesn't set the prefab where it should be.

Event Timeline

Tactical_Force edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Dec 5 2024, 1:48 PM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Need More Info.Wed, Dec 11, 2:03 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Tactical_Force.
This issue is related to your mod. Why did you list "Modded: No"?
Also without providing said mod there is nothing we can do on our end.

Tactical_Force added a comment.EditedWed, Dec 11, 3:45 PM

I sincerely apologize for the wrong information. The problem happens whenever I go to duplicate the file as long I don't touch the actionsmanagercomponent it works okay'ish but it uses the uaz_469 bones instead of mine. I also have the change the animation in vehicleanimationcomponent the animation instance to something else to make my wheels line up but the collision wheels don't line up they get scrambled. I can provide you with my project folder if it'll help you guys any to trouble shoot what I'm experiencing.

Geez added a comment.Wed, Dec 11, 3:49 PM

I can provide you with my project folder if it'll help you guys any to trouble shoot what I'm experiencing.

yes please

This comment was removed by Geez.
Tactical_Force added a comment.EditedThu, Dec 12, 3:50 AM

I can provide you with my project folder if it'll help you guys any to trouble shoot what I'm experiencing.

yes please

I figured out my issue was, I had the UCL_MT_wheel_*_* parented to the bones when I removed them from the parent my collision wheels are where they should be now. Not sure if you guys figured out my flaw. There is other bugs with the vehicle_wheeled_base_*_* where you can't enter the vehicles after setting up the configurations. Not sure if its a bug or something to do on my part of not knowing what to do. I've been looking at the tutorials and making sure I read everything to a "T". There is still a bug with the auto transform it usually goes away when I change the animation instance under vehicleanimcomponent.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Thu, Dec 12, 11:58 AM
Geez claimed this task.