I have not known the V3S to use a glow plug in quite some time. If the truck won't start, and the battery is good, chances are that the truck has been crashed.
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Dec 14 2017
Oct 10 2017
Sep 12 2017
Aug 11 2017
Jul 25 2017
Have not seen in current builds.
Jul 9 2017
Jul 3 2017
Jun 23 2017
Jun 7 2017
MDMP is too big to upload
Jun 6 2017
I think that is the correct date.
Jun 5 2017
Not sure what files you want, there are lots of them, these are from around that date. I also got server full message again, (upload failure).
Jun 4 2017
Jun 3 2017
Jun 1 2017
May 30 2017
Choppy lag usually there around structures and/or infected. It will persist until I move to open area.
May 29 2017
The lag and rubber banding is constant for the driver, but not for the passenger, who may have a smooth ride or large de-sync between vehicle and himself. We are using servers under 100 ping and have played over 200 ping servers.
May 28 2017
May 21 2017
Hi, still having trouble with trucks. The one tonight would not steer after using it 10 minutes. My FPS was 125 but truck was driving all over the place, I could only control speed to a certain point - the only way I could get truck to stop jiggling was to get out. At one time, the truck held me prisoner, it wouldn't let me walk away.
Apr 20 2017
The above was filmed on a full server. The car videos I have weren't, but the motion is the same. We end up crashing into trees, fences, rocks, etc.
Apr 18 2017
Link to entire video.
I had view of spinning both in third and first person views. My last views after the truck disappeared in the ground was at ground level. I have managed to extract the spinning visible when my friend drove up, but I am still getting an upload failure message.
Mar 20 2017
Well, it happened again, about the same place but on the taxiway on north side of runway. This time, when I respawned and my screen went black, I did not find my self near the car, I was at the last place I got out of the car.
Mar 18 2017
Sorry for long wait for reply, as far as we know, there was no server crash at any time. Usually Dayz Spy marks a server restart on the timeline. We were able to immediately go back in after the second crash w/no error message.
Have this happen when intersecting some roads. Video of the spin attached, my friend had the same thing happen and he has a much better computer than I do.
Mar 15 2017
Our vehicles have been where we left them the next night. What concerns me is that numerous wrecked vehicles are not fully "ruined" and thus are not usable. My friend and I have been working on a truck stuck in the Devil's castle first gate, (not the one with the humped driveway). It has been grenades, shot, pushed by another truck, etc. Its still there but is unusable.
Mar 10 2017
Mar 8 2017
Hi, as my FPS gets worse the longer I play, you are looking at the video I took before logging off. Actually, it started when my FPS was twice what it was at the end, (I know, 2 X 8 is only 16 FPS). In looking at the video, the sound matches the desync I am experiencing, so it could be that.
This is the same sound problem, but in the sedan.
Feb 26 2017
Feb 23 2017
Jan 26 2017
Was on server and police station in Novi Sobar had 6 MP-5s with some mags and silencers, the next day, same building had 5 helmet visors.
Jan 21 2017
Dec 31 2016
Dec 30 2016
Dec 29 2016
I could be wrong, looks like normal civilian weapon spawning. Some might be there because others before you have taken other weapons?
Dec 28 2016
Dec 24 2016
Ahh, the old stretched arm bug. On an earlier build, the mines did the same thing.
Was just going to turn this one in. I could get through the door on experimental, but door is still opening weird.
Dec 19 2016
Dec 14 2016
1.In the first house, the red one, a zombie came flying out of the upper story to get me, I forgot to add it to the report - both the red and green house were in Dubrovka
Dec 13 2016
My FPS drops to 1 and the game is completely locked up, nothing I do will fix it other than exiting game, (if I can get menus to work) or by closing and restarting game in the task manager.
Still had to open my virus checker and allow the page that downloads update, this only changed w/.61
Dec 11 2016
Dec 6 2016
I have to allow both the Steam web pages through my Virus checker/firewall and the ones from Dayz, otherwise nothing updates.
Nov 28 2016
Nov 27 2016
Agreed, no loot spawning in these houses.
Nov 24 2016
This is a duplicate, I found it reported much earlier.
Nov 20 2016
Same here, backpacks, guns, barrels, etc.
Nov 13 2016
Nov 12 2016
Nov 11 2016
Nov 8 2016
The buildings, (red and green), with the outside staircase(s) are glitched. Don't log out in them. You can Google to see several ways that people have used to get out or wait for help from here.
Nov 6 2016
Oct 27 2016
Oct 26 2016
Deleted contents of folder, fps was worse, would have to go and reset it to what I have to improve.
- No startup parameters
- Yes, I have played around with video settings, (behavior is slightly better with low, low settings - but then game is ugly :))
- Will try the deleting the contents of the folder
Oct 24 2016
Was fixed, graphics driver problem, works now.