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V3S Truck Glov Plug / Deathtrap issue
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I know V3S trucks are buggy AF right now, but i had an odd incident with one of them, that i had never seen before. Its was in the little fishing community, all the way up in the right corner (Berezhki). There is a truck spawn point, and not only does it not accept anybody putting in a glov plug, if you take a seat in it and then try to get out, it will kill you instantly. Before it happend to me, i saw a guy jump in and was unconscious afterwards. He was more lucky then me, one foot out of it and i was killed on the spot.

The truck is merely more or less Bricked there for now...


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce

Jump in, try to get out, but only passenger door will let you out. After that, you're good as dead

Additional Information

If someone has used the (deathtrap) truck after a server restart, then it will more or likely only happen again after next restart, but not quite sure.

This was performed on a STABLE server, or more accurate DE 2-30 server, in the server browser. The truck is still there, have a look see, but watch you're step ^^

PS: Server version, is the recent one to date, i always have the new one on hand :)

Event Timeline

Tony_MCcloud edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Aug 7 2017, 8:42 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.EditedAug 8 2017, 11:09 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Tony_MCcloud and thank you for the report.
Would it be possible for you to record a video of the issue with the v3s killing you? As for the issue with the glow plug, by not accepting do you mean that the glow plug is placed into inventory every time instead of being placed into the attachment slot?

Hallo Geez

Yes, it automatically finds its way into the inventory of the truck, instead of being attached, just like the battery would or the wheels.

I will try to make a vid of it, but if anybody would like to pitch ind, just go to the German server 2-30. Its a STABLE server and the truck hasn't been moved since server wipe i take it. Many ppl have tried and some army guys literally guarded it and made a small camp near it once. But i take it they left and couldn't be bothered with it anymore : /

Best Regards Tony :3

Geez added a comment.Aug 9 2017, 2:43 PM

Thank you.
If you can post the server IP here, we will take a look as well if the vehicle is still present.


I'm getting a similar issue minus the death on exit on a different V3S. When I use the 'attach glow plug' action or attempt to add a glow plug to the V3S component slots, it ends up in the main inventory and the truck is unable to start.


Geez added a comment.Aug 10 2017, 9:36 AM


I'm getting a similar issue minus the death on exit on a different V3S. When I use the 'attach glow plug' action or attempt to add a glow plug to the V3S component slots, it ends up in the main inventory and the truck is unable to start.


Hello Malhavoc.
The issue with the glow plug not attaching correctly is known and scheduled for a fix, however, it should have no effect on starting the vehicle as only battery is required to start the vehicle at the moment. It is possible that the vehicle you are trying to start up is already destroyed (the vehicles have internal damage value, if the vehicles take too much damage they cannot be started any more even if you change the parts such as battery etc.) and therefore it does not start.

Hi Geez

That must be it. Thanks for your help!


I have not known the V3S to use a glow plug in quite some time. If the truck won't start, and the battery is good, chances are that the truck has been crashed.

Getting vehicles from their original spawn points is probably the best way to acquire them. My friend and I will often spend time trying to rescue a vehicle up on a fence or high centered on something. Most of the time, it doesn't work out.

In the real world, not all diesels use glow plugs.