So the issue with the CUP_arifle_MG36 is that has two PointerSlot's defined: the regular PointerSlot and CUP_PicatinnySideMountG36. So that is where the duplicate items come from, as both of them have the same items defined it seems. Similar to the issue with the UK3CB_G3SG1_RIS, but instead of the duplicate slot defining different items it defines the same items.
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Arma 3 Activity
Oct 5 2022
Oct 4 2022
Interesting case where the muzzle will return the base class rather than the actual parent. Might be something that needs looking into, but out of the scope of this ticket.
After a small message exchange with Dedmen, he told me to include all the following information in the ticket:
I will do that, it may take a while to see if it fixed the issue completely, but I very much appreciate the response!
Oct 3 2022
Heya we analysed your crashlog.
Could you try setting the parameter "-malloc=system" and check if it resolves the isssue?
Hello, we've analysed your crash.
Unfortunately this issue is caused by Microsoft inside their code. Not by our game.
There is not much we can do.
Ah yes deleting that file and re verifying has worked and fixed my issue thanks
Hello, we analysed your crashfiles.
Paste "The cloud file provider is not running" into google and follow the steps, this is an issue with onedrive.
Let us know if this fixes the issue.
Oct 2 2022
I Change Difficulty
Restart the Mission
The captain must survive.
It Works
Oct 1 2022
Hello I'm a big fan of Hatchet and Apache mods. Recently I ordered couple of Thrustmaster cougar MFDs. Would love to use them in Arma 3 to full potential. As stated above, it would be really nice to let modders do their magic engine wise.
Sep 30 2022
I am the developer behind the F-117A Nighthawk, and making a full fidelity aircraft (or as close as you can) is extremely difficult and limiting on real virtuality. There just simply isn't enough to make it feel practical for all of the different pages and specifications. Raising these values would be essential to making aircraft to it's fullest extent, and having the ambition to do so, but not having the engine supporting you in these goals makes it difficult. You can only be hacky and creative for so long, before things start to get hard. I am relatively new to the modding scene, but seeing these limitations gives me little hope for me to make it a realistic / DCS feeling aircraft. But it's in your guy's power to change that, so we'll just have to wait and see how you guys feel. Maybe there's more to this than once thought by us, but we need at least a response.
In T167534#2363144, @NeilZar wrote:Do you have an example for cases where it returns duplicates?
Do you have an example for cases where it returns duplicates?
I am on the Apache dev team and have been working with Mattysmith22 (previous commentor) on the MFD update for the mod. Increasing the user values would be massively invaluable to this effort. If I had to a give a number, I'd say somewhere in the ballpark of 1000 to 2000 user values would allow any conceivable MFD to be created. The issues we're running into are in creating graphics for the moving map displays int he aircraft. The Apache has a database of 150 points, this alone requires 2 user values per point, totalling 300. If we wanted to display other icons (such as radar targets, or threat indications) we'd need at least another 46 points (16 radar targets x 2 + 7 threats x 2). If we want to draw lines, and assume each line has 4 points per line that's another 8 per line, the aircraft can place 16 such lines so that brings that total up to 128. All of the listed items bring the total to around 474. So the minimum (and i'm sure i'm forgetting some things) is around 500. I'm a big fan of more is better, so I just doubled/quadrupled the minimum value.
Like it says in the error message:
Sep 29 2022
Sep 28 2022
This would be the UAV (IED) added in the Western Sahara 1.1 update.
This ticket can be closed, as it has been addressed.
Was unable to upload report log in initial report as there was no option to.
Hello, sorry i dont know which drone you are talking about.
Can you right click the drone in editor and select "look up in asset browser" then paste what gets put in your search bar here?
Are you using any mods or CDLC?
Sep 27 2022
In T128594#2361731, @BIS_fnc_KK wrote:I have edited it to the correct description already, don’t think you need a note
I have edited it to the correct description already, don’t think you need a note
Thanks to @JonBons2020 think we've figured this out.
have you tried verifying your game files through steam?
In T128594#2361373, @BIS_fnc_KK wrote:Well, not sure why it even worked in the first place. The syntax of the action was wrong, and it doesnt take any additional arguments apart from the unit which player controls. I corrected the syntax on wiki, please let me know if it works in all cases
Sep 26 2022
Well, not sure why it even worked in the first place. The syntax of the action was wrong, and it doesnt take any additional arguments apart from the unit which player controls. I corrected the syntax on wiki, please let me know if it works in all cases
This was meant to be DAYZ 1.19 EXPERIMENTAL. SO SORRY
In T128594#2361078, @BIS_fnc_KK wrote:This is still broken for 2.10, would be nice if this could be addressed.
Repro please @johnb43
@BIS_fnc_KK I'm watching the results in Zeus, although the waypoints were editor-placed. The shorter radii are... very approximate as these helis are quick, but the 1km/500m distances should be pretty accurate. I used a two-waypoint route to make sure that it's not just a visual waypoint removal.
It will be closed after it is dealt with and tested
Any solution would suffice if the issue is fixed.
Thank you for a very fast response.
I see no button to close the ticket, so I guess it's up to you.
Practically everything in Arma 3 has localization in many languages, this is why adding things to UI requires localization and it is painful process. But we have other UI tasks planned as well so I guess we can add the tickbox