I recently noted I'm getting some errors (a lot of them, 8mb in an hour) in the server RPT.
22:21:16 Tried to create group while group limit is reached on side Game Logic 22:21:16 ➥ Context: [] L31 (/temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Modules/fn_initModules.sqf) [] L19 (/temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Modules/fn_initModules.sqf) [] L22 (/temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Modules/fn_initModules.sqf) [] L23 (/temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Modules/fn_initModules.sqf)
I'm trying to work out why initModules makes a group for each of the cfgfactionclasses? With our modset loaded that's 234 groups it's made before any placed modules or other things try to make any sideLogic groups. I assume this error comes because we're hitting the 288 limit on groups for sideLogic.
Snippet from fn_initModules
_sideLogic = sidelogic call bis_fnc_sideID; { _category = configname _x; _side = getnumber (_x >> "side"); if (_side == _sideLogic) then { _groupVar = "bis_fnc_initModules_" + _category; _group = grpnull; if (isserver) then { _group = creategroup sidelogic; missionnamespace setvariable [_groupVar,_group]; publicvariable _groupVar; } else { _group = missionnamespace getvariable [_groupVar,grpnull] }; _group setgroupid [gettext (configfile >> "cfgfactionclasses" >> _category >> "displayname")]; }; } foreach ((configfile >> "cfgfactionclasses") call bis_fnc_returnchildren);
I'm not sure why it does this by default but with large modsets (that add factionClasses) you'll hit the group limit fairly quickly, especially if you place modules in the mission.sqm (as we do).