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- User Since
- Sep 25 2022, 10:19 PM (124 w, 3 d)
Oct 24 2022
The workaround is to delete and re-create the UAV's crew, you can then use it till next landing. Very annoying, hope it'll be fixed someday.
EascapeFromTarkov's report is still there. The workaround is to delete and re-create the UAV's crew, you can then use it till next landing.
Sep 30 2022
Sep 26 2022
Any solution would suffice if the issue is fixed.
Thank you for a very fast response.
I see no button to close the ticket, so I guess it's up to you.
Well, without a tickbox, the triggers created by editor will have to be manually altered in init script or by scripts in general. In that case, because trigger is already created, setTriggerActivation seems like the only place (I guess adding a whole new separate function be even more pain than localization). It should also work for already activated triggers.
Doesn't have to be global. A tick-box in editor and a parameter for the mentioned functions would be totally fine. And a mention in documentation :). If I knew it's a known thing I wouldn't create a redundant ticket in the first place.