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- User Since
- Jan 22 2014, 7:50 PM (583 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
so.. issue was more about windows being d_ck about what can I d with my computer.
Windows blocked nvdia cp from saving-making any changes.
There is whole thread:
I just gave all rights to nvdias files in program files and program data folder.
RESOLVED. Thank you guys for helpping me!
Yes I tried.. but 0% gpu usage. And closing Nvidia control panel makes it go back to the Autoselect:integrated even if I keept it open with GPU selectted, stil 0%. So I gues assignig GPU in control panel is just eyecandy with no real efect.
annoying as fck
from today.. for me.. fixed.. I played 45min without seing No message. GJ
I have same issue so I uploaded... Dayz_dxdiag.rar here
In one case this caused my computer to complete freez and I had to perform cruel restart.
soo I measured time and gues what? 15 beatiful minutes of gameplay and No message blahblah /cry /cry
My friend didnt got kicked, just me.. /cryalot...
so what we poor guys get in common thats a question
I have modified cfgs.. view distance and framesahead
Thats my tracert if it helps
Výpis trasy k s nejvýše 30 směrováními
1 1 ms 1 ms < 1 ms 2 41 ms 37 ms 37 ms 3 44 ms 43 ms 42 ms 4 44 ms 43 ms 44 ms 5 56 ms 63 ms 58 ms [] 6 59 ms 59 ms 61 ms 7 60 ms 58 ms 59 ms [] 8 59 ms 59 ms 58 ms
very frustrating now even more.. because melee attacks are pretty f*ckedup... but melee problem is know issue, no need to report that
Its just a lying bag of numbers! shame on him
cmon guys, dont be pussylamious, vote down if you have some balls
If you consider fact that your character is capable of sprinting all across the map. But when facing little stairs or hill its like slug. It makes me cry. From the very inside of my soul.
May 10 2016
0.48 NEWS
still works and as a bonus it causes loss of gear(you are freshspawn after that). So we tought of this loss as a punishment, sooo, we tried it again and it actualy cost gear only one of us... and also when you are spawned after this crash, your character has no flashlight and 9V. Now, there rises question... does this wiped only our characters or there were other people who lost their stuf?
works smoothly! thak you guys!
""Why not simply filter servers by click the top of the "Mode" column in the server list"" - because its just one paremet of server search... I want it to be sorted by mode and by players as well. Now you can have only one.
He means Mode column for sure. This happend to me several times too.
sometimes this could even affects fists. So you endup defenseless complely.
I belive devs will remove KOSing with much more smarter methods than just simple turn off pvp.. I have to say something that have never been said.. its ALPHA
and now you are disrespecting I Understand button
yep.. happend to me twice as well.. and I saw other guy going thru this awesome experience too. That you were unable o loot your body is different story. It took you more than 10minutes to get there so body is basicly gone... you can see it but its not there and anybody else woudnt see it at all.
For me its just -session lost-, Im playing few minutes then every interaction stops working a then session lost message.Or -waiting for host- - forever, which is not so cruel because i dont have to vait 300sec if i want to see session lost mesage again.
just tried experimental 0,43... and its even worse than stable. on stable I got only session lost or wait for host problems but experimental is like some trip on acid
Session lost is my new best friend. We play on every server together. Sometimes Wait for host shows up (also my new friend).. so we chat like forever. And sometimes he brings up his little sister Please wait, she is like her brother, she stays up forever too.
btw: Thanks for fixing ledders in mid-panel buildings. Keep awesome!
since new patch 0,42 stable.. I cant play.. Im playing for 0-5 minutes then sesion lost. makes me sad survivor
its called runnig-simulatorZ
I think this will come... please rocket2santa
annoying especialy with bandages
(not)works with looting bodies as well
steps to reproduce:
1.kill a camper under tree
you have to close the bars while you are in door space, so closing bars will push you trouh the invisible barier
once I was on some server and they had these messages set as daily messages.. trolling from highest places:D
same issue, internet goes down.. well connection icon in windows is showing that internet is fine but nothing internet based works, only thing that helps me is to unplug cable from pc
turn off firewall in modem settings(not the windows one)... works 100%
You dont have to be on low health to die because of this bug. Happend to me twice and I was perfectly healhy.. then my body was found next to the building in which i was when it happend.
I think that FOV option should be accesible by hotkeys +/- ... this would simulate real world focusing
I just probably find solution!
I had to turn off firewall.. not like the windous one but actuly that one in router settings... now refreshing like hell and everything is fine
8gb ram
cities before update 26-29fps scene complexity 200000 viewdistance both 3000
shadows on
since update 16-21fps scene complexity 150000 viewdistance 1st 2000 scnd 1500
shadows off
such sad much cry so devastating
I can see al these keyboards geting smashed with furious rage.. this not just dayz issue.. this affects keyboard market. Better chceck if the guy responsible for this game behavior doesnt have share in some keyboard making company.
0.37 Climbing ladder inside medium appartment building. Go all the way up, climb up the ladder, you will fall back down and most likely break your legs. Much cry. Very sad. So alt+f4. Much please. Very wow whnen repaired = I so happy.