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- Aug 27 2015, 4:10 AM (499 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
any Response *bump*
yes this is the issue i was Speaking about i have this exact same problem and it happens litterally like every 5 or 10 minutes and it absolutely sucks when it happens mid Combat.
@ColdAtrophy you can also Temporarily Fix this by Changing your HDR Quality back and forth i have this happen to me about every 5 minutes at least 5-6 times in an hour
it wasn't from putting Cooked meat into your Inventory -.- it Was From Standing to Close to a Fireplace
you Dont Lose the Magazine it Drops Exactly where you are standing Open your inventory and Take exactly 1 or 2 Steps backwards and it will be there
its not Server Specific it can be Reproduced on every server all you have to do is take the loot inside the hut drop it outside and the stuff inside instantly respawns, if you do it a few times it will start spawning loot without you removing it
you didn't have Nothing in your were holding an Improvised knife, or a Rock not sure which but one of the 2
only 2 tents no Vehicles?
an if not any vehicles how many barrels.
and if only 2 tents nothing else your Tents are to close Hicks Recommends 50 Meters between each item at camp
hicks commented about this in one of the Pax livestreams and said it was being fixed.
only way to cure sickness is either Charcoal tablets or Death if the charcoal doesn't work you sir are scheduled for death~
if you have 15 Tents and a Car tent, it is not from painting your gun its because Camps can only be 1-2 tents within a 50 meter radius at the moment and im going to step out on a limb here and say your telling a lie about the number of tents beings there are Exceedingly Rare. 100x more rare than m4's at the present moment
you do Realize whether Cooked or Not human meat will still Infect you with the Kuru Virus correct? so never eat human meat. lol
the Devs warned people about this in the Status update You can only have 2 items within 50 Meters of each other in a camp. Lose some of you Items. problem will end
like i said in my note, just like in Dayz mod when you had a chopper and you broke a window it would begin to leak fuel continuously yes you could fill it back up but it would still leak but theirs a hole, you would have to fix the glass before you could fuel it and it not leak
this is 100% Confirmed Just like the Choppers in Dayz once youd break a Window they will slowly continue to lose fuel untill it runs out even after you refill truck with fuel.
I will have to Test this i haven't Had any Issues with this Yet, but as The Pu Scope Sucks horrible A and there isn't a point in using it on an SKS, and for the Fact that the mosin now sucks A beings the mosin damage Was Ninja Reduced 3-4 body shots to kill now Vs. 2-3 and the Fact that you cannot put a "long ranged scope on it" (aka the New hunting scope) the Winchester, B95, Trumpet, Repeater, izsh rifle Are 100% better than the mosin now beings you can use a Hunting scope on them.
I 100% do not Feel that this is a Glitch because you Can do kind of the Same thing at the Water fountains without holding the W and spamming the F key it should be like this in my opinion its the only Good and Reliable source of Food right now in .58
1.) as the time goes on and more people are looting, the amount of items showing up is going to lessen and lessen.
2.) cooked meat is currently bugged atm and Will still Make players Sick.
3.) eating human meat give you a Disease that isnt curable
3.1) it makes you a huge Target With the Obnoxiously Loud Cry/Laugh that players can hear across a military base
3.2) you Can no Longer Aim a Gun because every 1/2 second or so your character Will Twitch and you aim will go Crazy
so as in you want a "Sniper Breath Holding" kind of like Say in Call of duty? where holding your breath reduced the sway of your scope.? Simpilar explination
I Upvote and agree with this add in bicycles to the game as a Vehicle and make a few hundred of them spawn all over the map, or make it so they can relatively easily be made (not as easy as Right clicking a Toolbox though.)
that means the Server you Were Originally on was a Private server Listed as Public so it Was Removed.
if this was an Actual Public server connect to any other public server but if it was a Private server NO. it most likley was a Private server Listed as a Public one which is against the New Server rules, so it likley got removed.
the Devs just stated in the Latest live feed Limit you Camps to 2 tents/ barrels and A single truck if not it can go very haywire all you have to do is spread the stuff out a ways dont put everything together put a tree or 2 inbetween each containter/ truck at the moment i have 5 trucks 4 tents and 8 barrels and havent had an issue yet just spreading them out
the Pistol suppresor is and always has been the mp5 and ump45's suppressor
guns hardly spawn in houses only Sporter's trumpets and shotguns, and i usually find these in the log cabins most of the other houses do not spawn guns.
Loot Persistance is on a 3 day timer (72 hours) so if someone drops and item it is supposed to take approximatley 72 hours for it to be wiped
its not supposed to fit any scopes its an Smg... not a rifle you might possibly be able to put the Redot that go onto mp5ks on it tho the rvd1s sight or wat ever.
Zombies were Removed in .58 they Zombie Ai Files are Being Rewritten for a "Scary" new Zombie Experience in 0.59 -Be Prepared and pucker them anus's-
well if you think about it in an Irl aspect if its completely pitch black outside with no Light eventually you would be able to see because your eyes would adjust to the dark, now Flick a light on shining into your eyes now Shut it off, guess what you just went Completely Blind, because your eyes adjusted to their being light, Same thing ingame.
yes you can Die by falling down those stairs usually takes 2-3 times of falling though
Actually this Is a Bug and Does work, i test this about 5 minutes before posting this- Put battery and plug in truck start driving have passenger get out and pull them out truck will still run.
but i Honestly dont see this being a bug, because in real life you need a Battery to Start a Vehicle but once its started/ it runs off the alternator so there isnt a need for a battery, Plus with a diesel Truck you also Can Pull out the Glow plug but, you would have diesel spraying everywhere.
there is loot Everywhere "if you know Where to look" as i said Before if your not Finding loot try going to the actual loot spots Myshinko tent city Nwaf Tent City, The new Tent city west of Svetlo.... as i said there gear everywhere.
(Zombies Were Removed for .58 Because the AI Files are currently Being rewritten for a "Scary" new Zombie experience in .59)
And There is loot Everywhere if you know where to look, Loot Was Removed from Camo Jails nothing spawns in them anymore.
and loot is Persistent now so if no one takes the items out of Said Spot nothing new will Respawn.
Actually I've had this problem Numerous times, if you have bumped into Anything, and i do Mean Anything. It causes the Gas Tank to Leak. so at some point you've had to of bumped into a Bush, Fence, Tree, Etc. But even Driving you Continuously are losing fuel and will even run empty while driving, once the Server Restarts the Truck will be fully repaired and will no longer be leaking fuel, that is unless you bump something again.
Actually, there Are 2 Fixes for this, Either #1 Drop said Gun onto the Ground and pick it back up shows the Scope again, Or Log out and back in Fixes this as well this has been happening since 0.57
yes its Called Loot Cycling been around since the good ol Dayz mod
Nope Absolutely Nothing Wrong with this. it is not a Bug, This is a Common thing known as "loot-cycling" where you take every item in a building move it all outside of the spawn of the other items then wait for the new stuff to respawn. eventually it will pile up tons of loot
im not trying to call you a liar @emuthreat, im just stating my opinion and yes i might be wrong it might be server side seeings as how Persistance can be Disabled. or it was said that it could. and the Server i play on is Evil Chicken Gaming, not 100% sure on the host but i play with the Owner of the server and we havent had a persistance problem at all
ok you Either Misplaced your barrels/tents or someone Stole them i have had My Camp set up now for over 36 Hours so 3 Different Restarts and my entire camp is still there we have 2 Big military tents, 4 barrels and 2 civilian tents, everything is also still inside of them no items missing no barrel or tents missing
or you possibly Just misplaced your Hidden items, or someone took them, i currently have 2 barrels hidden where no one else can get (aka a Glitched spot) inside of the Wall of a Certain building I will let you know if they disappear
Stream snipers are absolutely Scum, @walkerzed But Stream sniping is not Nor Has it Ever Been Against the Terms of Service. It is also Not Using a 3rd Party Program to Change the Outcome of a Game. This is 100% a False Report, the Only Reason he was Able to "stream snipe" you was because (You) were not Smart enough while Streaming yourself Playing a (*Multiplayer Game*) to Put a Stream Delay On so he Wouldn't be Able to Stream Snipe you.
Also He Never Once Claimed to Have "Hacks" so this Again is False and As well makes you a Liar.
the Weapons in the Hotbar have Shown the Firing animation since before .57.
You did Download Dayz From Steam correct?, if so Uninstall Dayz Completely, then go to your Steam Library and Re-download it from there
this is Because the Entire Ai Files are being Re written, you might see one zombie a Week, but other then that they were removed/ reduced they will make a "SCARY" Return in 0.59
there not Gone I've done this many of Times they Drop where you Started eating you might not be able to See them very well though because they tend to blend into the grass
Not a Single Issue No more then 3-4 items are spawning in any building or Tent.
Heard this on Our Server Today Aswell Hopefully it is taken Care of soon.
i As well Tested this with B95 Double and the M4 and neither of the Toggle's for them worked.
the Devs know about this and intentionally left it like this. beings in real life it wouldn't take 1 minute to take a drink from a well
May 10 2016
ive made 4 today havent had a problem making them