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did servers get deleted
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I was playing on server DayZ NY 3-150, did it get deleted if so that sucks as I had the dragonav with the Mag and a lot of other stuff that took a long time to get. If it did get deleted is there another server where I can go to that will give me my stuff back.


Legacy ID
Unable To Reproduce

Event Timeline

puddin031 set Category to Server.Aug 29 2015, 10:37 PM
puddin031 set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
puddin031 set Severity to None.
puddin031 set Resolution to Open.
puddin031 set Legacy ID to 481716069.May 8 2016, 11:38 PM

if this was an Actual Public server connect to any other public server but if it was a Private server NO. it most likley was a Private server Listed as a Public one which is against the New Server rules, so it likley got removed.

it was a public server by and when I went of other servers that I also go to had the same basic character(tried many other servers no joy)

that means the Server you Were Originally on was a Private server Listed as Public so it Was Removed.

ok that sucks as to lose everything, thanks

well I found the server and it isn't the character that was previously on that server(ie the SVD that I spent a lot of time finding) so is this expected every couple of months, have your character deleted(after spending all that time building) just to have to start all over again.

the server I guess didn't get deleted as it is now in the server list. Is it possible to get it back, have video on my phone of me having one

Caelib added a subscriber: Caelib.May 8 2016, 11:38 PM

DayZ IL 2-0 ( disappeared a few days and has not come back online yet. I contacted the host (Gameservers) and they said they restarted it, but it went offline again almost immediately.

Based on this, I wonder if something with persistence is causing some servers to crash and not be able to successfully restart?

for that I don't think I should of been penalized for this and to be honest it has caused me to not want to play as now I have to put all that effort and time into getting that weapon again which was hard to find in the first place, told friends of mine that was thinking of getting the game to not even bother to get it as they would get upset that after a couple of months you have to start over again as if you died. real bummer and i'll be honest I have no desire to play as I know come about November I will have to start all over again, would like the developer to give me that weapon back, and I have proof that I had one

so it happened again, my character got reset by changing servers. I went back to the original server and my character was back to basic, not cool. this is the second time in a couple of months that this happened thought it was due to servers getting deleted, but the server that I reported getting deleted is back on line( within 2 days ) it sucks to build your character(over a lot of hours) just for it to be reset to they way you first respawn.

Characters get lost all the time for myriads of reasons. The disclaimer before you play the game warns of this. You cannot get attached to your gear while the game is still in development. And yes, you should expect to lose your player and stuff every couple of months for the foreseeable future. Especially with every patch that comes out and sometimes, possibly, during weekly maintenance's or hot-fixes.

At least I do;

The game is barely halfway finished. In just under 300 hours I've easily lost half a dozen geared characters to silly bugs or issues. It's just a part of development so it doesn't happen on release.

As for a solution. Well probably won't like it but there is nothing wrong with putting the game on the shelf for a few months and returning when it is a bit more polished. At least you've saved some money for the future.

EDIT: Always make sure to stay on public hives to ensure maximum safety for your characters. Apart from the above mentioned mislabeled servers you are in the best place to maintain characters and gear. I know I thought I lost characters before only to find them a couple of weeks later by visiting a private one by accident.

No matter which public server I join, it resets the character. There's not even a 30 second timer. I tried joining a server, moving about for about 5 minutes, exiting, & then tried to rejoin the same public server; reset / no timer. I have not checked a private server yet; anyone???

From what I hear tonight was the result of some sort of attacks or at least that's what is going around. You are definitely not alone with a lot of players reporting character wipes in the last 8 hours.