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- User Since
- Aug 19 2014, 11:13 PM (552 w, 3 d)
Aug 27 2020
Sep 11 2018
May 11 2016
No offence, but id rather the game be filled with authentic non military weapons than have 1000 kiddies run around blasting m4's at each other down the coast. If they are rare, then so be it. Obviously if they are not spawning that is an issue and I understand what you mean but being "too rare" isn't an issue tbh. Plenty of other guns to find and use.
Geez also thought I'd mention on this ticket that when I exit the game I get this error:
"The instruction at 0x77a7df63 referenced memory at 0x000000014. The
memory could not be written.
Click on OK to terminate the program"
It's the same every time I exit.
EDIT: Attached my dayzprofile and cfg files too incase they would be handy for reference.
Attached the files in a compressed folder. Hope this is sufficient if not let me know and I will upload to dropbox or something.
Had the issue when I had launch parameters and then after I removed them I still get the issue
Confirmed, I also get this on the concrete sections between the runways and the runways themselves at NEAF.
Just like to point out that it is a game. Crafting a complete Ghillie suit from a burlap sack and netting isn't exactly realistic either... But point taken.
Really like this idea.
Confirmed, its like the doorway is too small or something
Confirmed saw this yesterday.
100% agree with this it makes perfect sense to do this.
Tried right clicking on the exe and setting it to launch as administrator?
hahahaa :) love you guys I promise!
From having edited unique locations for ArmA2 DayZ Mod I know what causes this... This is when a pond has been placed and then rotated. As soon as you rotate the water item it does this effect.
Upvoting as I have noticed this too and it is kinda annoying but easily fixed.
Just as easy as removing that bench in the yellow house (pink roof) at Zeleno!
Ps: It's still there! ;)
I agree about the functioning weapons and also the NATO weaponry etc but was just an idea. I think for axes etc it would be kinda cool, or possibly for period type clothing and items this would be kinda cool to explore if it was large enough to be unique. Caveman outfit? lol
Replacement for Zelenogorsk Military Base I agree with 100%. There is a military location every 1000m along that west coast and it feels too militarised. At least this would break it up a bit.
Thanks for your feedback!
You miss the point of this game completely. You can already do what you want, having more guns won't make you change that. If you want more guns head south, skip all player interaction and just be a boring, KOS type of player and claim all your lootz.
If it's guns and pvp you are looking for maybe go play Wasteland mod.
Confirmed. I believe they are working on a fix or at least aware of this issue. Very annoying indeed!
already spotted and due for a fix :)
lol classic DayZ "103% Bacon"
Confirmed. All experimental 1st person servers are now 1st/3rd person.
Any reasons for the downvotes? Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah I agree. I just mean as it stands people already tweak the view distance in the cfg but if sliders were implemented people could at least do it easier and not have to log out and back in again.
Same for me, Hospitals especially kill the framerate. Take Elektro as an example, running into it the fps starts to plummet but not overly. look at the hospital and its game over fps.
This is an issue they know about as mentioned in the latest patch notes but it really needs addressing asap as it has been a problem for longer than this particular iteration.
I agree, you used to be able to add loot to crashed vehicle models in the mod and I always had a few military item spawn at the humvee wrecks, a pistol or ammo box or something like that would be awesome.
Confirmed, for me the performance is now almost unplayable unless I reduce my draw distance to 1000... Zelenogorsk especially kills my machine.
My current rig:
Intel i7 930 @ 3.8 Ghz (oc'd)
ATI HD 7850
Agreed. Same for me.
^ This! Agree
I agree with this... Not found a single crash since update and I even covered every single crash site to confirm... Not one. Unless 3 Police Cars had spawned... As I understand it the Police Car and Heli spawns are linked. There can only be a total of 3, so any combination of both. Please correct me if I am wrong as I have read this before.
Also I love the fact that they are super rare... But for the love of God if they are super rare then at least have decent stuff spawn at them! Even when I have found a heli crash in the past all I have found was boots and chem lights... And that was right after a restart so no chance of other players getting there first.
Really? Wow, I can confirm this is the case for me and 3 other people too. You literally spam "Drink Water" at a pond until full then after running for 5 minutes you need to drink a full bottle to make it go bright green again. I understand that it will decrease I just think you need to drink too much to top it back up.
yup happens a lot of the time if you sprint up stairs, weird bug, if you go up stairs from full sprint it seems to maximise the chances of this happening.
I totally agree with this, I was "hot" and "wet" at the same time for a good 10 minutes... This is not realistic. If you go in a pool or pond etc you will be cooled off straight away IRL. I understand it's a game though and as such still needs to have gameplay mechanics rather than total realism but it definitely needs balancing.
Red Orchestra does a really good job of this, take a look at how they implement the controls... That game is a full on simulation and as such has a lot of controlls much like DayZ but they manage to keep it simple.
^ This too, that would be another option and probably a very simple retexture, also like the mosin etc.
Sorry I didn't mean to be an asshole. This is a problem in experimental branch.
Roadrage you clearly don't read... When you drop things you obviously have to pick it back up. What we are saying is that if you are double carrying and you eat something your avatar drops the said item but straight afterwards picks it back up automatically... You can use it. Fire it etc as if you have picked it up. But the problem is that it technically hasn't been picked up even though it appears so. I bet you down voted this issue due to your inability to understand what we are saying.
I have figured out what happens... The item you have in your hands gets dropped at the location you first eat/drink etc, but when you automatically pick it up right afterwards the item's location doesn't save, it stays in the game world location that you first dropped it to eat/drink. If you return to that point it will still be there.
This cost me a few items before I figured out the work-around. Definitely needs to be addressed.
To solve this in the mean time after you automatically pick up the item immediately drop it and pick it up again into your hands. This will save it's location on your character.
I second this (third this? lol) as it is still in effect in 0.50 experimental servers.
For me the sounds in the game need a massive bug fix tbh, the ghost sounds and this static direction bug has been in effect for a long time now...
^ this guy! Always wanted to see this myself.
May 10 2016
"for other people with half brain"...
..."Would like some hardware limitations for this game."
You have no idea how this engine works. It is essentially adopting a lot of the traits from ARMA 2 as long as that stands it DOESN'T MATTER if EVERYBODY in the world had the same pc spec because the grass and trees would still do the same thing! It's not a hardware problem!
The engine needs to be changed to allow for that type of thing. So as long as this remains a game built on top of a modified engine that isn't suited to this type of environmental scaling this problem will persist.
You can climb off your super-pc pedestal now.
I understand your point but not everybody has the luxury of a high end PC to run an Alpha game in its highest settings. I play the game on High settings with Alpha To coverage off as I think it makes the fps lower for no reason and I think the game looks awesome... one setting does NOT make the game automatically look "crappy".
However, that being said, I agree with your point. I don't agree with the assumption that people that play on low do so to gain an advantage. Some people just want to experience DayZ.
I would add to your point that grass needs to be taken into consideration. You can play on LOWEST settings (advantage in your opinion) and me in ULTRA yet I would easily see you in the distance regardless of where you are in the game as at distances the grass doesn't even get drawn and trees change their model LOD so the game can render them all meaning you would stand out like a sore thumb under a pine tree because in the distance it changes its shape to accommodate all the details. This issue isn't just about Alpha To Coverage. Grass needs to give you cover in the distance as it does in close. Trees need to do the same.
Also you CAN get food from trees (apples) and bushes (berries) and you CAN get water from any pond (not wells at moment)