After this patch 0.50 I think that your hydration and energized levels fall far too quickly. I basically need to drink a full bottle of water every 5 - 10 minutes. I understand that when you are running you will get thirsty, but you can't physically drink this much water! I suppose what I mean is that you need to drink too much water to top your levels back up to bright green status. Also the hunger isn't well balanced either... I totally agree that your hydrated status should fall quickly if you are running but you shouldn't have to drink SO much water to get it to top up again... As with food, you should stay full for a while and then it should fall quickly rather than it being a steady fall.
I guess this will always be a problem area and opinions will always be abundant on this area but, that being said, at the moment I think the hydration and energy levels are a step backwards from 0.49 rather than a step forwards.