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- May 15 2013, 6:28 PM (618 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
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JohnnieChode said:
@V Did I say it was real? STFU idiot.
You should be banned from this tracker, from the forum and yes, from ingame chat.
Do you see any footprints in real?
This is science fiction.
8 downvotes. I do not get it. Why?
Hey @Fireball
This is not the Handbrake.
The handbrake is without function in tracked vehicles. ;-)
This ticket is for the behavior of tracked vehicles when AI is using the brake.
AI will never use the handbrake. In any case, the normal brake is used by AI to stop a vehicle and actually not configurable for any player.
The problem is the brake behavior by using the "real" brake on a tracked vehicle, actually used only by AI-Drivers.
Normal, you will use "S", while you move forward, if you want to stop your vehicle. This looks normal but its not the brake. At the moment, you can't assign a key for the brake in the settings menu.
This is only possible in your config file (Playername.Arma3Profile).
It is absolute wrong that your tracks are instantly blocked and your vehicle will slide 50 m to full stop.
Before this one mentioned patch, all was fine.
This is definitely too much.
And @Devs please unlock the brake key in menu. So everybody can enjoy this bug.
We have AT, we dont need any amor piercing.
Thats the problem @AD2001.
The static AT Titan uses "1Rnd_GAT_missiles". This is a complete other Ammo as for the mobile Titan Launcher.
Recoil is too far through the model. The end of the gun will hit the ground.
Map? Coordinates?
It takes a moment until the hull is also warm.
I make a screenshot tomorrow if I do not forget it.
Oh, i missunderstand this issue.
Btw, the BTR-K has more logical errors as it seems.
In TI, its seems the engine in placed in the rear. But there is no space for a enginge. There is the passenger space.
Logically, the engine would have to be in the front. There is in my opinion not much space in front of the crew. Or they have the BTR-K built with an engine of a Ford Fiesta?
The Gunner has no "Turn out". The turret is remote controlled.
Looks like a issue with your controls.
MK19 truck? What is it?
Are you using any Mods?
You should check your viewdistances.
Look at my Ticket
Looks as though this is the cause of the problem.
The path of the UAV on runway is exactly 20 ° after landing and will cross the green field.
Are you sure, the drones you want to control are on your side? Not empty? Or enemy?
"(unitBackpack this) additemCargo ["B_UavTerminal",1];"
I use this way.
"addWeapon "B_UavTerminal";" will add it to the correct slot, but will delete existing Items in it.
Oh and a other point is, you can can't connect to "Empty" UAV's/UGV's.
Choose them from the correct Side. Not Empty.
snippet from config:
descriptionShort = "Type: Armor Piercing<br />Rounds: 1<br />Used in: Titan MPRL Compact";
Use the forum!
Use the computer or aiming device.
How many helicopters has ejectiv seats in real?
I know only 2 types from one producer. No one of them are still in Arma3.
Ah, ok, the class of the launcher is called "launch_RPG32_F"
For all your tickets, its called RPG-32, not RPG-42.
Its this
We need only lights and lasers.
here's another upvote
How you paste the script?
Strg + V ???
Ok, i see your edit in the description.
Some weapons even work underwater even though they are not specifically provided for.
I have never seen exploding tires in arma3.
And in the forest? Then burns down everything? Please imagine the amount of smoke. The forest fire could reach my graphics card. XD
nore infos please.
fire with what?
The firemode (Semi, Full) is also resetted.
Yes, and you can switch the scope mode anytime, hidden in background. While running, crouching or whatever.
Working Flares. Smoke also works.
These Flares are very poor. But they work.
I tried this in the alpha. They work. Its a short illumination. They falling a bit too fast.
You can add this Ammo manually.
this addMagazine "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Flare_white";
this addMagazine "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Smoke_white";
Normally the smokescreen is controlled by the commander. We should wait for a update that gives the amv the missing commander slot.
This should fix this problem.
I had the same problem after commanding to attack a vehicle. the normal animation of the AI was fully stopped.
How did you made this screenshot? I mean from where?
Yes its the supressor. Usually subsonic ammunition must be used, which has a much lower energy. Of course, a silencer works well with normal ammunition, but you can then also remove the supressor because the bullet itself produces a loud bang.
Look like, they fixed it.
You can take Laserbatteries as much as you want. The Laserdesignator will not work properly.
this addWeaponCargo ["Laserdesignator", 5];
No one of these will work!
this addWeaponCargo ["Laserdesignator", 1];
this addWeaponCargo ["Laserdesignator", 1];
this addWeaponCargo ["Laserdesignator", 1];
this addWeaponCargo ["Laserdesignator", 1];
this addWeaponCargo ["Laserdesignator", 1];
These will work!
Right, i am a german.
Please add the missing Vehicle Ammo Box for NATO to your description.