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- Mar 19 2014, 6:17 PM (574 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
I disagree.
Ah, it's the village idiot, nothing to see here.
I disagree, the game should not be convenient.
Relog and reap the fruits of your deeds. Make sure to have a shitton of food on you as you relog, otherwise you die fast.
This is not an issue. All Stable characters have been reset as of .54.
Yeah, this is true for many situations, like making splints.
An alternative way for cancelling such action is by right-clicking on a usable item during the animation. It will give you the option to cancel within the item, though that is still inefficient.
An additional screenshot:
Unable to light the fireplace after having used the ' ' bug, even though the fireplace is in a completely safe location.
Also able to open cans with a broom. Uhhuh.
If you use this bug - " ", the fireplace would be dragged out back unto the ground.
The downside is that currently doing that would make the fireplace permanently not safe.
Can confirm. Fireplaces glitch through the floor when upgraded indoors. You can still access them with the 'Vicinity' menu, but sometimes you can't - giving you the impression that it disappeared.
Yup. The fireplace falls through the ground.
Issue similar to
I noticed that this happens most often with people who wear the Gorka Jacket. Maybe it's bugged.
After I took the Gorka Jacket off I would no longer overheat as much.
As of .53 - using this bug on any fireplace will cause the fireplace to become permanently not safe to ignite.
ah, such whimsy. ^^
You're welcome as always.
We can't have any arbitrary 'points' system as part of a game mechanic. It's just not what DayZ has been, nor is something that the fans of the game will accept.
Here is a video better demonstrating the effects of this bug. Fishing was done at three servers with varying ping (30, 80 and 280). The bug occurred at similar intervals regardless of ping.
<<< 2:00 - 9:00 - '90 ping Fishing'.
[ 2:57 - First empty message.
[ 5:51 - Second empty message.
[ 8:40 - Third empty message.
<<< 12:00 - 20:42 - '280 ping Fishing'.
[ 16:02 - First empty message.
[ 18:05 - Second empty message.
[ 20:32 - Third empty message.
<<< 24:00 - 34:30 - '30 ping Fishing'.
[ 26:38 - First empty message.
[ 30:23 - Second empty message.
[ 33:03 - Third empty message.
No fish was caught during the 34 minutes. Check the Bait action was triggered every time the previous 'Check the Bait' message has faded in chat.
Sorry, I have not made myself clear. I completely agree that prodding is the way to go with Pitchforks, it is the 'weapon raised' animation that bothers me.
When you press 'space' with the Pitchfork, it looks as if you character is about to land a blow from above. It doesn't look like your character is about to prod your opponent.
Then, as you proceed to attack, you expect your character to perform an arching blow. Instead, the character first lowers to Pitchfork to chest level(which from player perspective actually looks like he is striking from above!), and then proceeds to prod the opposition.
As a solution, the 'raised' animation for the pitchfork should be bringing the Pitchfork to chest level initially, looking ready to prod things. Instead of having it raised high in the air and THEN brought down to prod.
Here is a small video I made to illustrate the issue.
Duplicate of lol. Woops.
Yeah, can confirm the same for 50.125214 experimental.
The sound does not emit necessarily from the top, but at the spot from which you start climbing. In other words, if you start climbing from the bottom upwards, the bottom of the ladder will emit the climbing sound. If you start climbing from the top downwards, the top of the ladder will emit the sound.
Again, this is most noticeable with ladders that go very high up, like this one.
No, there are only 2 doors in the entire building with which you can interact, and all doors in the game are numbered.
Selecting to close/open this 'door 3' does absolutely nothing.
I don't know. Here are the imgur link to the pictures, for whom the files are unavailable.
Invisible 'Door 3' -
The Shack -
Yeah, seems still effective as of 50.125369 experimental.
I have traveled far from the fireplace I left near my tomato garden, only to return to it with the Fireplace's inventory entirely invisible. Only after I placed a tomato inside the Fireplace did it refresh, and the items were all visible again.
This seems similar to the issue.
I have added a screenshot of a Fireplace that has a lot of Firewood and food added to it, though showing nothing.
Did you interact with all of the tents in any way every few days?
When people are able to host their own servers, anyone would be able to do this, and I guarantee they will.
Whatever devs have done today affects nothing.
Not just a rock, eight rocks!
I was able to reload a Mosin Nagant by having a loaded Longhorn in my inventory. It simply showed me a reload prompt, I pressed it - and the game put the 1 bullet loaded in the Longhorn straight into the Mosin. (though the manual reload animation was played instead of the clip reload.)
As of 50.125369, the weapons now veer far to the left when you throw them, instead of right. :)
Because floor reflects light. Shadows simulates lack of light in an area. When you remove shadows I guess the game assumes everything is lit.
I have not been able to reproduce this in a consistent manner. Though this does occur once in awhile for me.
UPDATE: 0.49.124972
The "Something has just bit the bait!" now works as intended, though there are still random instances of 'Check the bait' bringing up no message whatsoever, forcing you to check the bait again and promptly scaring away the fish.
It possibly could be as a result of server performance, though I am not sure.
Maybe. :) Don't worry about it. Sorry for confusement, hehe.
Pressing 'Check Bait' multiple times in succession would result in you scaring away all the fish. As a result I assumed that the ability to spam the command is possibly intentional to test the patience of players, seems I was wrong. :p
Happy to help.
Nevermind. It seems the ability to spam "Check Bait" is intentional as it balances patience of the player against the luck of the draw. Though I could still be wrong!
I have added a bunch of screenshots detailing the effect of Alpha to Coverage to various states of the Burlap Wrap. Notice how only the Grass Wrap attached to the Mosin is affected.
Yes, the issue is still present. I have noticed though that it is present only when Alpha to Coverage is set to anything other than 'Disabled.'
When Alpha to Coverage is disabled, the Grass Wrap seems ok.
DxDiag and settings screenshots provided.
Agreed, also apparent in 0.50 experimental.
Because zombie corpses stick around for some time, they're able to block inside a room for a few minutes, if not for longer(depending on how clean up works).
I seemingly have created two identical issues. Please remove the other one if you get the chance.
I accidentally created two identical issues, though this one is less detailed. Remove this issue please.
This is the main issue -
Alright, understandable.
I don't know. In a post apocalyptic situation, if there are no alternatives, I imagine a person would try to skin an animal with a bayonet.
Agreed. I attempted skinning an animal with a bayonet as well, and was surprised by it's inability to do so. Still effective as of 0.50.125214 Experimental.
Difficult to recreate on another server with time of 4:40 am. Possibly a very specific time frame where this occurs.
May 10 2016
Yup, can confirm. Cannot use the Sewing Kit on an Untied Bandana or a Facemask Bandana.
Though you can still patch it in it's original bandana form.
Only exception are Zombies which patrol the area. Footsteps match their footing accordingly.
Associated with the 'G' key bug/exploit -
Still apparent as of 0.49.124857 Experimental.
Related to in experimental.
UPDATE: Able to continuously spam apple trees or berry bushes with no animations, therefore no delay.
The screenshots were taken miliseconds apart.
Was able to consume an entire vitamin bottle(20 vitamins) in mere seconds.
Not implemented, yet.
The sliding is happening because of lack of friction of Chernarus' surfaces. Developers have to introduced some friction for this to not happen.
Still apparent as of 50.125214 experimental.
No sound for footsteps when running across the pavement in the middle of NEAF.