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- User Since
- Dec 27 2014, 1:29 AM (533 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
Reset = everything will disappear
Restart = everything stays
Had exactly the same today.
We killed 2 players. 1 slided down the stairs in prison, the other was on the stairs.
Result: not lootable.
Many updates ago we could see messages like "I'm getting wet" when you got hit by the rain. They also removed this. So, it won't be a problem to remove the other spam messaged.
Yes. Is it coming one day?
Because I really hope it is totally discreetly and not like in DayZ Mod.
Just one question: how to get this? I'm using the new-ui but I don't see this.
- We should have the choice to not see an entire paragraph --
This is what I wanted to say :P
Just one question: someone said to me Bohemia is going to implement the "HUD" (energy etc) of Arma 2 DayZ Mod into Dayz SA. Is this true?
What do you mean with "stream safe"?
With websites like gametracker absolutely nobody is "stream safe".
I think it's not a good idea to hide *all* status messages.
Simple messages like "I'm hungry" etc are very very good.
Same problem here. Sometimes every server gives me another char:
Thank you Geez for your answer.
With the next Patch you should think about a global char and server wipe.
When is the next patch rolling out?
This is not my video and there are multiple of this videos.
Nothing is wrong with me, but thanks for asking.
And anotherr DUPER SERVER is the following:
Admin is kicking everytime and server restarts also everytime. I've seen a ton of military tents near the forest-prison on NWA.
- remove the kick option, if the server runs on public. --
Definitely we need a solution, otherwise nobody wants to play anymore!
Many servers also use passwords on public servers, e.g. "".
This servers are also called "LOOT-Servers"!
- this strange behavior started. What ever was done to keep them from rolling --
I think save save the position of a car or whatever when nobody is inside and everytime it moves (e.g. downhill), the position resets automatically.
This produces jittering. Typically a 5-Minute-Solution.
Ok.. but only 1 or 2 of 10 admins is a good admin.
"a quick reminder of server rules definitely would not hurt."
I think it would be MUCH better to remove the kick-feature completely for public hives.
It's not worth it to say "Server X is kicking" cause 8 of 10 Servers are kicking!
This is not a problem since 0.59. This was like this before.
ONE of you needs to put the following string into the launch parameters of the DayZ Game in Steam:
After this you can play with your girlfriend.
Whats the question? If you want to get back your char: nope, impossible.
I think it would be better if they replace the engine before everything else.
Why continue working with an crappy engine?
I have seen this more than one time.
MANY admins are abusing to get a vybor spawn.
Just died with all my squad in Prison building. A invisible player killed all of us.
You need to use the NEW UI for that.
This is not a bug, because the OLD UI will be removed very soon.
I think it would be MUCH better to remove the kick-feature completely for public hives.
It's not worth it to say "Server X is kicking" cause 8 of 10 Servers are kicking!
"However it is also true that there are players who enter the other servers only to rob and then deposit the goods on their servers or servers of friends. Player who does not remain in the server but are just passing through."
Maybe. but if it's like this I don't own a PUBLIC Server!
Another problem is: vybor spawn STILL exists.
So, everytime a server admin is kicking I THINK it's for cheating/duping etc.
It should be punished harder, yes.
I'll not buy my own server because of this. I don't pay 50€/month for a alpha-server (not in this state - later YES).
It's absolutely not possible to report all the servers cause all server hosters have their own shitty ticket system and they want a ton of data.
So, in my opinion it's in obligation o the DayZ Dev team to REMOVE the "Kick function" temporary COMPLETELY!
Since 2 patches there are more problems like this.
I can see my friends characters animating something but they can't see it.
Also if you change your weapong, the character RELOADS his weapon. ONLY other people can see this.
And many many other animation errors you can't see but others.
There are a lot of this too big textes.
Problem still exists since TODAY!
Also experienced this problem yesterday evening.
The Stable Update was online December, 10th. I played until yesterday evening without this problems.
So, something changed this night/morning.
My friends confirmed this issue. They had a equiped char.
So, it doesn't matter if you are fresh oder not.
- It's the ignorant people like yourself who "contribute" useless bug reports --
This bug report is not useless.
He said "speed hack is still possible" and I am a 100% sure Bohemia knows the problem already.
I am totally agree with this dangerous animals.
If you dont want dangerous animals like this in a SURVIVAL game, logout, delete dayz and play your stupid CSGO again.
Sometimes with the new UI it's bugged.
- tka the SCOPE in your hands
- press the rght mouse button several times (not to fast, you need the animation)
- your scope should be fixed
In this video they are using the old UI. So you can not compare this.
- Letters very blurry and still no high-resolusion textures. --
I had the same problem with a laptop! My laptop got an integrated GPU (Intel HD 3000).
They disappear. But technically you still have your weapon in your hands.
If your weapon disappears you have to relog immediately and you get your weapon back.
Unfortunately I need to add something:
it's not only this server kicking all players. Nearly 6 to 8 out of 10 Server-Admins are kicking since they can monetize a server.
I don't know how and where.
Confirmed 0.59 Stable.
2 nights before EVERY player on my server was invisible (not cvhar, no sounds).
This glitch exists since DayZ exists and it's still not fixed.
Your character was deleted because of a SERVER and CHARACTER WIPE with Update 0.59.
Nothing to worry about.
And no.. you can not get your old character back.
You are too late. 0.59 is Stable since yesterday evening.
New UI
"The aspect ratio is wrong and there is no setting to adjust it."
He is obviously using the NEW UI and not the OLD UI.
Another problem is:
the user interface is much bigger now. You cannot even the the player count in the server browser.
It's also possible to put clothes into clothes.
Yes. Look at my screenshots.
Picture 1: This is a ATC for people who don't know ^^
Picture 2: The OLD glitch-entry was here. I am 100% sure the new glitch entry is also here because you can jump behind the garbage can.
Picture 3: Once you are inside the glitch you are inside a small room - I marked it red.
I've seen also a duper-server this night.
They duped clothes, weapons and everything else also tents.
I hope the fix is coming very very soon because there are more problems like this:
I and I am sure all other players would prefere you fix all UI bugs before implementing new loot and stuff.
Voted down.
In my opinion 6 Slots for the yellow box is OK!
In real life you would never be able to put "6 slot items" in a box with "4 slots".
I don't like this idea.
It is much better if every players gets spawned randomly.
DayZ is survival!
Do you have launch parameters activated?
If so, delete -winxp.
I think the dev's do not use well classes in their code.
They only use index-numbers like this:
Is SVD Mag painted?
- yes > Mag ID = X
- no > Mag ID = Y
And in this case Y is the index of a AKM-Mag.
It would be much better with classes like this:
What we need is a biiiiig hacker ban hammer wave. Unfortunately.
And BattleEye needs to get replaced completely. This software is, I am sorry, a peace of shit.
Hello Admins,
could you please delete this topic? The problem is resolved.
Delete it please, do not close it.
Yes, something that isn't BattleEye. BattleEye sees absolutely nothing it seems to me.
If it is so easy to use a hack tool, BattleEye is the wrong AntiCheat-Engine.
A good AntiCheat-Engine checks if there is something modifiying the memory allocated of the game. BattleEye isn't doing this correctly.
I also posted it here:
But the comments say it is "normal".. But I don't think so!
Additional Info:
the server admins are also restarting the server every time when they die.
No, I just saw it in a live stream that the admins were restarting the server everytime when a admin died.
The duped items.. this is absolutely sure. Because they had exactly the same clothes and even the same status.
Nobody ignores you. Don't panic ;)
4, item cant be repaired to Pristien , only CAN get worn
This is not a problem of VIlayer ....
It's only to make the devs attentive to this.
And please speak like normal people without shit etc.
Someone who downvote this is using this unfair methods to gain space ;)
Also it's totally unrealistic to put a whole pant into a pent.
Also Jackets into Jackets... the whole inventory system needs to be re-done in my opinion.
This should be redisigned completely.
It's not logical to put e.g. 4 cans of cola into the pants.
Too late. Everyone knows it already.
Everyone needs to know this bug.
Because like this Bohemia is forced to do something with their code.
Bohemia... PLEASE STOP to add new content!
Only in april there were 33% less DayZ players !
They won't fix bugs.
They only fix bugs where they know the problem.
Everything else will never be fixed. Why? Look the Mod or Arma ;)
Same problem here. I tested different servers from different providers.
Nearly all zombies do not recognize me.
0.56 is more buggy than 0.55 und 0.54 together. Because there are even many bugs with the character.
And why VAC sees nothing?
BattleEye is so crappy... we need VAC!
This is a persistence bug.
A Yeans should only allow a pencil, morphine or things like that.
And everyone who is voting down should go back to DayZ Mod!
Maybe. But all this stupid kiddy-admins are abusing anyway.
Public Servers should only be hirable by "officiel" people.
Look at this shit. Every 12 years old idiot can hire a public server.
He has only a public server to hop all the time and to kick off other people.
the Server "Der Adler ist gelandet" is still used for duping items.
Thanks to the Arma-Engine...
Instead of fixing al this bugs it would be better to get a completely new engine!
Look at this, this will explain the 1-hit-zombie:
I had also an issue like this. I didn't know how to explain because I didn't know how it works exactly.
But your and my issue are exactly the same..
With the 2 Minutes I can also confirm.