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Alt-Tab causes crash when fullscreen
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When ingame and you want to check something on desktop the game crashes instantly when Alt-Tabbing and click on game icon to play again. Nothing appears it just gives the error message.

Error: Device reset failed, error 8876086c


Legacy ID
No Bug
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Fullscreen ingame then Alt-tab to desktop, then click on icon to go back to game and the error message appears.

Error: Device reset failed, error 8876086c

Additional Information

-Experimental Version
-crashes both in menu and ingame
-Screenshot and dxdiag is in .rar
-Shadowplay was enabled
-background procecces only chrome and steam

Event Timeline

clsupreme edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 3 2015, 2:35 PM
clsupreme edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
clsupreme set Category to Game Crash.
clsupreme set Reproducibility to Always.
clsupreme set Severity to None.
clsupreme set Resolution to No Bug.
clsupreme set Legacy ID to 2435447317.May 8 2016, 10:48 PM

Do you have launch parameters activated?

If so, delete -winxp.

Yeah, my parameters were "-winxp -maxMem=2048 -maxVram=2048 -nosplash -noPause -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7". Seems like after deleting "-winxp" the game wont crash when in menu and Alt-Tabbing. Have to try ingame when servers are up again.
Thank you for the solution.

Geez added a comment.Jun 3 2015, 4:56 PM

Hello clsupreme.
Since the issue has been resolved I am going to close the ticket. However feel free to submit another ticket in case you encounter any issues.