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User Since
Oct 19 2016, 1:47 PM (439 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

May 21 2019

MrKirby added a comment to T137856: Create spawn points of things in these buildings.

As you said some have a low spawn count. Like the Supermarket and Construction site. (The others I don't know, never found anything there). For a construction site 2 or 3 items is way to low.

May 21 2019, 11:15 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T139616: Proper version match in server browser doesn't work in exp.

I'm pretty sure it does work but it doesnt match the full build number, it's been like this forever tbh

1.03.xxxx it doesn't match the X part

May 21 2019, 1:49 PM · DayZ
MrKirby created T139616: Proper version match in server browser doesn't work in exp.
May 21 2019, 11:44 AM · DayZ

Jun 22 2017

MrKirby added a comment to T125734: [STABLE 0.62] Farm plots disappear .

Do the whole garden plots disappear? As currently we are aware that there is an issue with the planted plants disappearing upon server restart, but the support sticks and the plots themselves remained on the server.

Jun 22 2017, 4:48 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T125735: [STABLE 0.62] No "Cancel current action" when drinking from gasoline cannister.

Hello MrKirby and thank you for the report.
The action system is being reworked internally and the changes will address this particular issue as well.

Jun 22 2017, 4:45 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T122161: 0.61 - Getting stuck on top of ladder of camouflage bunker.

@Geez This issue was fixed wasn't it. I saw a patch 0.62 exp which said something about ladder fixing? Not sure, didn't have time to test :/

Jun 22 2017, 12:51 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T125568: Car doesn't despawn (When their health is 0).

Hello MrKirby.
In todays experimental patch we have released a hotfix for the issue. Now you should be able to destroy vehicles by approaching them with matchbox item in hands and using an action to destroy them.

Jun 22 2017, 11:28 AM · DayZ

Jun 20 2017

MrKirby renamed T125736: [STABLE 0.62] RV1 RDS Optics without battery fully functional from [STABLE 0.62] RV1 RDS Optics to [STABLE 0.62] RV1 RDS Optics without battery fully functional.
Jun 20 2017, 12:24 PM · DayZ
MrKirby created T125736: [STABLE 0.62] RV1 RDS Optics without battery fully functional.
Jun 20 2017, 12:22 PM · DayZ
MrKirby created T125735: [STABLE 0.62] No "Cancel current action" when drinking from gasoline cannister.
Jun 20 2017, 12:13 PM · DayZ
MrKirby renamed T125733: [STABLE 0.62] Pristine rag bug from Pristine rag bug to [STABLE 0.62] Pristine rag bug.
Jun 20 2017, 11:57 AM · DayZ
MrKirby created T125734: [STABLE 0.62] Farm plots disappear .
Jun 20 2017, 11:57 AM · DayZ
MrKirby created T125733: [STABLE 0.62] Pristine rag bug.
Jun 20 2017, 11:55 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T125568: Car doesn't despawn (When their health is 0).

The destroyed vehicles cannot be fixed any more, therefore you should let them despawn. In case you have an issue with a particular vehicle not despawning, despite its engine being destroyed (vehicle cannot be started), can you try to shoot the engine area several times and let us know in case the vehicle still did not despawn?

Jun 20 2017, 10:56 AM · DayZ

Jun 13 2017

MrKirby added a comment to T125568: Car doesn't despawn (When their health is 0).

PS: Every single vehicle tends to steer a little left (or right) without doing anything. Not sure if this is intedned (all pristine wheels) (Sedan, Offroad and V3S for sure)

Jun 13 2017, 4:15 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T125568: Car doesn't despawn (When their health is 0).

Hello MrKirby and thank you for the report.
By "They wont be able to drive", do you mean that you cannot start the engine at all or that the engine can be started but the vehicle cannot be driven?

Jun 13 2017, 2:34 PM · DayZ

Jun 12 2017

MrKirby updated the task description for T125568: Car doesn't despawn (When their health is 0).
Jun 12 2017, 5:04 PM · DayZ
MrKirby created T125568: Car doesn't despawn (When their health is 0).
Jun 12 2017, 5:00 PM · DayZ

Jan 31 2017

MrKirby renamed T122778: Cannot take civil tent with me on my back from Cannot take normal tent with me on my back to Cannot take civil tent with me on my back.
Jan 31 2017, 11:59 AM · DayZ
MrKirby removed a watcher for DayZ: MrKirby.
Jan 31 2017, 11:37 AM

Jan 10 2017

MrKirby updated the task description for T122778: Cannot take civil tent with me on my back.
Jan 10 2017, 7:49 PM · DayZ
MrKirby created T122778: Cannot take civil tent with me on my back.
Jan 10 2017, 7:38 PM · DayZ

Dec 9 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T121971: .61 EXP Unpredictable results when tearing clothes up for rags.

Well, let's be honest, have you ever teared a shirt apart? I think never ever the left over / created rags were beautiful and perfect :/

Dec 9 2016, 1:53 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121922: [EXP .61] 64 Bit client - Ammo stacks getting smaller after log out.

......all I got was a piece of paper no ammo came out of the box so now I'm wondering if that ammo went into his bag.

Dec 9 2016, 1:46 PM · DayZ

Dec 8 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T121925: Zombies are cheats .

@Arron, definitely not an option to remove zombies, the game is not a pvp game.. it never will be and never was intended to be. In the latest development blog they wrote about gunplay being a lot of people's favorite play style. Although they'll keep it in mind, things like cold, nature, animals and sickness are all going to be implemented and will get harsher... If you don't believe me, watch this video, it is made by SepticFalcon and it explains the current DayZ status perfectly :).

Dec 8 2016, 10:07 AM · DayZ
MrKirby updated subscribers of T121922: [EXP .61] 64 Bit client - Ammo stacks getting smaller after log out.

I experience the same.... be displayed correctly.

Dec 8 2016, 9:43 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121918: hello Dev's.

Hey dude, I'd recommend changing the title to something like:
"[Feature Request] Melee slot on back allows firearms too"

Dec 8 2016, 9:30 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121769: Server Crasher.

Thanks MrKirby :)

Dec 8 2016, 9:27 AM · DayZ

Dec 7 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T121904: V3S Engine too weak.

In grass you should not.... Think about it, such a heavy truck... will get stuck in the grass or dirt or whatever.. Drive on the road... fixes all problems... Had the same with the bus... couldn't get up a hill... because 1 tire was touching the grass....

Dec 7 2016, 9:53 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121899: No audio output when changing device.

Which is quite unfortunately, this is the case in more "alpha" games.. Although, in Rust, there is an audio mode option: 2.1, 5.1 or 7.1 surround. When changing any of these it will recheck for the current default...

Dec 7 2016, 9:39 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T117182: (0.60) Nvidia Shadowplay footage is extremely dark.

Would be great, in DayZ you don't know what will happen, and I am not always recording... therefor ShadowPlay is the perfect solution! But, it is reeeaaaally dark :"(

Dec 7 2016, 9:36 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121769: Server Crasher.

For everyone, before creating a bug report, you can choose "Private bug report". This will make sure the devs are the only one to view this page :)

Dec 7 2016, 9:32 AM · DayZ

Dec 5 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T114231: chars should always be able to tear simple shirts into rags.

This is not a solution nor meant to be one
You can always when you spawn run to the water and search for a stone - and when found - craft it into a knife... You need the knife for food etc. anyway and it is one of the best knifes out there!

Dec 5 2016, 1:58 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121704: Running with weapon in hands, pistol slower than rifle.

The weapon you are carrying is not the only thing that is checked when calculating your speed... Thinks like Energy and Hydration and your 'stamina' do play a role in the calculation...
BUT, can you note the guns you were talking about?

Dec 5 2016, 1:51 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121257: apple bug.

As I said before, these type of glitches will probably not get fixed until the new player controller... Same goes for spamming a well for hydration

Dec 5 2016, 1:44 PM · DayZ

Nov 29 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T121631: several bugs.

Try reporting these bugs in multiple threads, more than half of these were already reported.

Nov 29 2016, 10:12 AM · DayZ

Nov 28 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T121591: Bug oder Hacked?.

I really have no clue when 0.61 hits stable, I think it has to be somewhere around Q1 or even Q2 next year... So between January 2017 and June 2017

Nov 28 2016, 4:50 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121591: Bug oder Hacked?.

I am not able to respond in german, so I hope this can help you.

Nov 28 2016, 2:15 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121579: Trapped in rocks can't get out.

You might want to provide the following:

  • Screenshot
  • Steam link
  • (in title: 0.60 or 0.61)

More information if you have any

Nov 28 2016, 2:04 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121568: Dayz SA I am a Zombie..

What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. This. Game.
Hope this is getting fixed... This is bullshit...

Nov 28 2016, 2:01 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121573: I cant play i need help..

You should not spam this problem.

Nov 28 2016, 1:59 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121562: Please help me....
Nov 28 2016, 1:56 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121562: Please help me....

Send a screenshot, there is a reason Geez hasn't responded... This sounds like.... a bulls**t story. But hey, if you can show a screenshot.. That'd be great :). What server are you playing? Is it a server in the default server browser of one of those (hacked / modded illegal servers)

Nov 28 2016, 1:49 PM · DayZ

Nov 25 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T121562: Please help me....

What happened?
You were playing, turned around in real life? and when you came back you were a zombie? That's not a feature in DayZ SA so I assume you mean unconscious? They can reset your character but I am quite interested in what you mean :o

Nov 25 2016, 10:19 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121559: EXP - Pick Axe makes player unconcious in one hit and rate at which 9mm makes players unconcious.

Do you have that recorded because 7 shot of 9mm in the chest would have definitely got someone unconscious.... :o
I think even the sporter gets someone unconscious after 5 shots in the chest

Nov 25 2016, 10:14 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121558: Empty Sawn-off Shotgun are not clicking when you shoot..

Hahahaa, great way of finding a bug and reporting it, it was probably awkward as fuck, but fortunate for you this bug is present xD

Nov 25 2016, 10:12 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121553: pavlovo military ump spawn in shed.

I wish there was a shed spawning hunting backpacks like that xD

Nov 25 2016, 10:08 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121550: No loot in camo building.

Just to let you know, and Geez will probably confirm this later (as this is mentioned earlier)
They intentionally removed the loot in those buildings (CAMO BUILDING). Because in this current state it is possible to glitch into those building and shoot you while they walk through the wall.

Nov 25 2016, 10:05 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121134: infected take to many hits.

You dont HAVE TO but killing a zombie with fists is a lot easier in first person, fist fights in general are... Anyway, It was clearly visible you were not hitting it in the head.... The blood came from it upper chest and that also where your fists hit the zombie... The aimer is made for guns and all, and for fists it is a bit off... But if you look at it visually this should not be hard to understand....

Nov 25 2016, 9:56 AM · DayZ

Nov 18 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T121395: Landfort Watchtower's ladder glitch.

Can you show a screenshot, from the spot where people get/are stuck?

Nov 18 2016, 1:23 PM · DayZ

Nov 17 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T121091: No locked icon for doors.

@Geez, nooooooooooooooo xD
Why would you fix this, why'd you want it to display that is is locked, you normally cannot see if a door is locked either...
Maybe use a sound or something else that gets triggered when the player "tries" to open the door!

Nov 17 2016, 12:41 PM · DayZ

Nov 16 2016

MrKirby changed Category from category:movement to category:visualvehicles on T121353: [0.60 / 0.61?] Cars do not show which gear they're in.
Nov 16 2016, 2:28 PM · DayZ
MrKirby updated the task description for T121353: [0.60 / 0.61?] Cars do not show which gear they're in.
Nov 16 2016, 2:28 PM · DayZ
MrKirby created T121353: [0.60 / 0.61?] Cars do not show which gear they're in.
Nov 16 2016, 2:22 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T119560: [Suggestion] Complete selective fire modes and associate a UI and/or animation indicator.

Hey Everyone and Tartine in particulair,

Nov 16 2016, 2:21 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121327: Rangefinder not measuring Correct ranges .

This has been the case in 0.60 as well quite annoying if you ask me, which PSO-1 scope has this feature? (there are 2 types) I have 550 hours but I've never knew that that was possible :O

Nov 16 2016, 2:15 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121181: Ghosting is back.

I'd love to play on a private server but my friends don't... AND hiding your base (tents, barrels and cars) is a lot harder with 60/60 players constant....

Nov 16 2016, 2:12 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121315: Hand drill glitch.

maybe add some more info on what happened or if it happens all the time, that it happens 10 out of 10 times.
And if it happens when doing certain things, maybe add reproduce steps :)

Nov 16 2016, 2:10 PM · DayZ

Nov 14 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T121308: Connect Button does nothing - UPDATED New Problem.

Instead of clicking "play", try change server, might be an issue with the server it is trying to connect to?

Nov 14 2016, 10:34 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121257: apple bug.

This is a bug from 0.60 and they'll probably won't fix this until the new player controller

Nov 14 2016, 10:24 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121246: Fire Station still GLITHABLE 0.61 exp.

They would have to waste a lot of time fixing that bug, even though, the new Player Controller will fix it anyway

Nov 14 2016, 10:20 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T117075: Brightness & Gamma Settings.

@StephenHarper Is there a chance you could share the information for fellow DayZ players who might encounter the same issue?

Nov 14 2016, 10:09 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121192: Barrels disappearing during loot cleanup cycle.

@Koffeekage Have you been able to test this issue anymore? I'm interested :o

Nov 14 2016, 10:06 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121181: Ghosting is back.

Hey dude,
Sorry, I didn't know they changed the timers :)
About the "Server hopping for loot" I do that sometimes too, and it is waaayyyy to op *embarrassed*
I think this would do the trick
1st time joining a server: 0 seconds
when switching ones: 90 seconds
twice: 120 seconds
three times: 150 seconds and continue to add 30 seconds everytime.
When someone has played over 15- 30 minutes in one server, reset the timer

Nov 14 2016, 9:58 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121095: 0.61.135961 Zombies loot again ruined..

I know, but I think it was never intended to give every zombie items, I played 0.61 a short time when I wrote that comment, and I never got something else than some food... That is why I said (in addition to your comment) that I wanted them to have more loot :)

Nov 14 2016, 9:42 AM · DayZ

Nov 11 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T121183: holding right click to zoom aims down sights.

This is everywhere (as multiple users said this). the main problem is that clicking ( not holding ) right mouse button and space should be the exact same, but they aren't

Nov 11 2016, 10:30 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121181: Ghosting is back.

I think logging in and out from the same server should not give you a long waiting time, as there is simply no way to ghost when re-logging.... also, when being bugged (which happens quite a lot) it is nice that you only have to wait 30 seconds (0.60, can't say anything about 0.61). when switching servers you have to wait 90 seconds..
So let's say I want to "ghost" into a flat where a sniper is.
logs out, and looks up empty server (10 seconds)
logs in, (90 seconds)
runs towards flat and goes into room where sniper is close to (2 minutes)
logs out and find initial server (10 seconds)
logs back in initial server (90 seconds)

Nov 11 2016, 10:20 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121200: Strange Rendering Artifact 0.60.

Have you been able to check it out? Looks like some floating obejcts? or is it pure rendering? :o looks cool!

Nov 11 2016, 10:04 AM · DayZ

Nov 10 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T120932: Pressing Right click change our stance to walk stance.

Thanks @Geez for answering, was about to say that clicking/holding right mouse button will just 'try' (when clicking it kinda doesn't) to zoom in :)
Just tested it :)

Nov 10 2016, 7:01 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121113: Military Tent.

wait.... You can take 'm in your hands now? that wasn't possible in 0.60! Nice, sorry for the random report... this happened with some items in 0.60 aswel.

Nov 10 2016, 1:25 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121095: 0.61.135961 Zombies loot again ruined..

Okay, loot in zombies should be 1 on 1 schance (I'd say)
The kiwi in the inventory of the Dean zombies is probably intended as a troll or ez to find easter egg :)

Nov 10 2016, 1:22 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121091: No locked icon for doors.

To be honest, I do not want to have the "locked" icon back, because in real life you (almost) never see without trying if a door is locked...

Nov 10 2016, 1:18 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T120932: Pressing Right click change our stance to walk stance.

In 0.60 Right clicking does not raise your fists, I am not able to test it atm, but I am almost 100% confident it doesn't... Sorry to disagree with you Geez

Nov 10 2016, 1:14 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T120931: Floating stairs in multiple town.

damm reproduce steps though, - profit hahah, amazing!

Nov 10 2016, 1:12 PM · DayZ

Nov 8 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T121070: [EXP] Weapon in dead players hands unlootable.

This issue is in dayz since 0.60, If you suicide other players won't be able to pick up the weapon either (even tho they can see it on the ground). This was a real frustration when doing a free for all with 6 friends of mine, we lost a lot of guns....

Nov 8 2016, 2:37 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T121061: [Feature Request] More Rooms To Hospital Building.

About the hospital, this is an engine bug, if you start looking at buildings, almost none of them have rooms with doors right below/above, because this is checked with x and y axes only (CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG). This is why a lot of rooms in a lot of buildings are not accessible.
And why for example the large apartment buildings have no doors at all...

Nov 8 2016, 2:33 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T120975: [Dayz .61 Experimental] Rangefinder not working at all.

In 0.60 the range finder is broken too, had mulitple rangefinders with battery but no matter what they always displayed or 6 or 7 meters...

Nov 8 2016, 2:30 PM · DayZ

Nov 2 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T120774: Nerf for selfmade Stone Knives.

I totally agree with you! I never ever carry any type of knife. When I need one I walk 2 seconds and I can start searching for one. except if I think I might need one later but they last waaaaay to long, and shouldn't open cans with food higher than 50%, it is a stone knife, you ever tried opening a can with a stone knife xD

Nov 2 2016, 4:37 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T120694: ~Feature Request~ Gun backpack.

And in addition pls add a "sort" button so I don´t need to play Dayz Tetris

Nov 2 2016, 10:12 AM · DayZ
MrKirby created T120775: Shadow play working in 0.61?.
Nov 2 2016, 9:59 AM · DayZ

Oct 27 2016

MrKirby renamed T120694: ~Feature Request~ Gun backpack from Gun backpack to ~Feature Request~ Gun backpack.
Oct 27 2016, 2:33 PM · DayZ
MrKirby created T120694: ~Feature Request~ Gun backpack.
Oct 27 2016, 2:33 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T120686: Walked into pond - instant death.

I come across that pond on a daily basis (it is on my path from my tent to myshkino tents) and I use that pond a lot to lose hot or overheating, so I run, walk, crouch, swim etc. in the water and nothing ever happend apart from getting sick ones... anyway, there had to be something else probably

Oct 27 2016, 1:54 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T120685: Persistence Timers 0.60.

this is partly correct but the info is from 0.59, where the engine was unable to detect changes inside a container.
7 days - tents
7 dayz - barrels
2 hours - backpack
30 min - everything else
10 min - bodies

Oct 27 2016, 9:30 AM · DayZ

Oct 26 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T120673: Non-Persistent/Despawning Vehicles.

I have 2 tents and had 2 cars (bus and V3S), me and my friends found them both, we found the glitch with desync when close to eachother, but that's another story. Both of these cars were gone the next day even though noone had been there, all guns, food meds and all were there the day after, but both cars vanished.
(1 of them was next to 1 of the tents, the other a little further away)

Oct 26 2016, 2:48 PM · DayZ

Oct 20 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T120630: ~𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭~ Baseball Bat Wrapped in Wire/Barbed Wire.

I was thinking about the crafting and upgrading for melee weapons, although, because DayZ doesn't support triple item crafting, it is very basic, which is really unfortunate..

Oct 20 2016, 3:32 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T120444: BSOD IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL every time i play DayZ.

Open command prompt as administrator and type:

Oct 20 2016, 12:25 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T120630: ~𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭~ Baseball Bat Wrapped in Wire/Barbed Wire.

I don't see the need of this particular melee weapon, as there are nails you can use to craft a baseball bat with nails.
I do love the concept of crafting more specific melee weapons, so you can search a couple things and "upgrade" your melee weapon.
See it as attachments for a gun.

Oct 20 2016, 9:41 AM · DayZ
MrKirby added a comment to T120621: Kashtan Scope Bug.

I'd recommend giving a little more information, because it is not clear what you are trying to say

Oct 20 2016, 9:33 AM · DayZ

Oct 19 2016

MrKirby added a comment to T120585: Spraypainting 75rd Drum Magazine caused character inventory loss.

Me and my friends were at myshkino tents when he found green spraypaint. He used it to spray his m4, not the handguard, just the m4. The mag dissapeard, instantly, he relogged, mag still gone. I know it is kind off useless information as I cannot provide anymore info, just wanted to let you know there is something wrong with spraypainting.

Oct 19 2016, 2:57 PM · DayZ
MrKirby added a watcher for DayZ: MrKirby.
Oct 19 2016, 2:17 PM
MrKirby added a comment to T115275: Vehicle Bubble Desync.

@Geez, is this issue been resolved already? Or is this an issue which remains? (sorry for possible spelling mistakes).
PS: first time commenting on this forum, is there a pm method or is this the way to go when asking something to someone? :)

Oct 19 2016, 2:08 PM · DayZ