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Bug oder Hacked?
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Hi leute,

gestern habe ich dayz public gespielt in cherno.

ich war im rathaus und habe da auf einen Spieler im Treppenhaus gewartet.
Plötzlich änderte sich mein Bild und ich stand als Zombie in Cherno auf dem Feld.
Fehlermeldungen bei neustart sind :

Calling nonexistent function on class "zombiebase"
class: "missiongameplay"
function: "onmissionfinnish"

Was ist hiewr los?
i think i was hacked!!!!!! Help me !!!


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

I am not able to respond in german, so I hope this can help you.

This is a known bug, multiple people have reported this. But there is no DEV or anyone who confirmed this issue. To get rid of it, you need to let someone kill you and respawn.

Hope this helped.
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dGuy added a subscriber: dGuy.EditedNov 28 2016, 3:48 PM

But there is no DEV or anyone who confirmed this issue.

I hope they can reproduce it AFAP! Because this error exists and errors like this block the stable release of 0.61.

By the way: when is 0.61 stable (round about) ?

I really have no clue when 0.61 hits stable, I think it has to be somewhere around Q1 or even Q2 next year... So between January 2017 and June 2017

hello thx for answer... i had tryed to be killed by a friend... he cant´t do this. i had no hitbox and can´t die..... my zombie char get no demage. omg

everitime when he´s shooting on me, we both lost server connection view seconds later... connection lost....

do you can restet my charakter pls ? i dont want to wait till 0.61 is stable....

dGuy removed a subscriber: dGuy.Dec 2 2016, 10:45 AM