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[STABLE 0.62] Farm plots disappear
Need More Info, NormalPublic


Farming plots disappear after server restart.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Make farming plot
  1. Add some vegetables or not (doesn't matter)
  1. Wait for server restart

Event Timeline

MrKirby created this task.Jun 20 2017, 11:57 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jun 22 2017, 4:08 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello MrKirby and thank you for the reports.
Do the whole garden plots disappear? As currently we are aware that there is an issue with the planted plants disappearing upon server restart, but the support sticks and the plots themselves remained on the server.

Do the whole garden plots disappear? As currently we are aware that there is an issue with the planted plants disappearing upon server restart, but the support sticks and the plots themselves remained on the server.

In one of the official servers I have 5 or 6 tents and 7 or so barrels, I made 2 farming plots, 1 with green peppers (8/9 filled). The other filled with zucchinis (9/9 filled).
Both plots disappeared fully. No farm land, no plants no sticks... nothing..

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Assigned.Jun 22 2017, 5:16 PM

Thank you MrKirby.
We will investigate the issue internally and will let you know in case we need more information regarding to the issue.

Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Need More Info.Jul 10 2017, 11:35 AM

Hello MrKirby.
We have been testing the issue internally but unfortunately we were unable to reproduce the issue you have described. However, there is a certain limit on how many garden plots can be on the server at the same time. If there is higher amount of garden plots on the server than the limit is, some of the garden plots that are over the limit will despawn. Do you know if there has been large amounts of garden plots on the server?