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[EXP .61] 64 Bit client - Ammo stacks getting smaller after log out
Assigned, NormalPublic


Ive had two instances in the past 3 hours where i logged out and came back in and the ammo i had in full stacks quantity changed to a random number. Once it was two 20 round stacks of sks I logged back in and i had one stack with 6 rounds another with 13, also had two full stacks of 9mm and after same relog they went down to 16 and 2 rounds. The first time i noticed i found a 1911 with a full magazine and a silencer I logged out right before you guys killed the servers for .60 maintenance when i came back my magazine was empty. I had never fired a shot or even took the gun out of my backpack but it was empty I also had a full stack of 380 that was now 24 in size.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
1607 BUILD 14393.447
Steps To Reproduce

Log out with ammo in bag or in magazine then log back in. I always logged back into the same server so not sure if it happens when logging into a new server.

Event Timeline

huckjam created this task.Dec 7 2016, 12:02 PM
Gekker added a subscriber: Gekker.Dec 7 2016, 4:18 PM

I experience the same. Additionally some items have false information regarding the quantity of its contents or condition.
For example: Vitamin Bottles with 0 content, the contents bar of Purification Tablets are empty. Other items appear to be pristine and only after relogging they correct their condition.
Some Ammo stacks and Magazine capacities are displayed falsely with the maximum amount.

The item information displayed seems to be out of sync with the server. Relogging or manipulating the item seems to show the correct information.
The problem occurs seemingly random.

I am suspecting that items don't update properly if already existing items enter your network bubble. Because the problem only occurs after a while of moving around the map. And items that CLE spawns within your network bubble seem to be displayed correctly.

huckjam updated the task description. (Show Details)Dec 7 2016, 6:07 PM
huckjam edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)

I experience the same.... be displayed correctly.

Couldn't explain the item amount sync better than Gekker did, anyway, it could also have to do with someone else picking up ammo from the ground even though you picked it up earlier... which people have been complaining about too...

Hope 0.61 will be semi bug free soon, 'd love to play it on stable!! With cars, tents and all the good stuff! @Geez credits to all DayZ developers :)

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Dec 8 2016, 10:30 AM

Hope 0.61 will be semi bug free soon, 'd love to play it on stable!! With cars, tents and all the good stuff! @Geez credits to all DayZ developers :)

Im afraid cars won't be comming back for 0.61. Mirek talked about that in the last Status report.
Nonetheless great work :)

No way he explained it like a professional. I actually recorded video of this happening from just a few mins ago but it's so dark on shadow play you can't see anything. Also a little earlier I got knocked out by a guy I just helped and he stole my bag and left me his with most of my ammo and stuff in it but when I went to open a box of 22 to load my amphibia and get revenge all I got was a piece of paper no ammo came out of the box so now I'm wondering if that ammo went into his bag.

......all I got was a piece of paper no ammo came out of the box so now I'm wondering if that ammo went into his bag.

If you have a video, you can edit it in for example Sony Vegas to make it brighter by adjusting the brightness and gamma :)