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- User Since
- May 10 2021, 7:34 AM (199 w, 3 d)
Oct 31 2024
1.26 Stable :
10th year anniversary of this bug. The problem has been reported already 10 years ago. It's just that since the last update, the cooking pot has never been used so much. That's why there are so many similar reports now...
Aug 10 2024
Still occurring in
Aug 5 2024
Second time in a row placing the ammunition supply point on the right side of the command tent (when facing its entry) and having this bug. Might be a good start to reproduce the issue. Will keep you informed.
Still occurs in on conflict servers. Probably never stopped to occur since this report (personally experienced that since I restarted to play ~4 months now). It happens rarely but still happens :
No idea what triggers this bug.
Aug 3 2024
I have been able to reproduce similar issues in two different ways :
- N°1 : local game master everon by placing a squad in a similar way to the living quarters recruiting feature in Conflict official scenario
- N°2 : self hosting the official "Conflict Full Everon" scenario and check a location where I know 99% sure with experience I will find glitched AI (the location is the supply point near Regina village, I'm encountering all the time glitched AI into the containers there)
Aug 2 2024
Updated title and description after recent similar report on version:
(experienced personally the same on current version and previous version)
Jul 31 2024
Still present in []. Similar problem reported with static machineguns :
Jul 30 2024
It's good to see armed American helicopters circling the skies again.
Jul 29 2024
It will be hard to help you without your logs.
On my point of view : no. It will introduce more problem. Trust me.
I prefer the "simple" solution. The simple solution has a low risk (almost zero) of introducing new bugs and especially new exploits.
psst... hey, I have a secret to share with you...
You should play on EU server 15404242. It lags less and doesn’t crash. There are still some lag issues, but it's much better than the other EU servers.
But shhh, don't tell everyone. I want to make sure I can still get a slot and connect at peak hours.
Also, the US servers generally work better. A latency under 100ms (90ms for me) is totally playable, and I encounter rarely timeout disconnections.
Jul 24 2024
Average game start these time on official conflict servers...
Played a lot in the last weeks and one thing is certain : if a team use this exploit VS a team not using it, the exploiting team will always win. It has a huge impact on the game. I won't detail everything I've seen been done with this "infinite" amount of supplies, but it has a huge impact on the game and some people "smarter" than other with this exploit can just challenge with 1 or 2 teammates a whole 24 members enemy team.
Just more and more ppl use this exploit, 1-2 months ago it was used in one third or less of the games. Nowadays, I can't even remember a team playing fair without exploiting since days.
The games are turning into "which team will use this exploit in the most intelligent way".
A fix would be really welcome. Thx in advance.
Jul 22 2024
Experienced in :
- Impossible to remove a body (actually it's my body, got sniped at the same I exited the vehicle, maybe something weird happened with the state of my character exiting the vehicle and dying at the same time). It tried every position to remove the body (all other sits from inside the vehicle, changing door state : nothing worked, I had to wait multiple minutes for the server to delete the body)
I've noticed the same problem. I don't know if it's just me, but I have the impression that this problem is more recurrent since the last updates. I don't know whether it's the server that automatically deletes objects on the ground or whether they pass through the ground (but it must certainly be one of these two causes).
(playing conflict full Everon on official servers)
Jul 19 2024
The original issue actually happens with all armed vehicles. Description updated.
Updated title and description to []. No change noticeable since previous version.
Confirmed still in
Unscribing from this report (deprecated with the time), so I can focus on Arma Reforger/Enfusion engine. (feel free to delete this report)
Confirmed still in
Unscribing from this report (deprecated with the time), so I can focus on Arma Reforger/Enfusion engine. (feel free to delete this report)
Confirmed in
Confirmed still in
Jul 14 2024
It works as expected.
I know that this server will shutdown/restart at 02:40 CEST. Will provide information if a shutdown/restart of the server fixes my problem in the upcoming hours.
Jul 12 2024
Issues continue on
I experienced all previously reported issues.
Jul 5 2024
Jul 4 2024
Known issue :
Vehicles are sometimes unable to change gears when the Vehicle driving assistance is set to Full
Players need to change the Vehicle driving assistance to NONE or PARTIAL, drive a little, and after that switch back to Full assist mode
Jul 3 2024
Related to for your original description. Issue is confirmed on BI side. Now we can just wait.
A tip : By spamming the "F" key while interacting with dashboard switches on a busy server, you might be able to put the switch in the desired state. (never works in local, or on a server running fine).
Jun 30 2024
I'm pretty sure your issue is related to server problems, nothing with your game client. Try to connect during the day once on EU servers to see if it happens too.
Similar to this feature request. I would really add this :
- provide a way to know the current server name&ip+port when actually playing on a server (in the top of the options menu for example)
- add in armareforger logs actually the same information somewhere (for example in the console.log file "Connecting/disconnecting on/from -OFFICIAL EU FULL EVERON XXXXXX- IP+PORT)
Just some additional info after dozen of hours (hundreds?) playing on official servers :
- At the biggest peak times (days after the update : all servers experienced server FPS decrease, packet losses increase, most of the time leading the server to crash.
- Still these days at peak times : US server seem running way better than EU (still some lags at peak time but US servers crash rarely in comparaison with EU servers).
Weird things happening with that :
- ppl join your private team without invite..., and you can't even get rid of them without creating a new squad from scratch...
- you die, you automatically leave your squad and joins another one automatically = if you're alone your squad disappears + deployed radio access....
- you die, you automatically leave your squad and joins another one automatically = you talking for minutes before realizing you've been switched to another squad...
- you're the squad leader, you die, even if you join again your squad, you're not the squad leader anymore... (by the way only the squad leader can recruits so far AIs and gives orders to AIs..., and I don't even know what happen to AIs in that case)
What I know about that (tested on OFFICIAL full everon conflict servers) :
- happens "randomly"
- bug stays until you die/respawn or disconnect/reconnect
- You can play 10 hours long on a full server and nothing happens. And sometimes it happens on the first building attempt on a low pop server. (i don't think it's related to server performance, I've joined empty server sometimes to test so I had to build everything and it happened too.)
- I'm having this bug since a long time (at least one stable version before and 2 experimental before), and maybe even since the first time I installed the game ~ a year ago.
- You don't even need to start the building action to have the problem. Having only the shovel in hands near a building to construct reproduces the issue.
- Each time you have this issue, the game selects automatically one of your weapon despite you not actually doing it. Even if you don't have any weapon in your inventory, the game reset your character animation like if you did'nt select the shovel.
- Each time the issue happens, when I selected again my shovel, the default selected action is "dissassembly" and I have to scroll up again to select "Build ..." instead of "disassembly".
Jun 28 2024
Issues continue on
I experienced all previously reported issues except (but pretty sure it can still occur):
- State of vehicle inventory not being the same (put an item in a vehicle, ppl don't see it, having to take it back and put it again into the vehicle inventory so ppl can see it.)//
Jun 27 2024
A quick demo with a great music track (official conflict server full everon
By playing on any OFFICIAL conflict FULL Everon (was already happening on last stable version + last 2 experimental version at least) :
- Create a squad (you become team leader), then die. On respawn your squad group will disappear and will be automatically assigned to another team "randomly" (doesn't work 100%)
- Create a private squad (you become team leader). Whenever a player from another squad die (he might bypass the private status of your squad and become member of it).
Jun 26 2024
Issues still present in STABLE as you can see (it's literally my first actions playing : still present
Jun 25 2024
It probably might be seem the same on the US side, didn't test it yet
Edit :
Server has been back online a few minutes later with a fresh new map. So it probably crashed when I posted this comment the first time.
"Everybody" moved to this server now that will be the one that might crash next :
[OFFICIAL] Conflict Full - 11478073 (EU-FFM)
Jun 24 2024
Jun 22 2024
Jun 21 2024
Jun 13 2024
Some additional info. Yesterday, I joined a EU official server, full 48/48 from the start : we were capturing our 4th-5th objective when server crashed after less than 30 minutes. Last 10 minutes vehicles were already not drivable teleporting back and forward.
Jun 12 2024
Third "server crash" today too.
Each time playing "Conflict Full" on "[OFFICIAL]" EU servers.