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[] minor bug list about arsenal and player inventory
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Game Version number: EXPERIMENTAL STABLE
Modded?: NO

Tested on [OFFICIAL] Conflict Full - 15404263 (EU-FFM) on soviet side at main base ammunition supply point

Bug °1 : The "arsenal supply points available" is not updated (you have to close/reopen the arsenal) when you equip/refund items between player inventory and arsenal
Bug °2A : UI inventory does not display binoculars correctly when you equip them at the armory
Bug °2B : UI inventory does not display binoculars correctly when you unequip them at the armory
Bug °3A : Same as 2A but with wristwatch
Bug °3B : Similar to 2B but with wristwatch
Bug °4 : Impossible to equip with "left click + drag&drop" binoculars in the dedicated slot in player inventory
Bug °5 : Same as 4 but with wristwatch


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Tested on [OFFICIAL] Conflict Full - 15404263 (EU-FFM) on soviet side at main base ammunition supply point

Bug °1 :

  • Open arsenal from ammunition supply point (the one with backpacks/clothes/etc...)
  • Equip/refund for example radio backpack several times (or test with any item with a value other than 0)
  • The supply amount in the top left corner is never updated until you close/reopen the arsenal

Bug °2A:

  • Connect to server
  • Go to ammunition supply point at main base (build it if needed)
  • Open the arsenal box with clothes/backpack/tools/etc...
  • Right click on your binoculars to unequip (refund) them
  • The binoculars are still displayed in the dedicated inventory slot, but you don't have them anymore (close the inventory/open again and you will see correctly now the binoculars slot in player inventory is now correctly empty)

Bug °2B :

  • Connect to server
  • Make sure to remove your binoculars from your inventory (just drop them somewhere)
  • Go to ammunition supply point at main base (build it if needed)
  • Open the arsenal box with clothes/backpack/tools/etc...
  • Right click in arsenal inventory to equip binoculars
  • The binoculars are not displayed in the dedicated player inventory slot, but you have them actually (close the inventory/open again and you will see correctly now the binoculars slot in player inventory is now correctly displayed)

Bug °3A :

  • Same as 2A but with wristwatch

Bug °3B :

  • Same as 2B but you must remove all your clothes with a capacity (by default chestrig +jacket + trousers because you need to force arsenal to place it in the wristwatch player slot,otherwise the wristwatch might be place in your clothes)
  • (by the way I don't understand while it doesn't try to place the wristwatch by default first into the dedicated player inventory slot)

Bug °4 :

  • Connect to server
  • Make sure to remove your binoculars from your inventory (just drop them somewhere)
  • Go to ammunition supply point at main base (build it if needed)
  • Open the arsenal box with clothes/backpack/tools/etc...
  • Left click in arsenal on binoculars and maintain to drag/drop them into your player inventory dedicated slot.
  • Result : not working

Bug °5 : Same as 4 but with wristwatch

Additional Information
  • If you wear a "kolobok" backpack and do not have binoculars, the arsenal will put binoculars (when right clicking on binoculars from arsenal) first into your backpack instead of the dedicated binocular player slot.
  • "Turtleneck -Beige" seems having 0 inventory capacity (just noticed that while testing, dunno if it is on purpose).

- It probably might be seem the same on the US side, didn't test it yet Confirmed

Event Timeline

Mischkov created this task.Jun 25 2024, 4:16 PM
Mischkov updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 25 2024, 4:42 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jun 25 2024, 7:35 PM
Mischkov added a comment.EditedJun 25 2024, 9:25 PM

It probably might be seem the same on the US side, didn't test it yet

Tested on US side on [OFFICIAL] Conflict Arland- 11046433 (US-NY) : Same problems on US side.

Mischkov renamed this task from [EXPERIMENTAL] minor bug list about arsenal and player inventory to [] minor bug list about arsenal and player inventory.Jun 26 2024, 2:58 PM
Mischkov updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mischkov renamed this task from [] minor bug list about arsenal and player inventory to [] minor bug list about arsenal and player inventory. still present

Mischkov renamed this task from [] minor bug list about arsenal and player inventory to [] minor bug list about arsenal and player inventory.Jul 19 2024, 1:13 PM
Mischkov updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mischkov edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Mischkov edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

Confirmed in