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[] "thirdPersonView" server configuration feature request the same way as Arma 3
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game Version number:
Modded?: No

Current situation
There is only a "disableThirdPerson" parameter that provides a feature with the "base" game to enable/disable third person view. ("disableThirdPerson" parameter ). Currently, there is no 1st view only official server. Only modding provides a "3rd view vehicles only feature" at the moment in Arma Reforger. There are no 1st view official servers yet.

Feature request description:

  • Add a ""thirdPersonView" server configuration parameter the same way as Arma 3, instead of the current "disableThirdPerson" parameter.
  • Testing phase on an official server (or multiple) when the feature will be added in a future update.
  • Finally, find a good balance between 3rd view official servers and 1st view servers (or vehicles 3rd view only).


  • Arma 3 allows configuration of third person view only in vehicles since many years now ("thirdPersonView" parameter ).
  • (should) not be difficult to implement in Arma Reforger base game
  • This temporary interim solution would be a significant improvement while awaiting the implementation of the vehicle optics, without having ppl exploiting 3rd view with their characters.
  • 3rd view allows to spot enemies without exposing yourself
  • 3rd view fighting VS AI is a bit overpowered : activate 3rd view, hide behind cover, spot AI position, pre-aim & peek out & shoot
  • 3rd view fighting VS human players is "weird" : activate 3rd view, hide behind a cover/ in a bush, wait for the good moment, activate 1st view, pre-aim & peek out & shoot
  • 3rd view fighting VS human players is "weird" : activate 3rd view, spot a player you wouldn't see in 1st view, activate 1st view, shoot him through walls/obstacles.
  • 3rd view fighting VS human players is "weird" : get a squad equipped with hundreds of grenade launcher rounds, find a solid cover, spot the enemies in 3rd view, shoot indirectly enemy players/vehicles with grenade launcher you wouldn't have spotted without exposing yourself.
  • In the future, this feature will still be used even after implementation of vehicles optics.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce


Additional Information
  • Not a day playing on official servers without having ppl complaining about "3rd view fighting".
  • I know some vehicles optics are still lacking, but one or more "1st view only" official servers would be cool even without adding this feature. I bet that if you set up an official server in first-person view, it will be the most popular server, even without the vehicle optics implemented. (if on EU server please on 15404242 cuz it's actually the only one running with "minimally acceptable" performance).
  • P.S. : Sorry for the hundreds (if not even more) I killed using "3rd view fighting" on official servers.

Event Timeline

Mischkov created this task.Jul 29 2024, 3:52 PM

There should be an option" Disable 3rd person view automatically when there are enemies nearby". Both with infantry and vehicles.

There should be an option" Disable 3rd person view automatically when there are enemies nearby". Both with infantry and vehicles.

On my point of view : no. It will introduce more problem. Trust me.
I prefer the "simple" solution. The simple solution has a low risk (almost zero) of introducing new bugs and especially new exploits.

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jul 30 2024, 10:41 AM