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[] (Coastal Base Morton) The AI was in the embankment model
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number: Indicated in the ticket title
Modded?: (Yes/No) No
If modded, please list the mods:

Issue Description:


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Visible in the video

Just play your game on official Conflict servers
Sometimes you can't spawn Ais from Living Quarters and build any structures from main camp because ENEMY IN THE AREA
This ticket about sometimes enemy it's just AI who stuck in the model...

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Aug 1 2024, 11:23 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Please, always include written repro steps containing as much details as possible. "Visible in video" is simply not a proper way to provide the information.
Thank you.

Hi Geez :)

I'm already wasting my time playing a game that's filled with bugs.
Then I take the time to film the video.
Then, to process it, trim it.
Then to create a ticket and describe everything.
Now you still need to spend time and describe what is already in the video.

I feel like you could spend 1 minute of your life and watch it, it's not an hour long movie.

Geez added a comment.Aug 2 2024, 10:17 AM

Hi Geez :)

I'm already wasting my time playing a game that's filled with bugs.
Then I take the time to film the video.
Then, to process it, trim it.
Then to create a ticket and describe everything.
Now you still need to spend time and describe what is already in the video.

I feel like you could spend 1 minute of your life and watch it, it's not an hour long movie.

While it is not the case with this particular video, often it is not clear exactly from the video what is happening or what the exact steps are. Therefore accompanying the video with clear reproduction steps will help us tremendously in testing and fixing issues further on. Thank you!

I have been able to reproduce similar issues in two different ways :

  • N°1 : local game master everon by placing a squad in a similar way to the living quarters recruiting feature in Conflict official scenario
  • N°2 : self hosting the official "Conflict Full Everon" scenario and check a location where I know 99% sure with experience I will find glitched AI (the location is the supply point near Regina village, I'm encountering all the time glitched AI into the containers there)

Environment :
Windows 11 x64 - 23H2
No mods

Steps to reproduce N°1 :

  1. Start a Game Master Everon mode (local)
  2. Select a fire team group (same as in conflict mode like the soviet fire team in my case)
  3. Adjust the placement near the pier in Morton until one model starts glitching into the pier
  4. Place the squad with left click
  5. One (or more) squad member will be glitched into the pier

Steps to reproduce N°2 :

  1. Host locally the official game "Conflict Full Everon" scenario
  2. Go to gamemaster view and check the AI unit markers at the supply point near Regina village (you will already see the unit markers glitched into the containers)
  3. AIs are glitched into the container (You might only see the AI unit markers, as on previous image. To see the AI character "fully" generated you can spawn your player character and teleport it near).
Geez added a comment.Aug 5 2024, 10:26 AM

I have been able to reproduce similar issues in two different ways :

  • N°1 : local game master everon by placing a squad in a similar way to the living quarters recruiting feature in Conflict official scenario
  • N°2 : self hosting the official "Conflict Full Everon" scenario and check a location where I know 99% sure with experience I will find glitched AI (the location is the supply point near Regina village, I'm encountering all the time glitched AI into the containers there)

    Environment : Windows 11 x64 - 23H2 No mods

Steps to reproduce N°1 :

  1. Start a Game Master Everon mode (local)
  2. Select a fire team group (same as in conflict mode like the soviet fire team in my case)
  3. Adjust the placement near the pier in Morton until one model starts glitching into the pier
  4. Place the squad with left click
  5. One (or more) squad member will be glitched into the pier

Steps to reproduce N°2 :

  1. Host locally the official game "Conflict Full Everon" scenario
  2. Go to gamemaster view and check the AI unit markers at the supply point near Regina village (you will already see the unit markers glitched into the containers)
  3. AIs are glitched into the container (You might only see the AI unit markers, as on previous image. To see the AI character "fully" generated you can spawn your player character and teleport it near).

Thank you for the extensive reproduction steps! Forwarded to the QA team :)