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Arma Reforger
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Arma Reforger - Update 1.2
Not using mods

Having played AR for several months, I'm now experiencing a total freeze during official server conflict matches (48/48). Usually, after about 15 minutes, but sometimes later, all characters, including AI, will freeze, leaving me/ my avatar in the game but not synced in real time, with an increasing loss of functionality—unable to open doors, change weapons, drive a vehicle, or do anything.

In essence I am rendered a ghost in a frozen server. The only thing I can do is exit the server. A few times, I've had the message server cannot be found/ or lost/ or does not exist. Other times I try to re-enter the server only I'm to be blocked reconnection.

It's a bit confusing, but it seems like the freeze happens when I'm near other players, not AI. This makes the game unplayable. I've tried everything I can think of, from checking drivers to reinstalling the game. I hoped the new update would fix this, but it still needs to.

I am trying to figure out what to do.

UPDATE: Not sure if this is relevent. I live and play from UAE (I'm British). I join EU servers. Despite the higher ping 120ms better for me to enjoy mostly english speaking.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Please include reproduction steps here!!!!

Event Timeline

jim352 created this task.Sun, Jun 30, 2:16 PM
jim352 updated the task description. (Show Details)
jim352 changed Severity from None to Major.
jim352 changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always.
jim352 changed Operating System from Windows 10 x64 to Windows 11 x64.
jim352 changed Category from General to Server.

I'd reinstall the game completely. It should fix that freezing problem.

jim352 updated the task description. (Show Details)Sun, Jun 30, 3:15 PM
jim352 updated the task description. (Show Details)

Thanks Kawalec, I've uninstalled and reinstalled via steam. No change in the bug.

Does the same thing happen in Experimental?

I'm pretty sure your issue is related to server problems, nothing with your game client. Try to connect during the day once on EU servers to see if it happens too.

Several reports talking about big issues with EU servers performances since weeks now in comparaison with US servers :
And before last stable update, less players were actually playing and experienced already big issues with EU server performances. With the last update, the thing is even worse because tons of players started to play the game (again).

Personnally I mostly play on US server despite a bigger latency cuz they seem much more stable. (the population is actually so high that I experienced problems on US servers too, but it's still better than EU server performances)

jim352 added a comment.EditedMon, Jul 1, 11:00 AM

Thanks for your help, guys.

I will try experimental; a good suggestion.

Thanks for the share, Mischkov. Having read the thread and your comments on EU servers, I can confirm the same experience - slowdown server frame rate, packet losses, etc. For me, it's always been a bit bad, but a lot worse with the addition of the server freeze problem. I thought it was due to being in the M.E.

Okay, to play, I'll stay away from the EU servers, until the problem is fixed. I would love to join the US servers, but ping is around 250 and 300 ms, and the time difference isn't great. Asian servers are not fun for an Englishman who likes team play.

I've subscribed to the other chat, too. Legends.

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Mon, Jul 1, 1:07 PM