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- Apr 8 2013, 6:52 PM (621 w, 4 h)
May 10 2016
@sproyd: No... It's not... The servers are independently hosted on private PCs sometimes but most of them use dedicated servers. On a server with a ping of 15... i still get 20 - 30 FPS. Then huge lad spikes and drop to 5 for a few seconds.
I run at 60 FPS in the editor. Can't remember in the showcases. But when i play MP which is what i almost always do... i'm lucky if i can touch the 30 FPS. I usually am at 20 and often get epic low spikes at 10 or even 5 FPS sometimes.
I'm not worried too much though. Seeing as most people deal with this, it must be fixable. :)
This is actually in the confirmed feature list on the forum in a sticky:
Removing stuff from it and making the context sensitive button work better is the best way imo. The scroll menu is ok for many things, but not to change weapons and certainly not for closing and opening doors or climbing stuff.
Heh... Did that dog have a heart attack? Upvoted.
Removing stuff from it and making the context sensitive button work better is the best way imo. The scroll menu is ok for many things, but not to change weapons and certainly not for closing and opening doors or climbing stuff.
Same for me. Once i die, i cannot use the ESC button to exit the map or the game. Most buttons do nothing.
I only have this problem on the Combined Arms show case. Not the alpha ones. I don't know about the ones after Combined arms, didn't try them yet.
Agreed. It takes way too much time to active the option to climb a ladder with all the jerking around needing to find the sweet spot of the option.
I see no problem with the sky color and it's normal that the sky becomes black when bright lights are facing you. It's more realistic now than it was then.
Duplicate of
Thanks a lot for replying. :)
If you can't change the precision, can you make it possible to change the key bindings so we can choose which button is the modifier key and which buttons raise and lower the stance?
You could possibly make the modifier key temporarily disable the scroll menu while it's pressed.
I understand if it's impossible. I just thought it would be great gameplay and easier to control than the current scheme. :)
Oh and thx for taking the time to write/reply. :)
Voted up your issue too.
I now use the new whql drivers from today: 320.18
I went into the forest and did not see anything weird with the lighting. Guess it's all good now. :)
Will do it asap. Busy a bit today but i'll try to do that before bed.
I'm using nvidia's 314.22 drivers. The only thing more recent than this is the beta drivers 320.14. Does the beta drivers have something that fixes the flickering in the game?
What happens in the first video i experience all the time.
Second video i don't experience, pretty weird one.
I am experiencing the same thing. It's even more obvious if you raise the gamma.
Probably tried to not show the video in the upload feed hehe. Wrong button. ;)
@shurikspb: Well one if a finished and released product and the other one is still in beta so they can't be compared much but i'd still wish they added support for it too. My DK2 is lonely. :p
A vibrating vest? Meh?
I already don't like vibrating gamepads.
Again you are comparing 2 different things and the thing has twice the weight...
I think the best thing is to find someone who has a rift and to try it yourself. That way you won't have to take other people's word for it. The weight for me is not an issue as it currently is.
I'm happy to see the modding and hacking scene getting dirty with the rift and add support for all kinds of stuff which wouldn't have worked otherwise. :)
And that video made me soil myself...
It is heavier than glasses yes. It is still usable though. I sadly didn't get to try it yet but the many hands on videos and reviews i saw we're all saying that it didn't give any neck pain.
The straps are adjustable so the torque doesn't become a problem and it's not heavy enough to unbalance your head. It's been designed with that in mind.
The big no no right now is to touch someone who is using the rift. Apparently that is highly uncomfortable.
edit: No the virtual boy was mounted on a pedestal, i know i tried it. Not that great but cool for the time i guess.
Your first question: 379 grams
Second question: At least 1920x1080 for the first consumer version. It's the plan anyway. Right now it's 1280×800 or 640x800 per eye.
They also want to add the possibility to detect forward, back and side motion for when people lean.
They are also working on additional hardware to complement the rift, no announcements yet though on what it is.
Edit: Forgot to mention they'd like to lower the weight more if possible.
@TraxusIV: The Rift does have a few quirks indeed. It however has been repeated countless time that the current model is a DEV kit aimed at opening the door to VR. It is not a consumer product, it is not ready for mass consumption. Only enthusiasts and devs should use it currently.
They did also say that the consumer version will fix most of the problems you mentionned, some are already fixed. Also you can't compare the Nintendo Gameboy 3d to the rift... it's just... no.
Testing the rift in Arma 3 is a very good idea. The more support it gets, the more the final product will be polished because of all the testing it will have gone through.
@sarlac: This site is called a FEEDBACK tracker, not bug tracker. Which means it is used for both and that's why the [Feature] category exists.
If devs had a problem with these, they'd announce it very clearly. :)
This game is the perfect match for the rift. :D
Upvoted following the update. Great improvement indeed!
May 9 2016
This is actually in the confirmed feature list on the forum in a sticky:
Can't up vote this enough. How many times did i get stuck in a place i could easily hop over or climb in real life. Sure i'm not fast like a parcour dude but i still can climb a fence! I'm guessing a soldier can do it even better than me. :)
Stop laughing at me FENCE!
edit: I'm remembering DayZ.... Fence+Zombie = "Oh shit!" Moment.
Very tall order. :S
We're talking about weapon modding or weapons mounts if you prefer. Not general game modding. BI are of course all for their modding community. :)
I'm up voting this because i agree that weapon mounts shouldn't be this limited and the rail system is made specifically to permit many types of mounts.
I do feel the need to ask people to go easy with the sarcasm though. Some comments here are borderline rude.
The number of votes speak for itself, people don't agree with the current limitations and want more variety. They did say that more content would come but mostly during beta. The current ticket has been reviewed so they know about this issue.
Don't take this as a me defending the devs, they're big boys(and gals?). But this feedback ticket has a bad vibe to it.
I do hope they consider making the weapon mount system even more awesome. :)
Edit: Switched the word mod for mount or weapon mount. I seem to have confused the guy under me.
I want to punch and stab fools!
@cibermwner... wait no with name that ends with ciboo. There i got it!
I must have offended your honor for you to want me to kill myself! I ain't a samurai and we're in the wrong time period so i can't give you satisfaction i'm afraid.
You are very very vocal in this subject aren't you? How do you say this? Ah yes... you want to put this issue to bed. Scrolling up i've seen you say that at least 3 times then i got lazy and stopped scrolling because you we're repeating yourself.
So you don't want melee. I understand! Vote down! I'm sure you did. Your job is done! You're a boss!
I have voiced my support for it because i think it brings diversity to the combat and also a knife fight is bad ass. I won't try to diminish other people's ideas and opinions on this, i don't see the point since we all have our own reasons.
Now look at me wasting your precious time babbling on about your negative attitude... Please, do go on and continue your futile efforts to stop the discussion everyone is having.
Good day!
Interesting idea. :)
Many items could be used in the planes and aircrafts or boats. For example: Throwing grenades or chemlights out the door. Shooting is a must of course. What Val said about using binoculars is also true.
I guess it depends on the type of vehicle too. The helicopters with closed doors where everyone is sitting might not have the space for it. But the little bird that has people sitting on benches however is a perfect example of where it would make sense to shoot. On a boat, there shouldn't be a problem either.
It's a matter of situation i guess.
Indeed the recoil amount feels ok but the fact i can't keep it down without swinging my mouse across the desk is a bit much. Shooting a gun very accurately is hard... shooting in a general direction is not. When i shoot the guns in full auto... i feel like i'm in a western Mexican fiesta firing at the sky yelling joyfully. :p
Oh good. This is a very good idea. It's great the Devs think so too. :D
Only like it in cut scenes. Messes with my eyes while playing.
Up voted! Post processing is nice... but motion blur is messing with me eyes too much.
Agreed for all lights including cars.:)
Actually this has been fixed in the Dev branch with the new sound update. The problem was noted in an earlier comment: The hard drive was loading a 2 gig audio file while trying to choose a role in the loby.
I have played a few times this week and the problem seems to be completely gone now that the audio file is about 200MB.
Hope this helps.
Can't wait for this to be fixed. The lobby is cute and all but it gets boring after a while haha.
Edit: Priority should be at least normal... not minor imo.
@sproyd: No... It's not... The servers are independently hosted on private PCs sometimes but most of them use dedicated servers. On a server with a ping of 15... i still get 20 - 30 FPS. Then huge lad spikes and drop to 5 for a few seconds.
I run at 60 FPS in the editor. Can't remember in the showcases. But when i play MP which is what i almost always do... i'm lucky if i can touch the 30 FPS. I usually am at 20 and often get epic low spikes at 10 or even 5 FPS sometimes.
I'm not worried too much though. Seeing as most people deal with this, it must be fixable. :)
Le vote up.
mmm actually this has been answered here:
Tall order but up voted because it would be even more realistic thus awesome. :)
Yeah i raise an eyebrow each time i go down a road on a flat surface. I let go of the throttle then the wheels starts screeching like made even though it's only slowing down ha ha. The worst is when going down a hill and touching nothing.
Against this. Unless it's optional, then i won't care. Which stance i'm using is irrelevant... I press z or x and adjust from there. The important thing is to understand how much exposed you are. Looking at the UI to tell me which stance i'm using is one step too many IMO. The less distracting stuff the better.
But then that's just me. :)