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- User Since
- Jan 24 2014, 1:47 AM (582 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Confirmed happening to me as well.
Drank 4 or 5 sodas while walking around and I couldn't figure out why I had so many bugged (apparently empty) slots that I couldn't use in my inventory.
When I logged off and back in I found all sorts of empty cannery in my bags.
Also happening to me.
Core i7 3770k @ 3.5 GHz
16gb DDR3
Geforce 670GTX FTW
Game starts out somewhere between 70-100fps in Menu, usually drops to 40-50fps when I launch into a game, and then over the course of 5-10 minutes will slowly reduce until it is 30 fps... 20fps.. 10fps... 5fps.. and then if I keep playing the game will just freeze up. If I"m smart I close the game at this point and restart the cycle.
Just unplayable like this...
I have tried tweaking graphics settings but although I can get the initial fps to start higher, it always slowly crawls back down to single digits.
Related to the other comments on this issue.. I am carrying an SKS. I will try getting rid of this if I could ever find a Mosin (don't seem to find them since last patch!).
more notes here
It would however make sense if they were "Ruined" and put to 0% filled by shooting them.
nice find.
I've not seen this in the ship yet, but I avoid ladders where possible.
Definitely happens in the apartment buildings, such as the ones across from the grocery store in Berezino.
seems to happen most often if I join a server before the server browser finishes refreshing. Usually I'll just see a server I like within the first few that show up and launch in... in this case it will take a while before I can do anything.
If I let the server browser finish (go get a coffee) then when I launch in, I'll be able to play immediately. Having to wait for this to be certain I'm not logging in with my pants down is a pain.
Zombies should improve over time...
I don't think we need more food or concentrated food stores though. Once you get a couple hours into the game food and water shouldn't be an issue anymore, food literally spawns everywhere.
Also keep in mind that the world is supposed to seem like the zombies have been around for a while.. they didn't just show up yesterday. The residents of these houses would have packed up what they had before they left (or died) and early scavengers would have taken the majority of the usable items. It makes sense that you would find a sparse scattering of less desirable items in the common areas.. and slightly more valuable items in the less-frequently-visited or harder to get to areas?
Just my 2 cents.
Duplicate of
Reporting bugs that have been reported already just messes up the tracker full of duplicates and makes it really hard for the actual devs to discern which are the real issues which need attention.
Would you like to search through 100 instances of an issue to gather together all the information, screenshots and videos? Probably not.
Duplicate of
Please search issues before reporting a new one.
Duplicate issue, please search before reporting new issues.
Variation of:
Issue isn't the fact that the icon goes white, it is that the beam for the flashlight is no longer cast, and instead turns into a flat polygon.
Duplicate issue, please search issues before reporting a new one.
Duplicate of 7413
- Running with your fists up does make you run faster, as it would in real life.. not sure if this is intended, but I assume it is, and is a widely known "feature".
- There is a bug/glitch where if you punch immediately as you start running, it looks like you're punching repeatedly for the duration of the run. This can be seen in use on various DayZ twitch streams... Not entirely sure if this adds an additional speed boost to running with your hands up. This issue should focus on this aspect.
- Language in this issue just isn't appropriate for a bug tracker. Game is an Alpha.. if you're getting punched by anybody regardless of their motives, that's...
a) Part of DayZ, going to have to learn to defend yourself or go find an easier game.
b) Possibly is presenting or exploiting a bug, but again.. this is an Alpha, and that's to be expected for quite some time.
Advice to Captain_Draco: Find yourself a map of the game terrain and head towards some of the military or airfield targets... you may run into more players (riskier) but you should find more weapons! If you don't want to break away from the game world, just ask people you find in the game, or look for maps! After about 20 hours of play I can say that I now know many towns in Chernarus better than I know my neighbourhood... which is part of the learning curve in DayZ.
Duplicate issue
duplicate of 0007185
I also have a pistol flashlight that doesn't seem to work.
Also noticed this as of last patch
Also noticed this as of last patch
Used to get a similar error when a gas station exploded before patch (possible we still do?).
This one seems to come up now when there is a Beret within a certain range.
Nam: Blowing up the gas station gives a message about a different file, doesn't it?
I always get this beret message whenever i'm within a certain distance of... a beret! Imagine that :)
If i'm wearing one, I'll get it at the character/menu screen.
If there's one on the ground as loot, I'll get it when I'm about 500m away from the location (when approaching a military base, for example).
If I'm in the middle of nowhere, and it pops up when I'm NOT MOVING.. then I know that somebody has loaded into my vicinity wearing one, or has just run into range!
Confirmed, happens every time from what I can tell.
Confirmed that ladders work now as of last patch, however loot seems to have been removed from up there. Please return the loot and all is good!
Made an account just to log this issue, and I see everybody is all over it.
Makes me wish I had a way to scrape off the paint now!
Duplicate of 7413.
[Link Removed]
Just was on a server with full gear, mosin, long range scope, magnum, fnx, sawed-off.. you know.. everything..
Server connection went down (solid red link).. changed to another server, and appeared on beach with nothing. Tried another couple servers that I know don't have issues with the public hive and I'm on that very same beach.. lost all my stuff.
There were no zombies or players within range when I lost connection. Gets really hard to want to farm all that stuff back every time I lose it all to a bug :(
Happens to me with my Cisco 3825 modem/router.
Not exclusive to DayZ... though seems to happen very frequently relative to the low number of servers (compared to some other games).
So I went one step further.. I still have my Cisco 3825, but I have disabled all firewall settings in it and changed it to a bridged connection (as opposed to "router").
I purchased a Netgear dual band N wifi router (with sexy gigabit ethernet).. and it now manages wifi in my home.
Fired up DayZ and hit refresh on the server browser about 20 times, something I could never do before.. and it is just fine now.
I still think it's something to do with the NAT table in the Cisco modem/router being unable to handle the large # of requests at once, and freezing up as it works through them. A recent standalone router/wifi solution would likely have a more powerful solution and bigger more robust NAT tables. (This puppy has a dual core 800mhz processor in it.. so not surprised that it doesn't get gummed up with requests.).
So... the issue can be fixed with better network hardware. Question is whether the requests in the server browser can be optimized so that lower end routers or router/modem combos can handle frequent refreshes?
Demonstrated here:
also happening to me.. not on the first refresh, but if I refresh 2-3 times within a couple minutes, or if I join a server and leave within a minute (causing another refresh within 2-3 minutes) then it buggers up my Internet.
I have to wait 3-4 minutes and then things return to normal.
I would say it is definitely an issue with router/modem.. believe I read something about NAT tables getting clogged up in older or lower quality network hardware.
Happens to me all the time that "shift breaks". I get stuck walking, and no amount of pressing shift or double pressing shift will bring back my default running state.
I can still break into a sprint by double tapping W, but otherwise I'm stuck walking.
Knowing this, my friend scared the crap out of me while I was looking for snipers by axing the ground right next to me. After jumping out of my skin and giving him all hell for messing with me... we actually did get shot at, but I thought it was him again... then I was dead.
Different placeholder sounds would be AWESOME in the meantime :)
This seems to be a bigger issue where logging out on an elevated (non-terrain) surface often results in logging back in either one, or several floors below, or sometimes beneath the building, standing on the terrain, and stuck in that space.
Doing this on the crashed ship (Rify) usually results in you loading in a floor lower on each logout/login (tested above the bridge, after 3-4 logins I was on the main deck floor of the ship).
I've also seen several issues where people have logged out and appeared in a sealed room below where they can't open the door.
Once logging out on the very front of the ship at Rify (Titanic-style) I logged in and I was floating in the water below.
I try to always ensure I'm standing on terrain when I log out now.. it's just not safe otherwise.
Some buildings seem solid though.. when I log out in the school I'm always where I was when I log back in.