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- User Since
- Dec 25 2013, 1:50 AM (586 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
I understand what hes saying with items such as vitas, tabs, and so forth. I wouldn't carry 2 half full bottles of pain relievers IRL - just makes sense. More of a suggestion then a bug report, but got a + from me.
They are tracking this issue and are attempting fixes for the next patches.
Do you have a joystick or any other controllers plug'd in?
Only asking because sometimes my joystick conflicts with my game similar to the manner you are talking about, have to unplug it.
Just trying to help.
0.32.114557 rubberbanding has turned into minor harsh glitches back. Servers seem more unstable, often getting more yellow/red chains, and even some crashes. Playing 2 servers they both went down within a 5 minute period, then the second one (once rejoined) went down shortly after (maybe 10 minutes later.)
Buddy has also noticed reduced performance (less long term rubberband, but short banding is happening most often in servers even with 50/60 ping for us)
Just wanted to give additional feedback on the same old topic.
For some of you that DON'T know about the games experimental choices...
The current testing build IS 030113935...
You can find TEST servers for 030113933.
The current RELEASED verison is 030113925...
Check into how to Opt into betas on Steam, and you'll know whats going on then. No disrespect.
They are aware and are working on fixing it.
Not sure if you guys even see these private ones? A reply would be nice to know this method works. I try to keep real abusive stuff I find off the main page...
I don't. Most will have the balls to spawn in anyways. Now they have new found knowledge to search the area and kill the player in the military area.
Not to mention a player mechanic could be abused on a smaller level by said script kiddies. I don't want to hand them a half finished player location function, they need to at least make their own.
Honestly, if you are logging off in a area where you have to worry about someone hearing you, or you are worried in general you are one of the following...
A person server hopping at some airstrip or other building of interest.
A person that doesn't understand the concept of a safe log out.
You spend hours working out gear, going from building to building, and I understand sometimes life can interrupt the video game world, but the fact is find a nice safe bush to come in at thats not in downtown...
From another suggestion :
The idea suggested that a person be warped outside the city if they log off in a area of interest is a better route in my opinion. It not only makes it so players take longer when server hopping to grab gear, makes it harder for said groups to stay together, and puts them at additional risk for not logging off in a secure place, it also lets players CLEAR the city, and HOLD a building for sure without wondering if some server hopper' is coming in right behind them, also helping players that currently get stuck in walls get unstuck.
Its abuse of a unintended game mechanic in my opinion.
Yea you have a few options. As stated by AntonioAJC, vaulting will sometimes work. On buildings with better collisions they will still keep you contained sometimes, the other option is move close to the wall where you want to exit, close the game out completely, start it up from steam, join into a server as soon as possible (trying to prevent the game from loading entirely), and the second you enter the server keep the W (forward) key pressed, often you can get out because the server is still loading everything up, but on the client side your computer will not register the collider for several seconds it seems. You only have a few seconds to move, the character will become locked in place until the game loads more afterwards.
I've noticed people that have poor performing PC's that can get away with weak colliders (such as fences) - they can literally glide right past them.
Hope this work around helps - they are tracking the issue. Be careful of friends also as they can "push" you past the colliders it seems the collisions they've programed in takes priority of wall colliders sometimes.
I think the weapons/character models should be looked into a bit more, even without a knife or poker on the end of my weapon I've noticed more collision issues with prone fighting then say the MOD or Arma II in general.
I second this - I have had a issue with ONLY this optic in first person (from the standing/taking a knee).
Mine was clipping from the left side of the character - I had a black tactical vest on w/ a white/black checker shirt.
Changing the FOV slider did not correct the issue though.
The Arma 2 engine invented the term Bottle Neck in 1991 I believe (Joking).
All jokes a side it is a rather dated engine, the fact that she don't like to use more then 2 CPU cores says a lot. I feel your pain and second this post - I doubt anything will come of it. I think everyone that wrote the Arma 2 engine died of old age by now. (Another Joke)
See my report for link to pictures of how jacked up black mountain is.
They just need to fix it, a wipe is not needed, its only Alpha.
Corrective action should be taken though to stop this from going on.
I like how it is now. The zoom on the acog is good, I feel like Rocket wants us to get in closer to fight, and thats why we are seeing weapons limited out to 800/1000 meters right now (Mosin) and the M4 which by the optics and functions require a close engagement to even see.
ACOG on M4 IRL and you still have to scan aggressively sometimes to pick up on a 300M target even when you know its there.
Loving how it currently is. Not sure why this things getting so many votes. ;)
Yea. These people ain't always combat logging (most the time they are) but for the most part, they click respawn, it doesn't work correctly (1 2 3 ready pops up in bottom left, nothing happens) and forces them to back out and the body also disappears.
Buddy and me tested it. If he sits there at the you are dead screen, body stays. If he clicks respawn, body stays, if he exits, body disappears. If he Alt F4's body disappears.
Men = first person
Women = 3rd person.
Everyone knows this.
Being able to gain battle field data without sticking your neck out is a joke. Its annoying. I use 3rd because I refuse to let someone get the advantage on me. I wish I didn't have to.
While this in the wrong place... (its a opinion, not a bug), to many people would cry about 3rd being gone.
Lower the camera orbit point at least....
Food/Water system works great. Players fail to understand the mechanics.
Very bad, found people because of this. It screams in the night (even when off but in hands)
Yea I'm still having problems. I'll transition from pistol to primary, and sometimes it will pull it out (highlight white for a second or to) and then put it away, and I must press it again...
You guys are aware that Rocket stated that rabbits currently have some of the basic zed AI scripting, and thus play the sound as a sound place holder as a temp thing? Most the time you guys scan for a zombie, and not a rabbit.
Look at that one guys pics (the 4 of them) at night, its a rabbit.