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Using compass leads to repeat of swaping character animations.
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Once complete using a compass, and pulling out primary weapon (didn't close case of compass, just thought I should say) character animation repeats OVER and OVER and OVER only for others visually, not for myself. Friends asked me while I'm rowing a boat after 5 minutes of walking...

Had a friend use his compass, we narrowed it down to using a compass, leaving it "at the low ready", and switching back to our M4s. Not sure if does this with all weapons. The animation sometimes stops for one person before the other person stops seeing it.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Use a compass, don't close case of it, switch to main without lowering fighting stance, and then take off. You're screen seems normal, others see you swinging arms all over the place.

If ya' need a compass, kill the guy thats got crazy hands/arms.. ;D

Event Timeline

FinKone edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 25 2013, 6:19 AM
FinKone set Category to Movement.
FinKone set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
FinKone set Severity to None.
FinKone set Resolution to Open.
FinKone set Legacy ID to 72301628.May 8 2016, 3:25 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: lipek.Dec 25 2013, 6:19 AM

Have also noted this on multiple occasions.

The simple fix for the moment is just to re-log. (resets animation?)