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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 10:13 AM (625 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Hey! Let's stay civilized! I know this is a big issue, but insulting someone won't help fix it either!
For the time being, I advise you to revert back to 1.24.
Do this by Rightclicking ArmA3 in Steam -> Properties -> Betas -> Enter: Arma3Legacy124 -> Click CheckCode -> Select "legacy (1.24)" from the list
It is an 1.1Gb Update, should not take too long + it is playable.
Btw. I think this is happening because of packet flood. They called it "guaranteed network messaging", so now every packet is sent when before some where lost? (not a pro on this topic). Which then causes a flood, which is blocked by the router (my guess). Anyway, my f***ing Telekom router won't let me change anything regarding flood or firewall :/
Needed Ports are all open.
BI, we need a fix ASAP!
The Helicopter Pilot is still listed as "Pilot".
But I guess you mean the Jet Pilot? Yeah, noticed that too.
Also happens on servers with not many people (in my case: listen server + 2player = 100000 desync)
Update today, still not fixed
I have mentioned it before, and now I bring you the evidence:
Without FSAA, without PPAA:
There is a tiny difference, but still good visible!
I run 1680*1050
Sampling: 114% (1920*1200)
Settings: High (mostly)
FSAA: x2
Aniso Filtering: Ultra
Bloom & Radial Blur: 25
Sharpen Filter: 50
Other PP: 0
Rectile perfectly seeable! (
What other PP effect do you have enabled? Because they can effect the rectile! (like depth of field ; bloom)
I do not have any problems with that.
All disabled VS SMAA Ultra and AAx2 only a small difference... (with the rectile)
What resolution are you playing on? Try to set it higher, and look at sampling, do you have maybe 80% ? Try 120% or at least 100% :)
Bump (? if that even works here...)
I think this really is a problem and I would at least hear from someine at BI why they did this in the first place... as the Changelog posted above says it is to fix clipping issues... but IMO just creates more...
You can try out my script, which tries to help that issue.
It is not perfect and the heli will explode eventually, but it is a better way then what we have now.
I assume you mean binoculars, not goggles...
Having the same problem since last update.
I tried to play "whole lotta stratis" when suddenly one of my squad members wouldn't move, and always look through his binoculars :/
ok, I just updated to the latest Dev Build and it doesn't happen anymore :)
that would be so awesome!
But make it like ArmA:
Stratis on it's own map
Altis on it's own map
and a thrid map with both on there
Same issue with stable build!
if you placed "ifrit" in your map, go in the mission.sqm and find an object with "galkin" in it, rename it to "ifrit"...
the car has been renamed AND remove/rename (didn't try to rename) "A3_soft_f_galkin" ^^
(at least worked for me)
I don't know if I imagined that, maybe I was just lucky not having this issue this time, but if not the Dev Build fixes this. Can anyone say the same?
yeah, and I think the steerign of cars could be a bit better, it's like press a/d short almost no move... click a/d long (steeringwheel is complete turned) you'll do an 100° curve...
may be a bit exaggerated but I just wantet to point out what I mean :P
May 9 2016
Well, maybe they don't include it because they want you to download ACE for A3 :3
I have six cores (fx6100) all used about 50%
35fps average
i think they'll fix this when we progress further to the release... (i hope so...)
@w. Houck
I know, but they had a prototype in Arma 2 and they have a working one in VBS so they'd just have to put it in arma (and maybe simplify it a bit)
but ok... If there will be no 3d editor in arma 3, maybe arma4...
with arma 4 they should give us all the features that they couldn't implement with arma3... and after that they can take care of new content for arma4...
movement is improved, but the speed could be slightly lower.
and the difference between move modes could be bigger (tactical and fast has almost no difference...)
i think in general the movements could be slower, especially when crouched...
I would be happy if they brought back the A2 System, maybe with a touch of the DayZ System.
All that hardcore stuff, leave it to mods, that's what they are there for.
But the A3 System is unacceptable!
upvoted. I love the scopes in RO2!
Would be great to see such in ArmA, especially because it increases realism.
Also, nice that it is assigned! Maybe we will see it in the Marksman DLC? ^^
correction to additional information: I meant to write "third person"
I think it's the same with trees, AI seems to ignore them...
having AI detect you so fast may be ok on veteran (or whatever the highest difficulty is) but I play on recruit and the spot you when you're prone in grass from 500m distance and then they headshot you...
Happens to me too...
good idea, I'll check it ASAP :)
I agree with upagumtree!
@rogerx I guess wakrein talks about Geforce Experience which "optimizes" the game ; guess he actually belives that ; all it does is set the best settings for your graphics card...
ok... last time i looked at it short after map start...
40-70% gpu after 5 minutes
One CPU core is about 20% (lowest) other one 80% (highest) average about 50%
k3lt I'm not trolling...
yes, I testet in editor
I have no issues... GPU 99% and CPU around 50-90% (depending on situation)
GPU: Ati Radeon HD 5750 1gb
CPU: AMD FX 6Core 6100
yeah, weapon handling is really weird with deadzone on... hope they fix it soon
upvoted, hope we will see it in future arma games.
Together with this, magazine repack could be implemented.
This feature is nothing that drives me crazy, but it would be nice to see :)
you can dress as an enemy but not in the way like in that one trailer.
from gears menu you can take uniform, vest, headgear etc.
i didn't try in the scuba showcase but in editor and it worked