Let us know if this be solved in closest couple of days, because guys here seems don't like to hear about current state of anticheat
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Dec 6 2024
Dec 5 2024
Dec 1 2024
Anoter case today. Less than 200m (~170), still mosin. The guys had police vest (lowest tier of "plate carriers"). He survived 1st shot, even on such short distance (his backpack was ruined, shot him from the back, maybe it took some of the damage and combined with vest it saved him, not sure).
It is very cool to have protection that can save you from one shot on such short distances, especially for police vest, lowest tier. Now you can imagine what it (7.62x54) does on 700m (pretty much nothing, only short uncon even without reasonable helth loss).
There should be larger sniper caliber that can ignore plate carriers, or add some analog of 9x39 armor pearcing for .308 / 7.62x54. In that case you don't need new sniper rifle (it would be cooler to have one, but if question stands new AP caliber or nothing, AP it is then)
JaX_Stutz have you seen small aug since 1.26? I'm sure it's not on Sakhal and Livonia Bunker does not spawn it anymore. Not sure about Chernarus, haven't played it much since 1.26
But how? you guys were cryin' the DLC is too expensive. Where do you think part of the income goes??? Correct, on server maintanace. So, trick question : how sell dlc for low price and still have money for servers to keep the game alive??? Right, you are correcrt sir, yo, devs, each of you need to sell one of your kidneys.
Nov 30 2024
Nov 22 2024
Not guns, the dude is a cheater
@Chungski you have access for 1.27 Changelog?
I saw Deer on the IceSheets - looked very cool, I liked that. Think it can be the feature, not a bug
If yes you should add more of those, like cold resistance or else. It does going to give advantage for dedicated players, but not permanently as they will die at some point. This is perfect "level up" system for a game like dayz.
Soft skills are back in 1.27???
Nov 21 2024
Same goes for Acog X4 during rain - no rain droplets when you look through it. Was gonna to create ticket but just add this to this ticket. You had similar bug with cars front windows (1st person rain wans't visible), think it is related to this
Nov 20 2024
Nov 19 2024
Yep, got it too. As was said : load bullet 1st, then add mag, you'll see the moving back bolt. Somehow missed this on release. Must be because of "exotic loooong-rage" ;) (in this case m107 barrett is "non-existing intercontinental super-heavy sniper rifle" :))
Namaks subbarine is nice. It's very tiny, but even with that it adds a lot to the game in general
Nov 18 2024
Don't worry, we are one person, just mild dissociative identity disorder
There won't be land bridge to Burukkan, it's a military bay, it has inner port between peninsula and main island, if you add landbridge you have to remove inner port completely, otherwise your lore worh nothing. Also you said some spawns almost 20min run from the best zones - maybe, but first you need to get warm + food + water, secondly why add land brigde and cut that 20 min to hypothetical 10 or less?
I like the submarine idea. At least one somewhere in the open, but better more complex asset with few of space inside, so players could enter, plus very good place for some unique loot, and can be reached only with boat. Can even have static toxic zone (or similar modded alternative, some sort of different poisoned gas / or radiation area, not visible but deadly). Heck, so many really good possibilities, sadly none (or 1-2 if we're lucky) will be used.
Nov 16 2024
It reached me, but you're in the wrong place buddy. Former players who played the game since Arma2 mod till now aren't having any influence here, nobody does to be honest. Unless you're Wobo or spagetti guy, or Marks who chose the dark side. It doesn't cancels the fact the the game is one of the best, and it's greatness saved devs from their multiple f^&@k ups many times, and the fact that from time to time these guys bring something incredible (toxic zones, dambog, 40mm ammo, hummvee, Sakhal dlc) (they are same good as they are bad sometimes but this is not the point). The point is you need to storm somebody with audience and convince them to start talking about the problem. Sadly, but without that its solve takes from couple of years to infinity. But yea, I only can imagine how it feels when you can't play your favourite game because of health condition.
Nov 15 2024
It's not lada, lada is a completly different car. This is ada (in-game name), or niva irl, how did you came up with lada I have no idea
Nov 13 2024
Saw that too. It's not wrong, that's the enter to Matrix
Nov 11 2024
Oh, got it. Thank you
Nov 9 2024
Are you guys messing with anti-cheat? No way this day finally came
happaned 2nd time, ~10min lying still, yep, something is wrong, somehow it thinks you're dead if you don't move
Fixed for me, check you should be fine too
Check now, it allows to enter
I had backpack in my hands, but don't think that is the problem. Did you have kicks due to unstable connection?
Same, Livonia 1st Person, Unexpected Database response
same, but whe trying to log in. Kicks because of unstable connection last few days were frequent
Nov 6 2024
Thank you
Nov 5 2024
"Awaiting internal Testing" visit DE 4187, check what the guy said or go to Dambog
Still nothing, DE 4187 no loot
Nov 1 2024
Humwees wrecks too, no loot
It's not only those, prison aswell. Seems like whole loot spawn economy table was messed up
Oct 30 2024
Oct 28 2024
What do you mean by "new restricted area"?
Oct 25 2024
Sakhal is very easy and uchallenging aswell. Once you learn heating and fishing - the only problem is water, but after some time you'll learn locations of mangovcas so not a problem too. Even when heavy blizzards with 2 pluses of heatbuff even in medium insulated clothes you can run around like Rambo. It's nice, but still it seems like something is missing, maybe like super blizzards, or srong ai bosses/units that can put you down with one hit (some mutated zombies aswell). Or maybe this is just because of blowout on Namalsk, dunno. By the way, very sad that you didn't implement northern lights. Namalsk has them, textures are a bit crappy, but still it looks nice. With some nice picked textures it would look very nice.
Oct 23 2024
I don't know what stage are you on right now man, but eventually you'll get to the last stage, when after n-time raid you'll be lake "eh, cheaters...". Sadly, but anti-cheat is so bad (basically missing) that cheaters come as free DLC.
I know it's sucks to put hours and hours and then loose your shit just like that.
But after every such case think of this : cheaters buy dayz, buy cheat (and it's expensive, like 70$ monthly subscription), they enter on the server, look for stashes/bases, takes your stuff and go kill people with wallhack/auto-aim and in the end of the day they think "oh yea, I'm a man, killed 20 ppl today, too bad there's no cheat for a big pipi too". In the same time there's you, who plays fair, works like crazy to make a base and fill it with shit, standing against other playes, skilled veterans and foolish noobs, without any cheats and still manages to defeat them. And you live in the world where every second some cheater can enter the serv and kill you and take all your shit, still you don't give up. Compared to him you're a f@$1*&5 superman. All that you do may be insagnificant, but it's very important that you do it, 'cause nobody else will.
dayz normal days, nothing new
Oct 19 2024
Vanilla servers shows a bit less fps than Chernarus/Livonia, most likely it's due to insane amount of object on the map, and keep in mind that vanilla consider to be lightest possible, add custom (mostly not optimized) mods to community server, one on top of another... If Livonia/Cherno could forgive that, I doubt Sakhal will. But this is only my thoughts, may be that the issue is elswhere
It makes sense, 4 seasons, 4 sets of clothes. Do you wear winter coat in summer?
Oct 18 2024
with poxy yes
Oct 16 2024
True. Alot of squares across the map{F4450627}
Sarka and Blue Van in Reforger are indeed amazing. A bit sad that Multicar is still in files but not in game. Even though it was sitting there for a long time the model and textures are still very good even for 2024. But the saddest part is about this guy.
Enduro Bike
Sep 30 2024
Sep 27 2024
I want to talk to Dayz community. Everyone from a fresh spawner to expirienced 20k hours veteren.
"You are not providing a professional product to the consumer." this is so 10 out of 10
Sep 17 2024
Sep 8 2024
Sep 6 2024
forest + heavy rain sometimes want to cook my 3080 by crancking temperatures to 70+, while rest of the game it seats in mid 50s
Aug 27 2024
This is too early I guess. They not even on stable branch yet. Plus they gonna add sinking when ruined, so a lot might change until final product. Humvee had a lot of bugs for a long time before its final state
Aug 24 2024
Aug 23 2024
Not the earplugs, active headphones. Earplugs are no-go for sure (but maybe for cars they would be useful)
Aug 22 2024
Hearing protection device would actually be nice, like active headpgones (reduce sudden loud sounds and increase silent/distant)
This is experimental server, that what it is for. I'm sure there won't be any watermark in stable version.
"No one was in any way disadvantaged by these slots on clothes and backpacks" I was, thank you devs for finilly listening to me :)
Aug 21 2024
Yep. This is on a dedicated server (not offline mod). I will try to find mp5 on vanilla servers aswell.
It's not only Saiga by the way, bk133 and m79 too, probably all other guns too, but bullets there keep hidden most likely
Still in 1.25, not resolved. It is very easy to recreate. Log in on vanilla server, find a shotgun, load it, re-enter the server and you will see the picture
Aug 19 2024
Aug 18 2024
I don't understand you ppl, the gas zones a perfect. Warning system is perfect. This is post apocapalypse, or did you expect push up sms on you cell every time zone's about to drop? I agree with Nate, definitely is lacking of lore behind the strikes. Maybe Sakhal will shed some light on that
Aug 12 2024
"It was the biggest stability update up to that point. There were like 4 pages of fixes and good changes. but for some reason people got stuck on "masks"." The "masks" is just because the only new content were masks, but it was forced and advetised like it was 2nd Dambog bunker on chernarus. It was a good update in tearms of bug fixing in theory, but realization was not the best. Radio "known" frequency is a good idea, it'll make radio used for something finally. Alarm over the speakers in every place where it falls - this is zombie apocalypse, don't think they have some kind of sensors that can do that automatically, plus how long the battary would last for that thing? As far as I know such systems work along with humans. So either them all be controlled remotely from some place (which should be 2nd bunker somwhere on Livonia), or they just stopped working long time ago as all the operators are looking for some fresh brain now. Besides they already have visual alarm - red light. I don't even know why this ticket was opened. Livonia is too big, lets remore part of the map :)
Are you nuts people? "The whole "toxic" update was the worst one ever." LOL, did you forget about 1.14 Mime masks??? You guys act like you have billions of $$$, tried everything in this life and bored as heck, don't know what to do so you decide "let's remove this". Relax, dynamic toxic zones are fine, they add spice when you loot some location and then you have to quick delta out of there.
Aug 11 2024
Agreed about bipods and folding buttstocks (-1 for length would be logical). Improving existing gusns over new - no. You can improve existing (but I thinks it's more about attachments improvement, guns are ok as for me), and in the same time add new, but not just new like sv98 which made zero changes (model is amazing but in same old 7.62x54 it made no difference, I was expecting it in .338), but adding guns that makes changes. Simply alowing add x4 acog to M16 (like IRL) you'll bring amazing 5.56x45 DRM in the game. By adding higher caliber bullets you'll fix 200m sniper problem. And maybe it's already time for M249/PKM and RPG? Maybe not ofc, but modders alredy learned to make custom animations, and you guys alway implement great mods into the game (like it was with gas/radiation zones), so, maybe it is time.
New rainfalls on Livonia are really short term, which is OK. But having heavy thunderstorms like before 1.26 from time to time (at least 1-2 times per 24 hours) would be nice
Aug 9 2024
I noticed a lot of such spots too, especially when you drive a car they apper along the sides of the road
This is spring or summer edition (there are total 4 of them for each season). This change mitght be intentional, but I may be wrong