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SV98 Faulty Animation
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Hey guys,

I noticed when importing a gun using the SV-98 animation, that the boltbody moves, when you attach a magazine, with the fact a single bullet is loaded already.

This seems faulty and not intended?

It isnt really noticable, but when importing a bolt action rifle with that animation, it is highly noticeable as the whole boltbody moved.

Would be cool to have this changed, as this would give a failry good animation with pistol grips for boltis.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Get yourself a SV-98.
Load a single bullet.
Attach a magazine.

You see the boltbody moving.

Event Timeline

This comment was removed by MilesDownshur.
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Nov 19 2024, 11:13 AM

Yep, got it too. As was said : load bullet 1st, then add mag, you'll see the moving back bolt. Somehow missed this on release. Must be because of "exotic loooong-rage" ;) (in this case m107 barrett is "non-existing intercontinental super-heavy sniper rifle" :))

Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.Dec 2 2024, 4:32 PM

I think this is not an animation fault, had similar situation on CR-550 recently. Most likely weapons logic was changed recently. Happens when you disconnect a mag

@Geez any update on this one?