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1.26 experimental Insulation Problem(Hunting Jacket)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention an issue regarding the "pristine" hunting jacket in the latest experimental version of Dayz. It appears that the jacket is currently categorized with low insulation, which seems illogical given its pristine condition. This inconsistency affects the gameplay experience, as players expect high-quality gear to provide adequate protection from the cold weather.
Thank you for considering this feedback and I'll be looking forward to seeing how the game evolves.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Locate a "pristine Hunting Jacket". Once you have the Hunting Jacket press mouse3 on it to view it's insulation values.

Event Timeline

WolFFinE created this task.Aug 9 2024, 5:08 PM

This is spring or summer edition (there are total 4 of them for each season). This change mitght be intentional, but I may be wrong

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Aug 12 2024, 11:39 AM
sileed added a subscriber: sileed.Aug 13 2024, 1:19 PM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Aug 15 2024, 2:05 PM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello WolFFinE.
This change is intentional.
Currently, the summer variant has low insulation while the winter one has best insulation.

Nate_LapT added a subscriber: Nate_LapT.EditedAug 15 2024, 4:42 PM

I haven't looked at the variants yet, but does this mean only the white variant will be best now?

Or are there multiple tiers of each color?

Camo color isn't chosen by the temperature, but for the environment you're trying to blend into.

This also would be a great example for why we need layered clothes.
Add slots to the jacket to add layers of warmth

Hunter's wear longjohns under their hunting clothes to add extra warmth

DrDeSync added a subscriber: DrDeSync.EditedAug 15 2024, 6:23 PM

These values seem to be a bit arbitrary? For instance the summer jacket (heatIsolation=0.30000001;) has less insulation than a hoodie (heatIsolation=0.60000002;).

It might seem counterintuitive for a “primitive” hunting jacket to have low insulation, especially when players rely on protective gear to stay warm in DayZ’s harsh environments. But I appreciated the block blast when I played around with it.

MilesDownshur added a comment.EditedDec 25 2024, 9:06 AM

Gee guys, just calm down a bit. There are 4 variants, with different insulation. If you don't like white one use brown from Chernarus for better insulation. On Sakhal you easily can survive even with summer/sping variant - 'cause of the heat buff. And I like to play Livonia most of the time, but even now 50% of times I get yellow temperature in summer variant, which leads to loosing water faster. Imagime they boost spring/summer insulation - I will be getting constant red in worst case, or yellow all the time. So yea, you need to see both sides of the coin