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"Soft Skills" reseting after server restart
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The "soft skills" - by that term i mean the needle towards a hammer bar on the inventory view - seems to get back to the middle point after a server restart and also on rejoin sessions. I know most players don´t know how this works, but since i descovered its funcionality I wish it will be persistent while the character is alive and independently of server restart.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

1- Work your skills towards the hammer side (chop trees, build fences, chop more trees).
2- Once you reach the point of getting 2 logs per tree (the soft skills bar will be to the right), end the game session.
3- On the next day, go back to the server and the bar will be at the middle. You´ll no longer get double logs per tree.

Event Timeline

Psicose created this task.Sep 16 2019, 7:03 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Sep 19 2019, 4:06 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you for the report Psicose.
We have confirmed the issue and it has been scheduled for a fix.

Kirov added a subscriber: Kirov.Jan 13 2020, 9:04 PM

Hello, just wanted to add that in 1.06 the issue got even bigger - it is now for me impossible to even reach the 'precision' end as various actions seem to reset the skill to the middle when I'm getting close to the left. Once it was mending an axe with a duct tape. Please consider a fix, it would be nice to test the soft skills.

Can you provide an update, this has been scheduled for a fix for quite some time with no resolution. Thank you

Geez added a comment.Dec 7 2020, 4:04 PM

Can you provide an update, this has been scheduled for a fix for quite some time with no resolution. Thank you

Unfortunately there are no news that I could share.

Wish this would get a higher priority. It adds value to staying alive and apart from beards there's currently nothing else that does track a character's progress in a meaningful way.

Geez added a subscriber: CptFlags.
Bosmo added a subscriber: Bosmo.Aug 2 2023, 7:53 AM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Nov 20 2024, 11:28 AM
Geez claimed this task.

Resolved for 1.27

Soft skills are back in 1.27???

If yes you should add more of those, like cold resistance or else. It does going to give advantage for dedicated players, but not permanently as they will die at some point. This is perfect "level up" system for a game like dayz.

Geez added a comment.Nov 25 2024, 9:44 AM

Apologies, this was a miscommunication on my end. The soft skills have been removed and therefore the issue is no longer in the game.