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Sakhal Feedback - 1911 Pistol
Feedback, NormalPublic


The 1911 pistol serves little purpose being on Sakhal, for an Eastern map it does not fit the theme of a dominant Eastern weaponry focus and servers as the only .45acp firearm on the map which makes it feel pointless to carry the large amount of ammo that spawns for one firearm.

I understand that in real life that fire arm is all around the globe now but there is some inconsistency with other maps as Livonia had Eastern calibres removed such as the 5.45 and .380 rounds. This was a problem on experimental with Livonia as the SSG was the only 5.45 capable weapon where little spawned cause of the removal of the AK74/AKS74.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

JaX_Stutz have you seen small aug since 1.26? I'm sure it's not on Sakhal and Livonia Bunker does not spawn it anymore. Not sure about Chernarus, haven't played it much since 1.26

It's definitely not on Sakhal but I've only just returned to the other maps. According to the file it does spawn on the other two maps but in a very low amount

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Dec 2 2024, 12:19 PM