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The servers are TOO SLOW, move the game to newer ones!
Feedback, NormalPublic


anything over say 30 players the game is unplayable.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

anything over say 30 players the game is unplayable.

Additional Information

All maps should be on good servers, not just the new maps. Any server older than 5 years should be thrown away.

Event Timeline

everss02 created this task.Dec 1 2024, 2:52 AM
everss02 renamed this task from The servers are TOO SLOW, move thee game to newer ones! to The servers are TOO SLOW, move the game to newer ones!.

But how? you guys were cryin' the DLC is too expensive. Where do you think part of the income goes??? Correct, on server maintanace. So, trick question : how sell dlc for low price and still have money for servers to keep the game alive??? Right, you are correcrt sir, yo, devs, each of you need to sell one of your kidneys.

This goes not directly to you everss02, I don't know your position about that, this is just out in the void.

As for the price - yes, it's a bit high, yes, most of the game are already existed assets, map rebuilt from Tanoa, and yes still no things that was shown before eng swap (bikes, motorbyjes, littlebirds, bumblebees, m249, pkm, ots-14, benelli, rpg, law,). BUT! Isn't Sakhal great? It is. Isn't the game still alive and got stable updates with new things? It is. Yes, there are tons of problems and a lot of them a critical, but you don't know what they keep in their pocket. Maybe the next update will bring or fix exactly that thing that you want. So give these guys some time and at least wait for another 1.20, and if it happens - feel free to unleash all that you think, but untill then - have some faith.

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Dec 2 2024, 10:03 AM