No, you do not define the model path or the scope. Just what I put in my example
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Apr 13 2020
You add that in your config.cpp and be done with it. The name is the name of the p3d
class CfgNonAIVehicles { class StaticObject; class Static_Train_Wagon_Tanker: StaticObject {}; }
The target object can now be treated as any other typed object. GetName() also works there, you do not need to add your own function for that.
You can get the position from static objects just like with any other object. They also certainly appear in GetObjectsAtPosition3D because I use that on various occasions
Apr 11 2020
Yup, I double down on this one
Apr 6 2020
Ah okay, too deep down. Perhaps Entity or EntitiAi works out. If none of the general base classes work for you, you can have a look at what kind of objects you use it for. If they are all items, you could use ItemBase
You can add that yourself like this:
modded class Object { Param2< vector, vector > GetPosYPR() { return new Param2( GetPosition(), GetYawPitchRoll() ); }
Mar 16 2020
That should not be the case and also that would not cause a compile-time error. I rather suspect a syntax issue in one of the mods. Identify which mod causes it then I can have a look on how to fix it there.
Mar 15 2020
In your own mod. Does this error appear when you load your mod without an other mods active?
Mar 14 2020
This is most likely an issue within the mod? Not sure why you are reporting it here.
Mar 1 2020
You most likely need to go through the scripted process of attaching the magazine either way. Have a look at how it is currently done in the reload/switch magazine scripts.
Feb 24 2020
Not something that needs to be addressed. User error - by having set different times for client and server due to different loaded mods.
You can. Have a look at VicinityItemManager, that static class is responsible for all of the finding and maintaining of what will even be considered for the vicinity GUI
Feb 19 2020
Param param = new Param2<float, string>(3.14, "Pi");
What is stopping you from doing so right now?
Feb 17 2020
I double down on this being useful.
Feb 13 2020
Oct 6 2019
This has been addressed internally and will be part of the next stable patch. I will document how to add inventories to Buildings as soon as the fix is confirmed working.
Sep 15 2019
Sep 4 2019
please do not subscribe other people to tickets by force. You sent notifications to all people that are on the feedback tracker and in any of the DayZ X groups.
Aug 26 2019
Part of the underlying issue here is that the JSON-Serializer treats booleans as ints. If you write something using JSON a bool value will be 0/1 instead of false/true.
Aug 16 2019
You can assign a single vertex a selection name and animate it for all axis. Instead of setting the position via script, you would translate the target position to a local animation value for the axis. You would need to name all the vertices you want to move anyway in order to know which is which in script. So the step from doing that to just giving it animations is quite small.
Can't you just use model.cfg animations for this?
Aug 15 2019
Jul 18 2019
Jun 29 2019
Interesting yeah. <br /> with space aka strict xhtml notation works. However, it would still be interesting to know which tags are officially supported instead of guessing and trial and error :)
Jun 28 2019
Jun 26 2019
Jun 22 2019
The correct implementation ready for copy paste
Jun 16 2019
Without an option to disable it, it's rather annoying indeed.
Jun 10 2019
Optional mods such as sound changes or texture changes should be possible though by just adding the key to the server key folder. A player could then connect and be allowed onto the server because the key is recognized. Even if not, if the server also loads the mod it would not hurt anything either, because the server does not care about textures, or sounds or anything like that. Clientside optional mods with custom logic are not a thing really anyway since most gameplay elements require the server for providing data anyway.
Jun 5 2019
Any details on how this was resolved? How the intended way is to provide translation in the mod?
May 23 2019
As in call rcon commands from script when beeing the server instance. Similar to servercommand in Arma 3.
May 16 2019
I have narrowed the issue down with further testing. This filter prevents my object from beeing visible
Buildings are not visible in the vicinity.
May 4 2019
Alternatively, add a function "SetFrequency" to the AbstractWave class. Since volume can already be controlled via script this would then give total control over both. The formulas for calculating both volume and frequency can be done in enscript then.
May 3 2019
Possibly this could at least be added to the debug version of the game, as that is primarily used by developers anyway.
Apr 26 2019
Sure but that's not what this about. The vector can be multiplied with a scalar value as shown in the example above. However, the operator *= does not work for it even though it should.
Apr 25 2019
Another example with 1px 2px 2px ... 2px 2px 1px
Then this can be marked as resolved. Thx for the info there.
Apr 23 2019
I know that guide but I seriously hope that that is not the intended way to manage projects in WB
If RequiredAddons is not planned, how do you intend server owners to make sure the required mods are loaded for players? If a player loads unallowed mods he will be kicked because of verifySignatures, so that is covered, however, what if I join the server and do not have 2 out of 10 mods loaded.
This could be used to exploit game mechanics by not having certain objects visible in-game, or not being forced to react on certain RPC's sent from the server.
That makes sense. But as long as there is some limitation for "normal" users due to any security aspect or whatever reason, please add an easy way of bypassing that restriction if you are a developer and know what you are doing.
Apr 21 2019
Apr 19 2019
No IsInventoryVisible is something different in this regard.
Apr 17 2019
Apr 8 2019
Apr 5 2019
Normal log without any modded classes loaded:
Apr 3 2019
I consider it unpleasant because I am not sure how the modded player instance is handled when multiple mods want to override the same function. If two mods, want to override GetSingleUseActions() - from my current experience - the modded versions will most likely fight each other over which instance will be used.
This can be avoided if the interactions are defined in the config or object class directly, where is less likely two mods are in conflict, then the PlayerBase. I think nearly every mod on the workshop right now has a different PlayerBase implementation, and many of which will advance at one point to use interactions in mods ...
I support what Jacob said. It's very very likely that smaller mods want to localize their item descriptions etc. And it should be possible to just read a stringtable.csv from each loaded mod + the game global one and just add them together.
This is what I need to do at the moment in order to add my single use interaction from a world object to the list of actions the user can choose from:
The active interactions checks rely on the the action id. The pool of id's that will be iterated in a particular case depends on the actions available on the player, the actions from the item in hand, as well as the world objects that the player is in proximity / looking at.
Mar 29 2019
I have conducted a little more research and I think the FreeDebugCamra simply is not meant to be used by anyone without the internal build *maybe* because the "PluginDeveloper" is not included with the release build. The instance to it from the plugin manager is NULL. Calling the freecam gives a nullptr error to this, that's why it might be linked.
It previously worked because I could spawn a camera object and have a separate instance, but this does not seem to be possible anymore. And the singleton instance of FreeDebugCamera.GetInstance() does not comply with what you want it to do on the public build. I can not use it on stable atm either, so it must have been like that all the time.
Mar 28 2019
This has been confirmed not working from me and mov3ax independently. But sure I can try the next exp update and see if it works there.