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stringtable.csv added to mod, DayZ stringtable data is lost.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When you load a mod with a stringtable.csv present the existing DayZ stringtable data is lost.

Expected behavior would be an additive effect where each additional stringtable.csv is loaded alongside the stock stringtable data.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Add stringtable.csv to your mod. When enabled, existing DayZ stringtable data is lost.

Additional Information

in this example custom stringtables work however, all DayZ stringtables are lost:


This works and retains all DayZ stringtables but is not a modding friendly workaround as any other mods stringtable would override another.

#include "\languagecore\stringtable.csv"

Event Timeline

vbawol created this task.Feb 14 2019, 8:34 PM
vbawol edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Feb 14 2019, 8:59 PM
vbawol edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Feb 15 2019, 11:59 AM

🤔 Arkensor special powers confirmed?

Oh also worth noting but probably best for another report, having long localisation names (or fields, not sure, wasn't the one that tested) can result in the action tool tip (Drink Water, Build Wall, Open Door and such) to not appear. Might also break other UI's. Probably due to if the text over extends the width maybe?

Mov3ax or Salutesh will make a bug report (or already has) later with more information about it

Unknown Object (User) added a subscriber: Unknown Object (User).Feb 15 2019, 1:29 PM
Salutesh added a comment.EditedFeb 15 2019, 2:59 PM

Changing the ingame language with the Ingame-Settings breaks custom stringtable entrys and they no longer get displayed.

rVn changed the task status from Assigned to Acknowledged.Apr 3 2019, 4:34 PM
rVn added a subscriber: rVn.

Looks like the current form of stringtable wasn't really made with modding in mind. Not quite sure about priorities for this one.

I'm looking for some input from you guys. Is localizing mods commonly requested/desired thing? Would you expect to localize 'smaller' mods or run several bigger ones at once?

Is localizing mods commonly requested/desired thing?

Yes it is required since I had have people ask me in PM's for localisation in their language.

Would you expect to localize 'smaller' mods or run several bigger ones at once?

Any mod should be able to add in their own localisation.

I personally reckon the best way would be for it so the game autodetects these CSV files like it does and just automatically merges them into a large internal file in memory.

Or as OPTiX put it,

I support what Jacob said. It's very very likely that smaller mods want to localize their item descriptions etc. And it should be possible to just read a stringtable.csv from each loaded mod + the game global one and just add them together.

It's not a gamebreaker without it, but I'd like to see this happening in like the next 4-6 months or so.

"Is localizing mods commonly requested/desired thing?" Yes. I would love to have my mods localized, and have received quite a few requests for it to be done.

rVn claimed this task.Apr 4 2019, 10:48 AM
NiiRoZz added a subscriber: NiiRoZz.Apr 4 2019, 6:16 PM

I would love to make some mods publics, but that would suck to force my french players to have english strings. This is a must have.

AXEL7 added a subscriber: AXEL7.May 18 2019, 11:09 PM

it is posted Feb 14 2019, 8:34 PM
Devs, why this don't fixed?

rVn closed this task as Resolved.Jun 5 2019, 4:57 PM

Fixed in 1.04

Any details on how this was resolved? How the intended way is to provide translation in the mod?

rVn added a comment.EditedJun 5 2019, 5:32 PM

Table just needs to be included in the mod, additive effect instead of override

vbawol added a comment.Jun 6 2019, 3:31 PM

Nice thanks @rVn !