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Experience true combat gameplay in a massive military sandbox. Authentic, diverse, open - Arma 3 sends you to war.
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Fixed in profiling branch v9, and next dev branch.
Any new info on this? Was the minidump useful?
@BIS_fnc_KK The issue happens also in vanilla, not mods. After the briefing at the start of the mission, you get into the offroad and drive down the road. Suddenly a big lag happens and the error is printed to the rpt.
Basically a can of worms but I think it can be improved
Tested again on both stable and v8 profiling, it doesn't work for me on either.
I will take another look
Cannot reproduce.
Running 2.18 (post hotfix) 2.18.152302
Both working and "broken" buttons work for me.
This can probably be fixed easily by updating BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia to use the new string-based selection targeting for setObjectTextureGlobal, instead of searching for and then hard-saving the current uniform's insignia index.
Best reproduction example is:
Indeed, the siren on police boats has a place. How nice that it is very easy to implement, we need next actions:
Look at the result - https://youtu.be/Z3Sr42D0J1g, same as @madpat3 requested via video
In T186146#2698129, @BIS_fnc_KK wrote:Does this happen in 2.18 vanilla?
Does this happen in 2.18 vanilla?
18:58:38 Error in expression <_3den_display3den_menubar_search_text", format [localize "str_disp_xbox_hint_mp_> 18:58:38 Error position: <format [localize "str_disp_xbox_hint_mp_> 18:58:38 Error 0 elements provided, 1 expected 18:58:38 File a3\UI_F_Orange\UI\Displays\RscDisplayAANArticle.sqf..., line 75
2.18 prof v6 and later
Retested with current profiling branch version: 2.18.152307
Retested with current profiling branch version: 2.18.152307
I don't quite understand why the memory LOD is so far off the visual LOD, but maybe as a workaround you could offer another parameter to set what LOD to use.
It would make more sense to use a visual LOD by default in my opinion, attachTo is a visual thing, but I can understand that you probably don't want to break existing code.
setUnitLoadout will now fail if unit is switching weapon
isSwitchingWeapon command added
I cannot reproduce this bug