User Details
- User Since
- Jun 12 2014, 6:12 PM (563 w, 12 h)
Sep 30 2021
Feb 27 2021
still in version: 2.02.147322
Still there in v2.02... the door states are set with setVariable without public broadcast only on the server.
Dec 19 2020
Dec 7 2018
Init was called before 1.86 in the wiki stand beside isEden = 1 config entry that it call the init and also it not trigger register...3den... only the attrs...changed... test it for yourself look at tje ZEI like i provide
Dec 5 2018
Aug 24 2018
May 14 2018
something to my point with the garbage collector grpNull and allDeadmen problem that cause many "not found" messages ->
Apr 4 2018
The most spam was produced because of the corpseManager...
I use the manager for every corpse... and it deletes the body but not the Supply100/20/40/120 container of the corpse/backpack ... this container is then 1,6m under the ground.
Only the server has this Supply??? container... and the rpt is spamming:
Mar 22 2018
Oct 17 2017
Warning also in RPT after 1.76 Hotfix
Oct 13 2017
Crispy clean smoke particles again... Big thanks!
Is it pushed to development branch... i cant find something in the changelog (
Sep 19 2017
Sep 15 2017
Use profiling branch ( dwarden already has fixes for this...
Sep 12 2017
related to
Aug 1 2017
RESOLVED -> caused by onUnsignedData with kick
Jul 30 2017
Still in 1.72.142342
Jun 25 2017
still in 1.72
still in 1.72
Jun 7 2017
can confirm same as here (T125415)
Jun 6 2017
May 17 2017
May 16 2017
It seams related to STRG+M, if you press the default GPS open button and then open the MFDs it blocked addactions...
May 11 2017
Really annoying if you use the mod @BASE an test it in the YAAB benchmark you see the disappearing of smoke and explosions.
Could this problem connected to
May 5 2017
Really annoying for mission editors if you try to make defending units with disableAi "PATH" and setUnitPos "UP"... the missions is broken and unplayable after this init...
Apr 10 2017
Mar 17 2017
Jul 4 2016
Jun 27 2016
Jun 15 2016
Jun 14 2016
May 10 2016
Uploaded crashes with performance v6 (Crash_withV6.rar).
Uploaded crashes with performance v6 (Crash_withV6.rar).
Same here...
Only if the game crashed it create dumps... if no bidmp and mdmp exists pack only the rpt in the package ;D
Edit: and yes they are in the same folder
I suppose, Adam will write here his standart pattern. So please add the rpt, mdmp and bidmp files....
Thank you for reporting the issue.
We need crash dump files from this folder to analyze your problem.
C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\
Can you upload somewhere in winrar package, please?
Archive smaller than 5000 KB can be attached directly to the ticket. For bigger archives, please use some free sharing service and post link here.
How to find correct crashdump file:
Try to make the crash happen
Look into crashdump folder
Upload crashdump with latest date in name (crashdump is rpt + bidmp + mdmp file with same name). Please try to provide as many crashdumps as possible, it helps us investigating the problem in a big way.
Thank you.
Better is to send the dropbox link of your crash archive per skype to dwarden... all informations are in the forum... search in arma3 forum for skype groups an join decidated server group, all infos problems and other stuff is here first...
@timrothfr first learn to read -> , they have holdidays... -.-
USE v7... crashes with v6 are not longer interessting, because many are fixed with v7...
@hirschi -> use v7 ;D
@Preda i hope you get banned for this shit spam
Uploaded crashes with performance v6 (Crash_withV6.rar).
- no malloc assigned, so tbb4malloc_bi
- 20 Player
- >20 Mods also modded Map
- longer than 2h
- 100 AIs
- RC on server and Clients
- use enableHT
- use maxmem=8000
- no autoInit and no loadMissiontoMemory
@rasmusop yes it is after app_update this -> "app_update 233780 -beta rc -betapassword Arma3Test154RC" was hard to find because i found nothing in the internet or from BI about this... would be nice if this is also in the wiki... because no one start servers per steam ^^
We used also the new peformance.exe
- Malloc = tbb4malloc_bi
- extDB Version = extDB(69)
- Game Mode/Version = Altis Life
- using remoteExec
no, you must look at depot update not record update ->
Uploaded crash reports from to different roots with -memram changes and memoryalloctor changes but everything fails... server randomly crash and thats so silly....
Altis, use for the exact Position:
"player setPos [4561.39,13309.2,0.0014801]; player setDir 206.876"
Use under watch:
First line: [str nearestbuilding (getpos player),cursortarget]
Second line: [typeOf nearestbuilding (getpos player),typeOf cursortarget]
cursorTarget is null,
nearestbuilding is not null
Set mode to 2 (mode = 2;) then it works but the happy script kiddie time will start ^^ Thx BI
Seams to be connected to BIS_fnc_mp or something... in 1.54 BIS_fnc_mp is manged over remoteExec and this use the Cfg...
Uploaded crashes with performance v6 (Crash_withV6.rar).
Uploaded crash reports from to different roots with -memram changes and memoryalloctor changes but everything fails... server randomly crash and thats so silly....
Uploaded crashes with performance v6 (Crash_withV6.rar).
Uploaded crash reports from to different roots with -memram changes and memoryalloctor changes but everything fails... server randomly crash and thats so silly....
Uploaded crashes with performance v6 (Crash_withV6.rar).
@Schwiing that "* not found *" problem is onther and not related to this one, look here:
LISTEN, the problem:
17:30:30 Server: Object 18:200 not found (message Type_119)
IS NOT the problem which kill the server. This message is because a object is delete where it is not-local... this is only a rpt spam because the logger is silly... its only a message that the object was deleted NOT by the object owner...
So, if your server crashed then upload the bidmp, mdump and rpt.
Uploaded crash reports from to different roots with -memram changes and memoryalloctor changes but everything fails... server randomly crash and thats so silly....
yeah that is really annoying... every koth, br or exile round someone use this...
yeah that is really annoying... every koth, br or exile round someone use this...
code tested... same here!
In 1.50 weapon mode is saved if you enter and exit a vehicle
But allready no function for set per script command!
so... push... i added 3 rpt files with that subgroup spam...
a special version of AltisLife...
only use [player] joinSilent (create civilian)...
if you want the sourcecode email me... because it is private...
here also, sometimes on AltisLife server more than 20mb logs because "Server: Object *:*** not found"
This is a report by a user of our server... i only have this video. This is a normal Offroader and only vanilla stuff. No mods or something... I tried also at the editor in SP but nothing happends... but i dont know what happend on DS....
Edit: I try to get the server and client rpt....
_object remoteExecCall ["deleteVehicle",_object];
Little workaround, because the command will executed where the object is local ;D
More than 20mb rpt file only...
Error: Object(* : *) not found
Server: Object *:* not found (message Type_162)
also, without a weapon roll left or right on the ground and hold the key.... you will slide over the ground...