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Game Crash using Zeus
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I have been experiencing game crashes after accessing zeus through the commander role in multiple Liberation v.955 maps in multi-player. It happens a high percentage of the time, but has been fine on one occasion. I have had the same crash creating a report for Liberation v.955 KP_Chernarus and KP_Taunus, both the same problem while accessing Zeus. This has only recently begun to happen after the ARMA 3 WAR update, the latest ARMA 3 update that just happened a few days previous to this post. Each time I access Zeus through the commander role it only works for a couple of minutes until the game crashes, I believe it states it happens each time as a memory issue. Bug report from latest event attached.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
10.0.15063 build 15063
Zeus - General
Steps To Reproduce

Access Zeus menu while in game is all that is needed for the crash to occur and will happen very soon after accessing Zeus, but does seem to coincide with creating and object on several instances but on others just being in Zeus seem to trigger the crash. Sometimes it is immediately sometimes it takes a minute or two but very soon in any case.

Additional Information

This happens nearly every time and I have only indicated sometimes as one time since it started happening it appeared to work with no problems for several minutes while also creating objects.

Event Timeline

dwapar1 created this task.Sep 8 2017, 11:12 PM

I have verified the integrity of the game files twice since this has begun with no downloads triggered after both attempts. It has also occurred after starting the game as admin.

Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.Sep 11 2017, 12:15 PM

Have you tried disabling your mods? We want to rule out them being as the source of the issue.

Hello Wulf I have played since your last comment for approximately two hours while not being in the Commander role accessing the zeus menu and playing the same map mod with no issues. Then I switched to the commander role and accessed the zeus menu and it crashed with the same error message.

I have been playing exclusively on map mods for the past seven or eight months without this problem. The server admin has played along with me almost this entire time and never has the same issue. He never uses the commander role and zeus menu.

A clear time demarcation exists and that is the WAR update. I have no way of saying that is the reason only that it never happened before and just started immediately after and is a consistent issue now. The couple of instances I can say it happened previously while not using the zeus menu were both while being in the commander role at those times and having previously accessing the zeus menu. Never has it happened while playing in another role. I've confirmed this by playing the same map in a different role with no issues recently. I' certain that disabling the mods and playing on a none modded map would result in no issues also but I feel very confident in saying it never happens, even on modded maps, if I don't access the zeus menu.