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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 3:06 AM (585 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Hopefully in the future private server characters will not carry over to public servers.
Duplicate of #2565
"but it's nothing with it"
I never understood this attitude. Why should players want or need to "deal with" an obvious problem with the game?
I think that's the point? I'm fairly sure Rocket mentioned in one of the streams that aiming in 3rd person should be wildly inaccurate and ineffective to help prevent the type of 3rd person abuses that are rampant in the mod.
Dupe #414
Note: By default DayZ (ARMA II) will use 3 threads for dual core CPUs and 7 for quad core CPUs.
Duplicate of #781.
Note: You can close the issue yourself to remove it from the list.
Voted down. Each bug needs its own ticket submitted _after_ searching to see if someone else has already reported it. Lists like this make it impossible for the devs to manage bugs. Also note that all of the bugs in this list have already been reported.
Submit 1 bug per issue rather than a long list of bugs in 1 report. Before submitting, do a search to ensure it hasn't already be submitted by someone else. All your bugs have already been submitted.
- Some doors do not open #183
- Falling through the floor #1306 #1067
- Unconscious forever #196
- Unconscious character sliding #34
- Hunger / thirst rate too high #414
It's a game mechanic, nothing more. If they spawned guns with clips in them, they would have to spawn _a lot less guns_. Finding a gun should be hard. Finding a clip should be hard. Finding bullets should be hard. Once you've found all three, you've accomplished something.
This game mechanic is much better than what the dayz mod had, which was everyone running around with OP guns and chests full of ammo.
DingoDown: There is no such option in steam. Also note that the enhancement request was for a view in the game, without having to go to a website. As an alpha player / tester I just need to know what has changed in the build so I have an idea of what I should or shouldn't test.
Duplicate of #781.
And yes, it absolutely needs to change. If players want to hack their night time via graphics card settings or adjusting their monitor directly, fine. Just don't give them an in-game option.
Dupe of #161. Downvoted.
I've accidentally done this a couple of times. I was killed, wait for the "you are dead" message, then disconnect and exit the game normally. Later after loading the game again I'm surprised to see my character still alive. I imagine a lot of players are inadvertently doing this.
This is a dupe of #1326 which is marked as fixed.
Duplicate of #1326.
I've seen this happen a number of times. If you go to configure / video options menu it will immediately clear up.
Note: This is being addressed in a upcoming patch. You'll have icons on your inventory screen showing the state of your character.
Duplicate bug: 000962
Completely agree with this bug report. It's easy to see how many people are using this cheat. Simply log onto a full server on a night cycle, go to Cherno and look for how many flashlights you see. Answer: almost none. 99% of the people aren't using flashlights because they can see perfectly fine with their gamma turned up. That is _not_ how gamma was intended to be used.
Either gamma modification needs to be taken out entirely or the range of values allowed needs to be greatly reduced. The argument that people can still modify gamma settings on their monitor or graphics card directly is completely beside the point.
Attention: Everyone please take a moment to read the first word of the URL in your browser -- "feedback". This is the appropriate place to submit both bugs and feedback.
I've been nothing but respectful of other people's opinion and would appreciate it if you do this same.
As has always been the case, if players are given an easier game option, many will invariably choose it over one that may be a _better_ game option. Server operators in turn will generally cater to the lowest common denominator, resulting in very few -- or no active --1st person servers.
Dslyecxi sums it up best in this video:
A good compromise might be to have 1st person only on official servers and allow private hive operators to do what they want.
DeadlyDanDaMan: Please read the URL of this website. Note the first word: feedback.
Who are the 10 idiots who voted this bug down?
There are two separate issues here, each already reported:
#161 Random sounds being played
#246 Some players able to use global VOIP
Duplicate of #161