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User Since
Mar 17 2013, 6:32 PM (624 w, 1 d)

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Dec 25 2017

gotmikl created T127460: Instead of the command menu, pressing 0 puts rifle over shoulder. .
Dec 25 2017, 8:16 PM

Jun 16 2016

gotmikl renamed T117974: Crashes or fails to load - New drop box crash report added from Crashes or fails to load to Crashes or fails to load - New drop box crash report added.
Jun 16 2016, 5:31 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl edited Steps To Reproduce on T117974: Crashes or fails to load - New drop box crash report added.
Jun 16 2016, 5:27 PM · Arma 3

Jun 15 2016

gotmikl added a comment to T117974: Crashes or fails to load - New drop box crash report added.


Jun 15 2016, 11:54 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl created T117974: Crashes or fails to load - New drop box crash report added.
Jun 15 2016, 11:54 PM · Arma 3

May 10 2016

gotmikl edited Steps To Reproduce on T84814: Singleplayer AI should be able to be directed to clear a structure (room by room, in a coordinated effort) ..
May 10 2016, 12:17 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl edited Steps To Reproduce on T84813: It is very difficult (or impossible) to crawl in and out of doorways and corners.
May 10 2016, 12:17 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T83416: Friendly AI are difficult to rearm on longer SP missions.

Yeah, Mickey men, I hear ya - These actions can be done they are just difficult and bizarre to do.

As far as the other list, I felt these issues as stated above can be fixed easily and without to much programming time and have the greatest impact.

May 10 2016, 11:37 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl edited Additional Information on T83416: Friendly AI are difficult to rearm on longer SP missions.
May 10 2016, 11:37 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl edited Steps To Reproduce on T82356: Hits on targets should at least knock them down, reduce the ability to fire back effectively.
May 10 2016, 11:00 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T80709: AI don't keep up, and do not respond well to "move" or "get in" commands when in "danger" mode. (New movement command suggested).

There should be a 'move fast' option in addition to simply 'more there'. The command Regroup should definitely to have the AI keep up with the lead to the best of their abilities (machine gunners, the wounded will be slower). AI should automatically seek out the best cover available when they arrive at the designated destination, including trees or rocks, boulders etc. or going prone or taking a knee if that's the best available option. If they are given a move order and they start taking fire, they should take the best available cover right away. A "fall back" option would also help, where they would pop smoke and retreat and/or regroup. this will make anyone playing in SP, or even coop with AI, 10x more realistic and survivable. Huge thumbs up.

May 10 2016, 10:02 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T74772: Assault rifles are always zeroed to 100 meters (or less). In the game, it's 300.

I've been to Tactical Response several times and what I've learned there, advocating a zero at 50 yards, is what you posted to show me why I'm wrong? The reason why the "100 yard zero where the bullet meets point of aim only once" is because bullet drop is negligible to 200, and most shooting with 5.56 rifles occurs well inside that distance. Anyway, the rifles in the game impact at 100 yards anyway, which I tested yesterday. Not sure why you would down vote getting the info inside the optic or on the screen to correct, but whatever.

May 10 2016, 7:19 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T74772: Assault rifles are always zeroed to 100 meters (or less). In the game, it's 300.

FYI for those interested in this esoteric discussion:

May 10 2016, 7:19 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T74772: Assault rifles are always zeroed to 100 meters (or less). In the game, it's 300.

Your picture has the barrel pointing up. You don't zero a rifle by lobbing a bullet. You aim it straight ahead, at a 90 degree angle. The bullet only drops, it does not go up; it does not arc. If you are zeroed for three hundred yards and you put your point of aim (a chevron is the shape of the reticle) on someone high chest at 100 yards, it will go over their head. Let me know if you need some more info on this, I'm here to help you out.

  • * - - - - - _ -_

PS - This is a definition of the word esoteric: known about or understood by few people. known about or understood by very few people. "people who ... understand what gravity and air resistance does to a bullet's flight path" ARE the very few.

May 10 2016, 7:19 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T74772: Assault rifles are always zeroed to 100 meters (or less). In the game, it's 300.

Bravo, that is an interesting factoid, but we're talking about a muzzle that is locked into a vice and parallel to the ground to be zeroed. Only a muzzle pointed above 180 degrees would result in an arc. My point here is that I shouldn't have the lower an optic to score a hit, with or without magnification. Holo optics are for fast (CQB) acquisition, not for range. 200 meters is way too far for a Eotech or even an Aimpoint (red dot).
In closing, when was the last time you were shooting targets at 300 meters with an assault rifle (in real life or the game)? If you put the tip of the chevron high chest at guy 100 meters away, you will send the bullet over their head. It probably is that the reading on the screen is off and not the sight (or at least that is the way it seems recently), but they should both be correct. Seems like an easy fix. The reason why the zero is 300 meters by the hash tag below it being at 400 meters, one MOA below. If one MOA down is 400m, then the chevron, one MOA up, has to be 300 m.

May 10 2016, 7:19 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T74772: Assault rifles are always zeroed to 100 meters (or less). In the game, it's 300.

VKING - If you put the aim point of a optic (or irons for that matter) on a target at 30 meters and that is where the bullet impacts, then you are sighted in for 30 meters, regardless of what the setting indicator said.
As far as the info on the screen being right of wrong, with or with out magnification, I feel that it should be right, and the range indicator be correct (on the screen, or as viewed through the optic).
As far as caliber, whether it's a .22 or a fucking rocket propelled harpoon is irrelevant. The optic get adjusted to the rifle, not the other way around.

May 10 2016, 7:19 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl edited Steps To Reproduce on T74772: Assault rifles are always zeroed to 100 meters (or less). In the game, it's 300.
May 10 2016, 7:19 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T74770: Ok, It's time to make a xbox controller preset that works.

Solzenicyn - Have you had a free minute to look at this yet?

May 10 2016, 7:19 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T74770: Ok, It's time to make a xbox controller preset that works.

Still ... not ... done

May 10 2016, 7:19 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl edited Steps To Reproduce on T74770: Ok, It's time to make a xbox controller preset that works.
May 10 2016, 7:19 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T74770: Ok, It's time to make a xbox controller preset that works.

Reported By: Blackbeard

Assigned To: Solzenicyn

Project: Arma 3
Issue ID: 940
Category: Controls
Reproducibility: always
Severity: minor
Priority: low
Status: assigned

Game Version:

Date Submitted: 2013-03-06 11:59 CET
Last Modified: 2014-01-29 07:20 CET

This request was started shortly after the ALPHA release, assigned in MARCH 2013, begged for as recently as TODAY ... and IGNORED since the BEGINNING.

May 10 2016, 7:19 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl edited Steps To Reproduce on T68569: Error Message "Add on DM_Light requires Add on ...".
May 10 2016, 3:59 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T67271: Character gets exhausted way to quickly.

I think the speed of the sprint is fine, but they get too exhausted too quickly. Any soldier's endurance would be better. Anyone will be slower uphill than down, but overall their stamina is too low. To be more specific, they should get out out breath after going uphill, but recover more quickly. They should automatically slow down as they run out of energy, but not start wheezing like they have asthma and get blurry like they have a heart condition. Picking up speed as you crest a hill and then start going down, along with the sound of the gear and boots, is very immersive.
If it it was based on their load out weight, that would really be something and people would start choosing their gear based on actual real life considerations. "Ounces equals pounds, and pounds equal pain" is a common military quip. Right now it seems to be based on what fits, but carrying six to eight frags has other considerations than just finding a pocket.

May 10 2016, 3:13 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl edited Steps To Reproduce on T67221: Need more realistic deaths including limbs loss, head shot & explosives (rockets, grenades, C4, claymores) effects.
May 10 2016, 3:11 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T66680: When taking gear off of dead bodies, unwanted things happen.

This has been fixed (by the hand) and can be closed. Thanks! The game is looking better everyday!

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl edited Steps To Reproduce on T66680: When taking gear off of dead bodies, unwanted things happen.
May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T66341: Fatigue Blurring causes physical sickness.

@Kumeda - You'd have to show me that one. I run every day and push myself with sprints, in the heat, uphill, downhill and I've never gotten blurry vision or started wheezing ... But, if you upload a video of you sprinting until you fall over unconscious without slowing to a walk and then bending over to catch your breath I'll take your word for it.

May 10 2016, 2:37 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T66341: Fatigue Blurring causes physical sickness.

What happens in real life is what should happen in the game. The more gear, the more weight, the less distance you can go and at lower speeds. One doesn't get blurry vision, you simply are forcibly reduced to a quick walk and then if you don't slow down from there you will be forced to stop altogether to catch your breath. Your body will not allow you to run so fast and so far that you get blurred vision or start wheezing like you have asthma. Still, other than the blurry vision and the wheezing I think the distance and pace is fair and it does reflect how much gear you have on. Just drop the wheezing and blurry and keep the heavy breathing.

May 10 2016, 2:37 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T66339: Room Clearing with the AI.

mwnciboo - You never cease to amaze me with how you can over complicate the simplest of issues. Feel free to fast forward to about 5:20 in the below video, and you will see, once again, that this has already been done to a satisfactory level. The command is "assault building"

PS - Working at Chuck E. Cheeses does not qualify as a life in uniform.

May 10 2016, 2:37 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T66339: Room Clearing with the AI.

You amaze me because you're such a DB. You muddy the water on simple issues. It takes you ten comments and 700 words to up vote? OF:DR modders made that game what it is and we all play both games and want to make the best game possible in the long run. Don't bother responding.

May 10 2016, 2:37 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T66303: AI to not take cover (tree, rock, bushes, prone etc.) when given a "move there" order..

You do realize that we don't give orders to OPFOR AI right? 'Move There' is an order in the choose-able list of commands. All we want is to program this basic doctrine: "Move there - seek tree -no tree - seek rock and kneel - no rock - seek bush and go prone - no bush - go prone and await orders" - into the 4,6 or ten guys that we control with the F keys or the space bar.

PS - Where did I rage? You should have seen what I deleted.

May 10 2016, 2:35 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T66303: AI to not take cover (tree, rock, bushes, prone etc.) when given a "move there" order..

Here is a decent picture of how the AI might react to different scenarios based on the available cover at or near the "move there" command. I know BIS may not like Codemasters, but at the same time, why reinvent the wheel when it comes to what they, or their modders, got right.

May 10 2016, 2:35 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T66303: AI to not take cover (tree, rock, bushes, prone etc.) when given a "move there" order..

Once again, this has already been done before (see OF:DR AI Mods) and they do it just fine. Don't over think it. We command (move 200 meters forward) they they find the nearest rock, tree, bush or lacking anything get down.

And mwnciboo it's already been done in 2009 so what bleep are you talking about? BI is not going to need a direct line to the NSA and NASA to make this happen. Move there - seek tree -no tree - seek rock and kneel - no rock - seek bush and go prone - no bush - go prone and await orders.

You can use that if you want Astaroth, no charge!

AD2001 - And you, 6 guys go to a crest and five of them get in cover and one stands up in the open. Who's the one first one getting shot by the enemy they didn't see?

Anybody else?

May 10 2016, 2:35 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl edited Steps To Reproduce on T66303: AI to not take cover (tree, rock, bushes, prone etc.) when given a "move there" order..
May 10 2016, 2:35 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T64082: We need a basic, preset (Xbox or variant) controller set up established ASAP.

I actually came here to try to remove it, but as I fondly looked at all the douche bag's comments, to which you recently and unnecessarily added yourself, I couldn't help but realize that most of you/them have never actually fired/used any of these weapons. Thanks for the video, I watched it about 2 months ago; maybe helping people like that would be a more fruitful use of your vast knowledge and talent than ripping apart everyone's improvement requests. There are no ways to allow you to go prone/crouch/stand up with one (stick/button). The right trigger will not bind to the controller for some reason. Command and control are tedious, banal and sophomoric at best. BIS, a studio, wants to make me happy, because I will give them more money to do so. Considering said video had 2500 hits on "how to customize a x-box controller for Arma 3," you make my point.

If you have any solutions for the above, please help out. If not, I must redirect you to that brick wall I mentioned.

May 10 2016, 1:12 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T64082: We need a basic, preset (Xbox or variant) controller set up established ASAP.

I don't think you would talk to me like that in person, but feel free while you're all brave and anonymous. This issue has been addressed and approved for configuration on another ID. BIS this issue can be closed.

May 10 2016, 1:12 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T64082: We need a basic, preset (Xbox or variant) controller set up established ASAP.
  1. You seem to be paying way too much attention to what I post and when.
  1. WE are the many (tens of thousands/millions/billions) of people who play this game with controllers and are constantly battling with others who feel it's their role in life to dictate how the game is supposed to be played.
  1. Feel free to read the negative comments posted in my original polite request.
  1. By polite do you mean responding to a sardonic comment about NOT needing NSA/NASA to script bluefor AI (which you obviously didn't understand) like:

"By the way "Direct line to the NSA and NASA" do by any chance wear a Tin-foil hat and believe in Internet Conspiracy Theories? You are a Lunatic, I'm trying to explain that the AI cannot behave like in Dyslecxi's Guide because they aren't human." - mwnciboo

  1. If you have any further comments, questions or suggestions, please direct them to the nearest brick wall.
May 10 2016, 1:12 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T64082: We need a basic, preset (Xbox or variant) controller set up established ASAP.

Yeah, and Thanks, I have recently customized my controller. I can't get the right trigger to function as the trigger though. It also wipes out the pre existing commands that it was mapped to. I still want this done. It looks like the keyboard warriors will not be having it though.

May 10 2016, 1:12 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T64082: We need a basic, preset (Xbox or variant) controller set up established ASAP.

I have recently added a left mouse button to my Ar -15 and I have to tell you, you guys were right! It's freakin awesome! Thanks Keyboard and mouse police!

May 10 2016, 1:12 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T64082: We need a basic, preset (Xbox or variant) controller set up established ASAP.

I do not use a Keyboard and mouse. To me, this is urgent. I cannot even fully test it out until this is fixed.

May 10 2016, 1:12 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T64082: We need a basic, preset (Xbox or variant) controller set up established ASAP.

It's personal preference. Also, I play this on a 67 inch television at night in the dark, on a couch and chilling out. Accessing a keyboard and mouse is not an option.

May 10 2016, 1:12 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T64082: We need a basic, preset (Xbox or variant) controller set up established ASAP.

Let's not allow perfection to become the enemy of improvement. That is what the Alpha is all about. Issuing all the commands without the use of a keyboard and mouse is easily achievable, has already been done before, and will not port over COD players. For now, though, I just want to be able to do basic weapons manipulations, look at the map, use my binoculars. I'm getting my ass kicked looking for the 'F' key in the dark!

May 10 2016, 1:12 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl edited Steps To Reproduce on T64082: We need a basic, preset (Xbox or variant) controller set up established ASAP.
May 10 2016, 1:12 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T63875: Make sprinting realistic.

The devs got it right. Hustle speed (?)is right, walking is right, sprinting is right. One cannot sprint for very long (100m tops) hustle for more than a click before you feel weigh of the ruck digging into your shoulders, with more land traverse being at a quick walk. The only thing of note, is that they do run out of steam before their time and don't gain it back fast enough. It's nitpicky to want it perfect, but that's what's it all about (right). In a nut shell, they should catch their breathe a little faster after a jaunt or even a sprint. They are exasperated too soon. PS - I ran my soldier (no sprints) 2.0km (1.2 miles) to the Kamino FBS. Up and down steep inclines, as well as along the road when I could. 8 minutes in full battle gear (minus spent ammo). That seems about right when you factor in fear and adrenaline. A little tweak to how bad they're sucking wind after a run up hill while still fresh and it's prefect!

May 10 2016, 1:02 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T63771: [Feature request] "Safety" fire mode.

I spent more time thinking about this than usual; this is my safety (pointer finger going up and down). But, in reality all my gear is stowed on safe, even my home protection stuff. On the other hand, true reality would be trying not to overheat in the back of a humvee in full body armor in Iraq while some overpaid Haliburton clown cries about his broken air conditioning. I don't personally want it, but it should be available to some one who does. It is more fundamental than boot laces, but an automatic disengage on engaging the sight would be ridiculous and defeat the point. I have had negligent discharges in and out of the game. I vote you should have it, but not me.

May 10 2016, 12:56 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T63769: visual injuries (animation).

Blown up limbs, blood, guts screams of the dying, all of it. It shoot make you happy when you're not in contact and vicious when you are. You know, like real life. Keep in mind though, that dead peoples bullet wounds will be under their uniforms unless you hit them in the head or they explode into pieces. Even a grenade will take a good chunk or your head off, plus hands or even a leg.

May 10 2016, 12:56 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T63769: visual injuries (animation).

Blown up limbs, blood, guts screams of the dying, all of it. It shoot make you happy when you're not in contact and vicious when you are. You know, like real life. Keep in mind though, that dead peoples bullet wounds will be under their uniforms unless you hit them in the head or they explode into pieces. Even a grenade will take a good chunk or your head off, plus hands or even a leg.

May 10 2016, 12:56 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl edited Steps To Reproduce on T63729: Use of a (xbox) controller.
May 10 2016, 12:52 AM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T63002: Sophisticated considerations on how to get rid of the blurry mid range textures.

Damn, now that's how you complain about something! My comments and suggestions seem tawdry and insignificant in light of this one. Thumbs up.

May 10 2016, 12:24 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

gotmikl added a comment to T62287: AI don't keep up, and do not respond well to "move" or "get in" commands when in "danger" mode. (New movement command suggested).

There should be a 'move fast' option in addition to simply 'more there'. The command Regroup should definitely to have the AI keep up with the lead to the best of their abilities (machine gunners, the wounded will be slower). AI should automatically seek out the best cover available when they arrive at the designated destination, including trees or rocks, boulders etc. or going prone or taking a knee if that's the best available option. If they are given a move order and they start taking fire, they should take the best available cover right away. A "fall back" option would also help, where they would pop smoke and retreat and/or regroup. this will make anyone playing in SP, or even coop with AI, 10x more realistic and survivable. Huge thumbs up.

May 9 2016, 11:54 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T62030: Terrible sound immersion.

Please include the sounds of debris, rocks, vehicle parts, body parts etc. hitting the ground. Also, I hear the sound of my own team groaning in pain but never fear or screaming or begging for help in desperation, from my own team or the opfor. That would be highly immersive, to say the least. I would almost take sound over the graphics. It really matters! The m320 sound is good, but no one ever shrieks from getting hit. At close range, 50 to 75 m rocks and debris would shower the area.

May 9 2016, 11:41 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T62030: Terrible sound immersion.

@ FlatkinG ... No argument here on the groaning. What I want are the shrieks of pain and terror and fear. And falling debris and rocks and vehicle parts.

May 9 2016, 11:41 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T62013: Moaning sounds.

Seems like you are giving away your position with all that groaning. I agree swearing with acute increase in pain maybe, but that's what morphine is for - to shut you up.

May 9 2016, 11:40 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T61925: [Suggestion] Touch Off Explosive should be tied to an item..

Claymores, mines of all types should go off when tripped. Satchel charges should not override all other commands.

May 9 2016, 11:36 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T61569: AI doesn't pick ammo/weapons from crates.

Vote up. Major issue IMO due to needing AI to scavenge just as much as any player does.

May 9 2016, 11:12 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T61531: Sprint too fast and urealistic.

It's not whether you like it, or if it helps you accomplish the task at hand ... it's totally unrealistic. Please post a video of you in 90 lbs of gear plus a rifle and body armor running faster than Ben Johnson uphill for a mile. You can sprint, just not that fast, uphill or for that far. It also makes you tired. The character is doing a 3 minute mile. Uphill!

May 9 2016, 11:10 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

This is a rag roll effect with overwhelming support, so lets go. I was tempted to post a legitimate war gore link, but refrained. When you get shot, your head can come off, or just your face. In one picture, I actually took a minute to figure out what I was looking at, but it was a head and torso ripped apart by .50 cal bullets at a checkpoint in Iraq. When you get hit with a rocket, your body is charred and comes apart. This is not sick or twisted, it is a FACT. To omit this obvious factor of war is to dumb down the game. In fact, it's ridiculous. No one with a realistic expectation is looking for anything more than ragdoll effects akin to what happens. ACE modders can help do more, and include medic related activities, but the injuries we're talking about are mortal wounds that cause death, usually instantaneously. The fact that this has only been "reviewed" despite 500 + voting for it is a slap in the face. At least let us know that you can hear us out here and respond with what issues you (BIS) are facing so we can get some feedback and get pointed in the right direction. Ignoring it or pretending it is not important in not an acceptable response. Obviously it will be a setting, one that can be disabled for sales purposes in socialist countries like Germany, but it's going to take time to develop and it needs to be started now. "reviewed" sounds like "well, not right now" (hopefully you'll forget about it). State your position so we can make informed buying and support decisions. Thanks, I think I speak for more than a few people who are sick of getting dozens of e-mails of comments (daily) with no feedback from you (BIS)

May 9 2016, 11:02 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

This is only for visuals and rag dolls. It doesn't have to be over complicated. Most people are looking for dismemberment and "gore" on people who either die instantly or are beyond saving and die within 3-4 seconds of being hit. People die in this game anyway. It's a visual effect to make it more realistic.

May 9 2016, 11:01 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

It wasn't really a question as much as information for you to come to understand.

There are tons more ...

May 9 2016, 11:01 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

The reason grenades and other explosives blow off limbs is due to the rapid displacement of air during an explosion. A stick of dynamite (or three, whatever) has no shrapnel, but would happily blow your arm or leg off if close enough. It's the dramatic change in (barometric) pressure as the solid sublimates into a gas:

As far as rating go, fuck ratings. If you're not an adult, you shouldn't be playing this game anyway. The original post stands because it got the most votes quickly, but virtually everyone who up-voted really just wants dismemberment and heads blown off with more dramatic effect. Maybe an eviscerated intestine here and there (it's just a bit of skin and a 1/4 inch thick muscle holding them in).

This may be a new thread, but for true reality I would like a whorehouse on one of the islands. Just saying, warring and whoring are like a horse and carriage.

May 9 2016, 11:01 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

Realistic wounding including dismemberment, etc. is a must. The complexities of accounting for caliber + physiology + physics is way too hard to put together for the dev's and processing power for the drives though. However, blowing people's heads off with sniper rifles and their legs coming off with an IED is just the fact of the matter. Perhaps starting with greater wound demonstration on the OPFOR AI would be an easy way to test out some of the mechanics. It matters. I do believe a setting would be in order.

May 9 2016, 11:00 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

If anyone actually played or do play OF:Dragon Rising, that would be the perfect type of knife to put in. It's there, but in 50,000 kills since 2009 I have 0 knife kills. If you snuck up on a sniper 3 meters away in real life you would try to shank him? Come on.
Battlefield 3 in a game with nothing to add to ARMA; this is a reality simulator. It's like saying golf is a sport like boxing is. Both are fun, but they are unrelated. What's next crossbow with explosives? This is the only game left for adult players. Please don't f*&$ it up.

May 9 2016, 10:44 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

I vote up as long as you have a 50/50 chance that you get shot trying to sneak up on them, 90 % that they scream or some audible air exchange occurs when you cut into their trachea, and most importantly that it's a ghastly, hideous affair that lasts 10 seconds at least. People getting knifed to death should be an accurate portrayal, like in prison. I don't know how this could be done. I vote down, not because it can't be done, more because it's something that just be modded as a real knife fight, not press X to melee. A shovel would work nicely, although neither would be very quiet.

May 9 2016, 10:43 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T59883: Helicopter controls are way too arcade.

Shouldn't only designated pilots be able to fly a helicopter? The average infantry can't fly helicopters or airplanes.

May 9 2016, 7:17 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T59307: Unable to customize XBOX 360 gamepad controls, default preset is unusable.

Rory, I don't think it was "perfect" at all. Better, certainly. There are as many duplicate issues as there are upvotes on this. The ARMA II set up still had a ton of unused buttons, two buttons to do one thing and so on. Anyway, until all the people who want this built into the game instead of using xpadder make some noise it's not going to get done. I do have xpadder set up myself, but it would be much better to design it into the game. The fear is that it will drag game play tactics into the gutter. I play single player more often than not and would like to be a able to do as much as possible as quickly as possible. If we could get 200 poeple to upvote this in the next couple weeks, we could jog their interest; otherwise, get settled into using xpadder as a permanent half solution.

May 9 2016, 6:51 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T59307: Unable to customize XBOX 360 gamepad controls, default preset is unusable.

The lack of attention to this issue is very frustrating. It seems so simple to do and yet it remains unresolved. There are so many core functions that remain unassigned to controller buttons and so many duplicates (wasted opportunities to assign an important function). The entire D-pad is not used. (The map - click once to see map. Click again to exit map. That needs only on button).
Night vision, binoculars, compass, sprint all unavailable via controller as of the .60 update, while two buttons are used to do one thing and many buttons remain unassigned. There are so many duplicates of this issue. The video on you tube has 3,000 hits on how to set up your controller. Let's put this issue to bed. Utilize one click on, click again off; assign every button it's own function until you run out of buttons and it's done.

May 9 2016, 6:51 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T59307: Unable to customize XBOX 360 gamepad controls, default preset is unusable.

CSR Kryssar: Most of us at this point have customized the controller. 1. The right trigger will not bond (function) to anything, including the obvious reason which is to fire. That remains a problem. It's listed as a crossed out duplicates of the overall issue, but in fact those players were ahead of the curve in terms of figuring out how to do it (customize the controller), and it is SPECIFIC to that key (Right Trigger). Please set up your PRESET configuration so that changes can be made it without WIPING OUT the rest of the settings, as it does not. Currently, you can use the preset (very limited functionality) or you can custom assigned everything, but you cannot modify the preset. 90% of us with controllers stopped dealing with this one because we figured out how to do it, even though its not perfect. I hope that helps as you try to resolve this for everyone. Thanks for the game, it's awesome!

May 9 2016, 6:51 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T59307: Unable to customize XBOX 360 gamepad controls, default preset is unusable.

Let's not allow perfection to become the enemy of improvement. That is what the Alpha is all about. Personally, I'm so frustrated with the fact that even the ARMA 2 controls, when selected, do not work (at all). That would be a major leap forward and allow me to test out the game. Please consider 0005716 as a potential rewording of the issue regarding establishing a greater degree of controller funtionality. Issuing all the commands without the use of a keyboard and mouse is easily achievable, has already been done before, and will not port over COD players. For now, though, I just want to be able to do basic weapons manipulations.

May 9 2016, 6:51 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T59307: Unable to customize XBOX 360 gamepad controls, default preset is unusable.

MaddogX, Having it fully customizable is a lofty long term goal, but for now I would at least like to be able to complete the major functions. 98% of players would agree we need to be able to (ASAP):

  1. Use the map (W/O the K/M)
  2. Access the inventory of dead quickly (W/O the K/M)
  3. Change firing rate and ammo type (including 40mm launcher) (W/O the K/M)
  4. Drive vehicles in a way that doesn't conflict throttle with camera

Some of this or other important items may already be mapped, but they is no diagram or schematic to tell you. Can one (without the keyboard and mouse) already: Throw a grenade? Switch to full auto or to the 40mm GL?

My list was in no way intended to be comprehensive or the final set up. But I, and I think most of us controller guys, agree with Williamz that we need a working default controller scheme first, even one that starts with the basics and adds as needed. Just as virtually all controller users expect X to reload, they are used to other "standard" features as well, e.g. (Right Trigger to accelerate vehicle, Left trigger to brake or reverse). So much could be done so easily with readily recognizable commands, it would tide us over until a more elaborate set up is designed. As long as it's reasonable and how it works is diagrammed, it might not even be necessary to offer complete customization.

Thanks, please keep us posted!

May 9 2016, 6:51 PM · Arma 3
gotmikl added a comment to T59307: Unable to customize XBOX 360 gamepad controls, default preset is unusable.

MadDogX - It seems that many of these comments have been listed as duplicates because they have do with the use a controller. Many say "unable to customize." It is not necessary to be able to customize the controller if a preset is established that makes sense. Below is a sensible way to map out the controller so no keyboard or mouse is needed to play the game. Doing so, by this or some other configuration, will drive sales exponentially. ARMA 3 is ready to increase its ease of play ability without losing the realism that makes it so special. What players love about the game is the tactical elements of the decision making process, not being a awesome typist.

Very common and familiar commands for Xbox style controller users:

Example: (Infantry): Left Trigger: Aim, Right Trigger: Shoot, Y (tap)- change weapon, X (tap)- reload, A (tap)- interact, B (tap) - ? , Y (hold) select from inventory display (grenades, smoke grenades, mines, explosives, whatever)(DPAD up/down to select), X (Hold) Change ammo type (DPAD up/down to select). B (Hold) ?

Left stick - move
Left Stick Click - Sprint.

Right stick - look around
Right stick click - Change stance (standing, kneeling, prone)

DPAD UP (solo)- Weapon light, DPAD DOWN - Night Vision, DPAD LEFT - rate of fire select, DPAD Right - NIGHT Vision Visible Laser

Right button hold - display team members (left side of screen). Left stick to desired member, then A to select respective team member(s) for orders.

Still Holding Right Button - The following orders options display:

(DPAD first press) UP - Formations
(DPAD second press) Left-column formation, Right-line formation, Up-wedge formation, Down-Vee formation

(DPAD first press) LEFT - Tactical
(DPAD second press) Left - Return Fire, Right- Fire on My Lead, UP- Weapons Free, Down - HOLD Fire

(DPAD first press) RIGHT - Spread
(DPAD second press) Left -Tight Spread, Right-Combat Spread, UP-Normal Spread

(DPAD first press) Down - Movement
(DPAD second press) UP -Move, Down - Move fast, Right - Attack, Down -Defend

Back button - MAP: While in map (contextual)- Left and right stick to move to desired area, A to select target location, Hold Y to bring up list of options (air strike, supplies, gun run, etc.) D pad up/down to select option and release DPAD to execute mission. press back button again to put away map. Also can use Right button Hold to Bring up team members to move them to spots on the map.

Vehicles - Right Trigger to Accelerate, Left trigger to brake or reverse. Left stick to steer, right stick to look up/down, side to side. Hold B to change Ammo type (DPAD up/down to select), Hold X to change weapon (tank main gun vs. .50 cal) (DPAD up/down to select). Left button to fire.

Aircraft - Move the yaw to the right and left buttons respectively.

Please consider this configuration or another that eliminates the keyboard & mouse. By making the commands contextual and using buttons in combination everything can be on the controller.

May 9 2016, 6:51 PM · Arma 3